Any New Information on the Diablo IV Network Disconnect problem?

Hello! I’ve been researching this topic as I have been having this problem when running Diablo IV over the last several months. I have read many forum posts and have watched several YouTube videos trying to find a resolution to the problem, but everything I have tried has not helped to resolve it. The vast majority of the posts I have reviewed on this issue are several months or more than one year old. I was wondering if this is still an issue with other Diablo IV players and/or if anyone else has more recent troubleshooting steps?

Here is the setup I am running:
Corsair Vengeance i7400 PC
13th Gen Intel i9-13900K Processor
1Gig Fiber Internet from TDS Fiber
Windows 11 OS
Windows Defender

Any new / updated information on this issue would be appreciated!

Thank you very much!

I would answer that some people still experience this issue to some degree.

But one thing I have seen that affects people a majority of the time, is there is an issue with the connection being solid and reliable enough to maintain the connection well.

I have seen people have this problem with high-end internet connections and I had seen people with low in connections or slow internet that have no issues at all.

I’ve also seen it go the other way.

Point is, just because you have super internet as some people like to call it, doesn’t mean you’re not going to have an issue.

The biggest factors that cause issues are local. And the number one problem I see is people using Wi-Fi connections and expecting them to be 100% reliable. News flash, wireless connections are not 100% reliable. There are a number of factors that can affect how well a Wi-Fi connection works.

Now if you are running a hard wire connection, and having these issues then it comes down to another couple of possibilities that could still be local.

One could be that the router or switch or internet providing device that you are wired to is causing some issues based on how that device is set up. Some devices may use quality of service protocols, some may have different firewall settings etc. I know that Diablo 4 doesn’t play well with devices that have anti DDoS features for example.

Another possibility is the network card in the system. Sometimes they have trouble auto setting their speed and connection. I have on rare occasions had to lock a card in on the speed I wanted it to run at because it wouldn’t auto set the right speed or connection. Drivers of the network card sometimes cause issues like that too. It’s always best to go to the source for the Network driver such as the manufacturer of the card or the manufacturer of the motherboard depending on what you’re running.

Lastly it could even be a cable that has an issue such as a badly crimped end or similar.

Also Diablo 4 happens to be one of the most sensitive to network disruption I’ve ever seen in a game. Any little thing can cause it to hiccup and quit. Including even performance of the system itself. It has been well known that running the game from a hard drive instead of a solid state drive can cause teleporting to disconnect the game.

Hi DTMAce!

Thank you for your response! I will check into the things you suggested and will go from there. I guess there could be an issue with the ISP. Although we have a 1Gig Fiber connection, the company providing the network infrastructure in the city where I live is new to the area, so there could be some issues there.

Much appreciated!

I still have this issue constantly…doesn’t seem like a network based issue. I’ll try turning of cross-play

Oh, I forgot: I use a hard-wired connection from my computer to the router. I just use the “built-in” network connection on the motherboard in my machine though as I don’t have a separate network card. Not sure if that makes a difference, but thought I would add…

Anything is possible sure. Another thought occurred to me to check on, make sure you aren’t running any VPN’s, even those that could be part of an Antivirus program.

Well. Between your computer/console and the server is all networking related. So it could be any number of points along the path between you and the servers. And there are a lot of points. Your hardware in your room/house/office, to the ISP distribution block near you, to their main trunk, to their primary internet junction, where its handed off to any number of companies owning the network between them and the ones that operate the server connections. Then through that ISP, then to the server controller, then finally directed to a server that is positioned to serve you.

And with Diablo IV, the servers you connect to can change often during your session.

That’s fine. This is quite common actually. But the manufacturer of the motherboard, or if this was a pre-built system, often have their own support website where you can download drivers for things like the network card portion of the motherboard.

Sometimes they have an updated/exact driver for that model of card, where Windows updates have an older driver or more generic version of the driver.

That discrepancy alone can cause issues in some cases. And yes, I have even seen where the exact driver causes an issue but the generic Windows update driver works… Its annoying. lol

We have seen where the latest GPU drivers don’t work well but older ones do. But then you take another system with the same hardware and its the opposite.

With millions of gamers and millions of computers with millions of different configurations and personal preferences, its a wonder more games don’t go bonkers and not work.

This is only happening with Diablo 4 via battlenet…There are many threads but still no response from mods or engineering.

Thanks again for your response! Yes, I am running NordVPN on my machine. I tried turning it completely off and running the game again, but after about 10 minutes, encountered the Network Disconnect error again.

I’m going to give my ISP a call today to see if there is anything that can be done to “condition” my connection and perhaps smooth it out a bit. I will also check the website for my motherboard to see if they have any current drivers.

Much appreciated!