Any introductions of Overlevels?

The new changes are great and everyone likes them (even though Season 4 is empty without any seasonal content).

Now there is only one question left - what to do after level 100? This system also needs to be changed somehow. We need to change the leveling system and introduce “super levels”, no matter what they are called. The main thing is that this “super-level” is not similar to the system in Diablo 3.

There is the game Lost Ark, there is the game Diablo Immortal, and in these two games the overlevels work perfectly.

I’m looking forward to rebuilding the leveling system, it seems to me that this is one of the pressing issues now

  1. New FREE Battle Pass with 28 tiers.
  2. New season only Iron Wolves Questline.
  3. New season only 18 Iron Wolves rewards (from the Wolves Honor).
  4. New season only Helltide elixir the Profane Mindcage.
  5. New season only Legendary items for each class.
  6. New season only mount trophy and banner.
  7. Fresh start with everyone else.
  • Urn of Nightmares: Boost Paragon Glyph XP earned in Nightmare Dungeons.
  • Urn of Iron: Boost your reputation with the Iron Wolves from Helltide activities.
  • Urn of Burning Obols: Boost the amount of Obols you can find in Helltide chests, which contain Obols during this season.
  • Urn of Aggression: This blessing boosts XP earned from monster kills.
  • Urn of Whispers: This blessing will boost the chance to receive a Greater Cache from completing Grim Favors for the Tree of Whispers.

I don’t play LA or DI myself, but could you explain what these ‘over-levels’ do in those games? You went to great lengths to praise them but not explain them.


Are “overlevels” like Paragon in D3 where you get minor bonuses for continually leveling up? If so, Blizzard tried that already… years ago.


They tried it in D3 and it worked like a charm, no reason not to have it in D4, maybe not exactly the same… but similar.

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Personally didn’t care for unlimited paragon myself. Eventually made all the difficulty in the game trivial. I enjoyed the game, but thought this was a cheap way to just get past any sort of difficulty the game offered.

I know I’m in the minority here, as people still love and play the game to this day. I just don’t like infinite progression in video games is all.


Same for me it was mostly for people who could grind all day when others had real life things to deal with.

However I mostly ran solo so I did not really care if others wanted to run on the paragon treadmill. :carrot: :rabbit2:


Overlevels in Diablo Immortal allow players to receive additional bonuses and improvements for their character. These bonuses can include increases in base stats such as strength, agility, and intelligence, as well as improved abilities or the acquisition of special skills.

Overlevels usually have no upper limit, so players can continue to earn points and upgrades even after long hours of play. This allows players to gradually improve their characters and remain interested in the game even after completing the main content.


So similar to Paragon from D3 with even more options from the sounds of it. I will respectfully disagree with you just on the basis I do not enjoy infinite progression systems, and I will leave it at that. Thank you for explaining though, I do appreciate it.


I’ll stop correcting it when you stop pasting it.

"The Battle Pass has Free Tiers and Premium Tiers. Throughout the pass players can earn a variety of rewards for free, just by playing. At any point during the Season, players can purchase the Premium Pass to unlock the ability to earn Premium rewards tiers containing seasonally themed Cosmetics and Premium Currency." - Blizzard


They can call it free all they want: there’s a pay wall to access it. It isn’t free.

28 of the Battle Pass rewards are free. And you can’t gain them without playing Season. But how about this? If you dislike it, don’t claim yours.
…but I bet you do!


It’s not a matter of disliking it. It’s a matter of fact: There’s a paywall to access the battle pass, either in the form of purchasing D4 or subscribing through Game Pass. It isn’t free. It’s included.

The ‘Premium’ Battle Pass is an extra fee.

You have no reason to defend something that isn’t true and it doesn’t benefit you.

You could say the same about the forums you are posting on.

In fact, if you wish to play reductum ad absurdum, everything you do isn’t free. It costs you money just to live - from your residence to utilities to food, and taxes.

The 28 free Battle Pass tiers obviously require a purchase and Seasonal play of Diablo 4.

But it does benefit me. I will be playing in Seasonal, and I will be claiming the Battle Pass. And the 28 tiers are freely available provided the conditions are met. Those conditions require no additional purchase; thus they are freely available.


Don’t try to project, if you need to use a fallacy to make your argument then that’s on you. I haven’t made one.

Try telling someone “Hey, have you heard of Diablo 4? You can kill loads of demons and monsters…for free!” Do you think they’ll be confused when they’re met with a $70 paywall (or sub fee through game pass)? You would be dishonest if you said no. The features are included in the purchase of the game and they’re not free.

There’s nothing absurd about being aware of basic definitions and how twisting those definitions benefits multi-billion dollar companies. It’s an included feature: It isn’t free.

Yes, you have. You’re claiming the absurdity that a free benefit of D4 Season is a cost, because D4 isn’t free. I just pointed it out, rofl.

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“It’s free once you pay for the part that isn’t free!”

rofl indeed.

Technically speaking, they had to get a console or PC first, so that’s already 400+ bucks right there depending. Monitors and TVs you can get fairly cheap maybe an extra 100 bucks. Then they need electricity preferably in a residence of some sort, but you could technically get it for free, just probably not for very long. Now you’ll also need an internet connection, that’ll set you back some. Now we have to buy the game, so that’s 70 bucks for the base at launch.

So with utilities, rent/mortgage, pc/console, and game, we’re looking at anywhere from 600 to a couple thousand dollars just to play the game and have access to the forums and the battle pass. This is all moot if your parents pay for it though. At that point everything is free. Ah the good ol days.

Also the individual you’re talking to won’t give up on these semantics. Never seen some one so upset trying to prove their point over a trivial matter.


leveling and reaching an end level is fine. that part doesnt need a rework