Another day in the life of a sorcerer



It’s crazy how long these take.

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Uhm. I have not tested that particular egg thingy yet, but seeing it’s lvl 118 (or unles I can’t see clearly), it means that it must be NM65 or so?

If you uninstalled, it’s no biggie, but shouldn’t your damage be way higher than this though?

I have near infinite mana against solo targets. Maybe if you ever re-install you can
revisit your build choices.

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Have you played Sorc? Basically to hurt anything, it has to be CC’ed.

This is true for a lot of the game, but it is even more true for Sorc unfortunately. So the tower objective things are pretty painful, especially if they are the spawner type (which this one wasn’t).

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Umbral ?

That wouldn’t work here would it


Lvl 100 Fire sorcerer here with far from BiS gear. I have not tested anything higher than NM65 so far as I was trying to level up (last time I tested was at lvl 97, but cleared it easily enough and I increased in damage by 15% or so since then, so I could probably push a bit higher).

Still, what most players do is to cherry pick their NM dungeons. I certainly wouldn’t do a 60% burning damage reduction dungeon for example and I loathe ressources burning ones too.

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No my build wouldn’t work with his build, I’m using chain lightning/arc lash. It looks like he is using spears?

Sorry just meant the umbral + FoF combo for example probably wouldnt work on the tower since they can’t be CC’ed and get the mana ups

I’m arc lash too and I don’t have mana problems, but these towers do outgen (or almost) and it takes a long time to kill them since no CC dmg

How my God It looks awful. However remember that you can still cc those tower enemy(i’m not 100% sure if stuns work on them) but pretty sure you can at least freeze them so that should help a ton on clearing
Edit nvm i’v watched all the video seeing you clearly using frost nove but apply only vuln…wich Is Wired pretty sure at least most of the towers can be Frozen…but maybe it’s me Just Imagine things🤣

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Pretty much. Then add in playing frogger with the elites in the room, 1 shot sim. lets go.

I’m telling you guys. Blizzard doesn’t care about the sorc. Just re-roll to something else season 1. Once they see the class barely being played, they’ll give it a 2% buff.

Yeah, I had no intention of playing Sorcerer season 1.

I had fun leveling with my Hydras/Firewall build, but it’s too situational (CC dependant) and when you’re caught in a room full of stunlocking or ranged monsters in a high NM dungeon, you’re pretty much a siting duck. Unless they really buff fire spells and burning as a whole and increase sorcerer survivability outside of running or cooldowns, I’m not leveling another Sorcerer and let’s face it, I’ll probably skip a few seasons before doing the same class and theme combo.l anyway to keep things a bit fresh.

Already played a druid, so it’s going to be Rogue, Necro or Barb for me.

Funny how non-sorc players won’t know that 100% of sorc damage is locked behind cc. And the op is probly a nub troll who can’t even win against a stationary object.

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The tower/sack is immune to cc. Highest lvl NM I cleared was 76 but it was quite stressfull. Not challenging in a Dark Souls kinda way due to all the clutter on the screen with 6 elites in a tiny room, making any meaninful decision making impossible, and just mashing buttons hoping for the best. Who knows what went on but somehow i won.

I tried to get all possible gear with mana stuff and damage reduction but the Helltides grind was awful.

Anywho, I hope the class will be fixed but I’m off to greener pastures.

No they can’t be frozen. Only vuln applies. These things take forever to kill because most of my kit is all based off CC. That dungeon with doors you have to break have the same problem.

These things alone show part of the sorc issues. We do nothing except when you can chill, freeze, stun. When you can do those things, things tend to melt or blowup. When you can’t you might as well not bother because you’ll be there an hour. There is no in between. The power curve is terrible. Especially when you make things intentionally not CC’able. You either do no damage or a ton of damage.

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While sorc problems with constructs are well known, sorc from video has suspiciously low values of many important stats (and no aspect of Frozen Memories, it seems)…

This is hilarious. I’m 76 and I am not looking forward to end-game.

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Your damage should be higher than that, im doing x4 damage compare to you on these structure @@

I can even carry 3 people in NM 60-70, the structure is like x3 more tanky than going solo and i can shoot them just fine

I played WOW 1.0 once and wanted to sling lightning bolts like Thor. My damage sucked but I’m also a completionlist so I respecced to resto and cleared Naxx. But I wanted to be Thor, not Freya.

Reading up on Diablo 4 I was very happy since there was supposed to be many “interesting choices”. Hell yeah! This time I’m going to be Thor goddammit even though the basic skill animation of arc lash looks like my blind granny trying to swat a fly.

The below video is evidence of my failure, not only of me being Thor but also of me playing the “interesting choice”. Critique my gameplay please.

That affixes, that flatout increase or decrease your dmg output exist in the first place is telling volumes about the quality of devs that worked on the game <.<

AND SO DOES THIS BLOODY THING. Bruh, whoever tested this and thought it was good, must have been fighting two mobs at a time all the time.