With the new expansion drop, there is going to be a new campaign, new side quests, new strongholds, mercs, runes , statues to explore etc. I’m glad that they are allowing you to play thru all this at the same time as the season, but I wouldn’t have minded a non seasonal week just to try out all the new expansion content before launching into a new season. Still looking forward to next week, so usual forum censors can back off.
why? it isnt a race. i will take my time with the campaign and exploring. i will get max level and min/max in due time. its a 3month season. are you suggesting 3months isnt long enough to accomplish everything?
they are very bold and confident there won’t be server explosions, rollbacks, exploits, log in issues etc etc all of that good stuff.
it shows they have a plan.
I can’t remember what season it was but people were dragging stuff from eternal to seasonal. made me lol.
S6 players with the VoH will have a lot to do. I am still not sure if I will complete all of the stuff in the season before I jump into the VoH. Or go right into the VoH first with my new spiritborn Iggi-Glave and finished up with the season.
People can build jungle underground homes with a pool and waterslide within 15 mins only using a stick. How long do you think the new content will last?
This is me. My first character has done the campaign, explored everywhere and done every quest he can find. I’m definetly doing the new campaign and quests with him first before anything else.
Correct…Beta & Server Slam Player//Day 1 PenArcher…
Taken me 430 hrs to reach 100…Another 170 hours to get any “decent” NOT “superior” GA 1/2 and only one GA3, never seen a GA4, not seen a Purple…And every Tan item I’ve gotten has been pretty much trash stats…
So there’s no way I’d do seasonal and even complete it…
Also, JMO, I think only fools love to restart constantly, and grind the same MIND NUMBING crap for gear over and over with almost the exact same copy/paste metahobuild(s)…All for what? Some pixel items and a pixel leaderboard that in all honest, nobody gives an F about…
I think the announcement that the gauntlet is going is away is VERY telling. It clearly shows that most players don’t give a F about leaderboards or competition in arpgs.
Don’t do season, don’t do speed bs…I play early AM, NOBODY online…SOLO…
Season 1 didn’t even start until I was 60 at my pace, and once the nummies of blizz quit lying about how it was to work, everyone I knew quit…I stayed to reach 100…Now it’s just filler gaming until DragonAge:TheVeilguard arrives…
Uh, commentor that’s blocked…just that, you’re a donkey rear end and your opinion is useless…you’re a “holier” than thou in lala land…it’s why you’re there…your only comments are to bash others…CIAO!