Ancestral Drop Rates: The Casual Player Killer

Yeah not only casual players, anyone who values their time. When the rate to get Ancestral gear is so low, and I believe needed for T4, no one will want to waste their time searching for it.
There is nothing new to make you want to, just less chances to actually get the gear you need.

Sorry there are other games out there.
Note: I mean the rate on PTR not on live.


Our clan runs a full 4-person team every week. During that time, we do a variety of stuff, but at least 10 tormented boss runs. And yes, we’ve seen ONE drop in that whole time.

Solo, I’ve never been able to defeat any tormented boss on any build in any season.

As a person who was farming t4 bosses on PTR without cheating. the item progression feels horrible. everything that isn’t 800 is the new sacred item tier.

Bringing this over from another thread:

“We had loot raining out of our ears in S5 and yet it was the most played season by both Blasters and normal players.”

I think that point can’t be made enough, the idea is to get more engagement, not less. People advocating for punishing grinds will only result in less engagement overall.

This means less players logging in, it means less players buying things out of the shop. It’s a seasonal game, players should have an easier time receiving powerful items as it only resets the next season. People play ARPGs to get that power high, pushing them into long grinds is not the way to achieve good engagement.

They have to find other way other than showering the best drops in a matter of few hours.
Loot piniatas are not the solution. Those that got to play a bit more in the first weekend were almost done with the season due to the insanely fast progression of this season.

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I don’t have an issue with the drop rates, Item progression in the PTR is one of the things that feels good. I also think they will keep the greater chest in infernal hordes which is a guaranteed ancestral item, and we currently don’t have access to that on the PTR.

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Couldn’t agree more, OP. I made it all the way to torment 4, fully masterworked 4/12 and all glyphs at level 15+ and in that entire time I only found two usable ancestral items. Two.

It’s a big problem.


This is a fair point. If they keep the guaranteed GA from hordes that will be a wonderful reason to run them.

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My bet will be the new “raid” will be the place to get them. Got to get those 85% of solo players in groups…

Pretty sure they said the raid is for cosmetic items + temper scrolls only. I mean infernal hordes already had a greater chest with 1 garenteed ancestral, it fits perfectly in the item progression setup they have right now. Pits for glyphs, NMD for materials, inferno hordes for ancestral drops, raid for temper scrolls + cosmetics.

If you think the current drop rate of Ancestral gear on PTR is not an extreme grind, you are gaslighting yourself. I just played for 2 hours and got ONE Ancestral item. Most people would consider that an extreme grind.

If you believe the majority of players want an extremely time consuming loot grind to acquire the Ancestral gear required to unlock Torment 4, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Most people want to feel like their time is being well spent and see continuous progression.

I rarely post on the forums, but I play A LOT of D4, and the PTR drop rates for Ancestral gear have not only made it difficult to test things, but have been so dissapointing that I actually felt it was important to take the time to voice my concerns about it.

Come on, you just like arguing. This will be my last time responding to you.

If I have a decent amulet with good tempers, I am not going to replace it with the better amulet and two bad tempers that don’t help my build, therefore it is bricked. Without the tempers it still isn’t better than the slightly worse Amulet with good tempers.

Ok dude… I have tested this very thing on PTR, maybe a god gamer could manage it, but most people likely won’t be able to clear a T65 Pit without a decent amount of Ancestral gear. I rolled optimal ilvl 750 gear for my build, tempered and masterworked everything, even maxed my glyphs, and continously got one-shot every time an enemy 50 meters away farted. Good luck.

You are an unreasonable, selfish player. This will be my last time responding to you as well.

What is completely absurd is this notion that you think less hardcore players, who can’t afford to spend as much time playing as you, shouldn’t be able to beat the same end game content you do. Get off your high horse and let everyone enjoy the game.

We all pay a hefty price for the game, and we should all be able to experience the game end to end, regardless of how much time each individual player can afford to invest each season. YOU ARE REWARDED FOR YOUR DEDICATION, because you will certainly have significantly better and more optimized gear for your efforts. You will be able to blast through the end game modes much easier and faster and push higher Pits than those who can’t play as much as you, and THAT is your reward.

Edit: Had to add this:

You deserve an award for this comment!


Not all content is designed for the same reason, the game is literally completed before ever reaching torment 4. Torment 4 is for pushing your character to the max for people who want to invest more time. If you expect everything designed in every aspect of a game to be exactly catered for you that’s pretty selfish. Millions of gamers all with different tastes and time available. The systems in place are designed to target customers each with different tastes. Not everything appeals to everyone, which is why not everyone buys D4 in the first place.

If you’re that casual why do you believe you should be in T4 instead of playing the difficulty that suits you? Why should everything be done in 8 hours of gameplay in a season?

No its the system. They made it easier to get a 5/5. On drop you have a 3/5 and nothing more. Sometimes RNG works, sometimes it doesnt. No big deal you just find another item.

This is where I semi disagree. Paragon and glyph holds a ton of power. Yes it might take 10-20 hours to get to T4 and comfortably farm it but its not a requirement. If you want to just blast/faceroll you control that difficulty. You have choices.

