Another day in the life of a sorcerer

The tower/sack is immune to cc. Highest lvl NM I cleared was 76 but it was quite stressfull. Not challenging in a Dark Souls kinda way due to all the clutter on the screen with 6 elites in a tiny room, making any meaninful decision making impossible, and just mashing buttons hoping for the best. Who knows what went on but somehow i won.

I tried to get all possible gear with mana stuff and damage reduction but the Helltides grind was awful.

Anywho, I hope the class will be fixed but Iā€™m off to greener pastures.

No they canā€™t be frozen. Only vuln applies. These things take forever to kill because most of my kit is all based off CC. That dungeon with doors you have to break have the same problem.

These things alone show part of the sorc issues. We do nothing except when you can chill, freeze, stun. When you can do those things, things tend to melt or blowup. When you canā€™t you might as well not bother because youā€™ll be there an hour. There is no in between. The power curve is terrible. Especially when you make things intentionally not CCā€™able. You either do no damage or a ton of damage.

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While sorc problems with constructs are well known, sorc from video has suspiciously low values of many important stats (and no aspect of Frozen Memories, it seems)ā€¦

This is hilarious. Iā€™m 76 and I am not looking forward to end-game.

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Your damage should be higher than that, im doing x4 damage compare to you on these structure @@

I can even carry 3 people in NM 60-70, the structure is like x3 more tanky than going solo and i can shoot them just fine

I played WOW 1.0 once and wanted to sling lightning bolts like Thor. My damage sucked but Iā€™m also a completionlist so I respecced to resto and cleared Naxx. But I wanted to be Thor, not Freya.

Reading up on Diablo 4 I was very happy since there was supposed to be many ā€œinteresting choicesā€. Hell yeah! This time Iā€™m going to be Thor goddammit even though the basic skill animation of arc lash looks like my blind granny trying to swat a fly.

The below video is evidence of my failure, not only of me being Thor but also of me playing the ā€œinteresting choiceā€. Critique my gameplay please.

That affixes, that flatout increase or decrease your dmg output exist in the first place is telling volumes about the quality of devs that worked on the game <.<

AND SO DOES THIS BLOODY THING. Bruh, whoever tested this and thought it was good, must have been fighting two mobs at a time all the time.

There are many variables to making a game, a complex task indeed, but NM 60+ feels contrived. There simply is no gear supporting it for sorcerer or the game logic is faulty. It feels like I cannot affect the outcome in any meningful way, even grinding perfect gear, and I have to rely on luck.

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Iā€™m playing a lvl 67 Nightmare dungeon right now and was looking to see if anyone had builds to do these. I have the exact same problem. Iā€™ve crafted like 5 top tier build and non of them work really at allā€¦ at lvl 65 it takes so long to do these that the game becomes not fun. Can someone from the dev team make a build that would work on this to show the community itā€™s actually possibleā€¦ the only thing that will work is northwars blizzard build but the glacial aspect hasnā€™t dropped for me at a high tearā€¦ so likeā€¦ I have to grind for that and get lucky to proceed at all with the Sorc?

For info, last NM dungeon I did was a tier 76, and I completed it. It took over 25 minutes though, but it was an anti CC map with mostly ranged mobs.

What happens is that even if a member lf the dev team came up with a video showing itā€™s possible to beat NM100 and that the class is fine (and it is judging by the fact that some sorcerer did manage to beat NM100), it would require an almost perfect maxed gear to get to NM100 and some sigil cherrypicking and a good lot of luck when it comes to having almost no ranged mobs in the map.

Devs can play with that gear without any effort, while we have to grind for it. In over 145 hours of play with my Sorcerer, Iā€™m nowhere near BiS and only one of my item is maxed 4/4 affixes. All my others items are either 3/4 (obviously not maxed at all) or very low/mid roll 4/4. Itā€™s that hard to get.

Some lucky players got their max roll gear by lvl 75, but thatā€™s obviously not the norm.

I tried Diablo IV, I really did. I adjusted my build and got better gear to do end game content but itā€™s even worse than World of Warcraft 1.0. No matter what itā€™s unreasonable as a sorcerer (I wanted to be elemental shammy back then, no dice).

Itā€™s unfatomable how the squishiness of the class hasnā€™t been fixed yet. There simply is no gameplay decisions that can reasonably avoid death in NM70+ and that is very very bad gameplay design. Playing Remnant 2 instead of Season 1 is now a very easy decision.

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Heā€™s playing Shatter combo spec. To do damage he needs one of two things: CC stacked on top of each other or high mob density to trigger cascade of explosions. The only option he had, was to respec or leave xD

Random mound pillar>>>>>>>>>Uber Lilith

That sounds great paleniozord. So I need to git gud afterall and the class is fine. Can you please post more information, like a build and gear spec?

Did i say anything about state of the class? Thatā€™s just a giant wall for your build, Pyro/Lightning would not have this issue, but plenty of other problems. Some affixes are simply impossible for certain builds. And thatā€™s to be expected.
Hitting a roadblock like this so early however, shows glaring design issues though.

OK thanks, got it, xD

you should see my Frozen Orb build :smiley:

Having now beat a lvl 88 NM dungeon I bring you a short video of what the experience is like most of the time. Fun!

I knew before opening the vid that it was going to be some type of ice shards build

Itā€™s obvious your resource gen+mana casto reduc+lucky hit chance to restore resource is non existent. I mean are you really this bad at videogames???

Ps. rewatched lol youā€™re using a dagger hahahahahahaha, now you have -10% lucky hit chance wich translates into less procs of Frigid Breeze/Avalanche

Critical strike damge 73%, Vulenerable damage 46.2%, Mana regen 10, CDR 21% ??? You need way more of those stats which you would have if you would care to optimize your gear rather than force push with garbage numbers. I donā€™t even want to see your skill tree/paragon because I bet they are garbage as well with no synergy whatsoever.

Jesus your gear optimization is absolute trash and you wanted to do a 64?? lmao.

I mean please sorc is weak but at least if you want to complain show a video where you have optimized gear and trying to perform.

Seriously these dad players are so casual that literally want to log in and get everything to succeed. never listen to their feedback blizzard thank you. fffk em.

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