Any class NOT locked behind a unique?

Barbarian does not need uniques, they just enhance them.

When combined with the Umbral affix you gain resource every time you CC an enemy, Penitent Greaves stacked with that affix cause every single enemy aggroā€™d onto you to become CCā€™d.

Thereā€™s a unique scythe that generates resource off chilled enemies, too, that offers good synergy.

Note Iā€™m only talking about making a Bone Spear build that drops the generator/basic skill altogether.

It lets you focus on corpse explosion to start generating more blood orbs, and makes the Blood Drinker glyph generate a lot more fortify.

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Druid is litterally a class where most builds are not tied behind uniques lol

Letā€™s be honest here:
That scythe is not going to be used by anyone serious for Bone Spear build.

Any content where you are not getting enough resource return on kill is content where you DO NOT want to be in melee range to get chill on enemy (in that content you are sniping at the edge of the screen, anywhere else Essence on kill + Exposed flesh will ensure 0 downtime).

I mean, look, I am glad there are different playstyles but I really, really wouldnā€™t call penitent mandatory for bone necro.

The life on kill from a Scythe is actually pretty nice, and damage output from Bone Spear is already pretty high. Iā€™d probably swap to a two handed sword from super late game content like Uber Lilith or higher nightmare dungeons where things arenā€™t still getting 2 - 3 shot by the bone spear.

Anyway, I said almost mandatory because once youā€™ve tried the greaves with an umbral aspect you see how much of a power spike it is. I was struggling in World Tier 4 just because of the down time from using a generator; not struggling as in dying a lot but struggling with how slow the build played.

Greaves definitely donā€™t need you to be in melee range, you just run past everything instead of killing and then engage it as it follows you. Keep in mind itā€™s chilled/slowed at that point.

Sorcerer. Most of our uniques makr your build actively worse. Thereā€™s a few that may be fun to play around with, but not one thatā€™s required. Hell, even the teleport chest peice is not required.

No class is ā€˜lockedā€™ behind a unique. You can level all the way to 100 even in world tier 4 with builds that donā€™t use uniques.

If you want to push higher nightmare dungeons, 10-20 levels above yours then the best builds do use uniques. But there are still options that will work for this that donā€™t use them.

I play Druid mainly, so I will give you the examples of the trample slide build as well as the pulverize bear build. Pulverize gets better with uniques but in no way requires them.

Iā€™m playing a tornado / boulder natures fury build with zero uniques at level 73 doing Nm tiers where the mobs are 8-10 levels higher than me. It works. Not the best build, but it works.

Life on kill from Scythe is definitely nice, however not in high NM push nor on Uber lilith. Whatā€™s NICE about Two Hand scythe is 0.9 attack speed that actually gets better than 52 crit damage at certain threshold for alpha strike (not sustain). However we werenā€™t talking about that, your argument, if I am not mistaken, was about bloodless Scream to leverage chill effect.

I at no point struggled in WT4 (maybe for first two levels as I was there since 60). I shuffled through like 5 penitent graves till I found out that 10% reduction + Superior maintained speed of acestral boots is way better.

As I said, in content where Essence matter and you are not capped, you are not getting close NOR running through stuff because anything that touches you kills you instantly, everything else you oneshoot = enough essence.

Now if you excuse me, I have 3 last levels to finish and Helltide to sweep.

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Hey to each their own, we seem to have followed different gear progression routes into late game.

My RNG on +maximum essence or essence cost reduction gear was pretty bad mid game, so I was only able to cast 3 bone spears before being totally drained. It just felt bad and Greaves fixed it for me.

Interesting how the game can play out so differently on the same class.

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Thatā€™s what this game is all about! Figuring out solution, making the best out of drops game provides you with.

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