Its selfish to demand instant gratification. Your playing an arpg not some arcade game. If you cant handle RNG then its not the right genra for you.

Whats completely absured is you believe you need to be a hardcore player in D4. Games built for the casual gamer. Yes currently in PTR you need to play the game to progress as it should be.

No, we paid the standard price that all games are listed at. Just because you buy something doesnt mean it is going to be designed exactly the way you want it. If you dont have fun in arpgs and you still bought it thats on you for being a bad consumer.

Exactly. I dont know why op doesnt understand this. Maybe its because X streamer does Y so he feels entitled to it without playing the game.

Pretty sure tier 4 or 5 hordes offered greater chests with 1 guaranteed ancestral, I would say inferno horde 7 would be torment 4. Most likely would have access to farm out ancestrals in hordes.

What I mean is, if casual Joe can invest enough time and effort to acquire the gear to play through the various end game modes and has the skill to beat them, that should not be a problem. At the same time, casual Joe shouldn’t be prevented from ever getting the opportunity because he doesn’t have enough time to farm Ancestral gear with the PTR drop rates.

Diablo 4 has seen great success in seasons 4 and 5 with the new loot system, the changes in PTR feel like a major step back.

Even in season 5, it still takes a significant time investment to get geared for T8 Hordes or high level Pits. And the loot hunt doesn’t have to end there. I think a lot of players find it more fun, because they can get to blasting faster. And if the class or build they picked to start with isn’t fun for them or they just want to try something new, they can switch fairly easily and focus more on things like skills, paragon boards, and optimizing their gear, rather than wondering if they will get an Ancestral item this month.

And maybe that’s the answer, but sadly we can’t test it in PTR and we likely won’t get another PTR before launch. So all we have to go on is, Sacred gear is gone, Legendary gear isn’t good enough for high level content, and Ancestral drop rates are now abysmally low.

There is also the argument to be made that the reward should be worth the effort. If you are running difficult content that requires Ancestral gear to complete, the gear that drops from that content should also be ancestral, so you actually have a chance to get upgrades.

Ok first you say if casual joe can invest time and effort into it, he should be able to obtain gear, then right after you say casual joe should be able to do the exact same thing playing less… i mean you’re literally disagreeing with yourself.

You should get nothing from not playing. Playing is literally the purpose of a game. To play it. There isn’t a single thing in life if you don’t do it more you don’t get more… Study more better results, work harder better gains, prepare more better results… games are no different. It doesn’t even make logical sense that a player with 1hour gametime should get the same as a player with 3hour game time. Playing the game is the purpose.

I’m just not a fan of having my item bricked by bad tempering rolls. :weary: Just let people spend as much of their gold and materials as they want. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have not bought the Xpac yet and as it stands right now, Unless Blizzard makes some big changes i have no intention of buying it. Why should i pay $40.00+ dollars to be fustrated and stressed. Stress, A game should be fun and a way to relief stress not add to it. I played PTR for one reason, To see what it really takes to get Youtuber Gear. And it’s absurd And proves beyond any doubt in my mind that Blizzard gives them all that gear, Or they get it some other way but not like any normal regular player ever could. My point is their videos are misleading and unrealistic and it should stop. I undserstand that they are showing what a maxed out build could do. But with the way Blizzard has this game, Path Of Diablo setup, 98% of us will never get that far. I’m done buying games that it would take a lifetime to max out and the luck of the Irish to achive. And I am Irish lol. :four_leaf_clover: Now where did i put me pint?

Sorry for lack of paragraphs, I never went to finishing School. :rofl:


I logged in specifically to reply to you

You are what’s wrong with gaming. You think because you can no life something that you should be rewarded over someone else that can’t put in as much time as you. You want to turn Diablo into a mobile game where if you no life 12 hours a day you can be better than everyone.

Your opinion is toxic to this game. Season 5 has been great for this game. The current PTR drop rates and changes are an actual disservice to this game and will make people not play .

There is something wrong in this game where I was able to get more mythic drops from bosses than any unique with a GA. This is fundamentally flawed.

There is nothing wrong with being able to get gear within a reasonable timeframe in a seasonal game. 3 month season I should expect to be able to get my character geared up within 30ish hours.

I have spent hundred of hours in season 5 made 4 characters for them all completely geared up and had a blast. With the way PTR is currently that’s just 1 character. If that’s the ways it’s going to be then blizzard can kick rocks I and many others will go find something else to do.

Enjoy your grindfest


I am glad that journey to 90%power bis gear won´t be done in 3 days. I didn´t test it but if drops for ancestral will be that low as some players are suggesting here. It may lead to wierd situation where we will use trash ancestral items (with horrible affixes) simple bcs +12 and second temper is more important than whole 3 normal affixes. I find that wierd.

Playing with non GA gear and later on slowly tranform to ancestral makes sense. But this won´t be that case… 2/2 proper temper and 8/12 is too important.

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