Ancestral Drop Rates: The Casual Player Killer

They made ancestral more rare and stronger. While non-ancestral gear doesn’t quite cut the mustard when you need that extra damage spike.

now only if there was some sort of middle ground between normal gear and ancestral gear.

they could call it sacred or something. Just spit balling.


“i play 2 hours a month, i should be able to access the same content as players, who put in a ton of time and work”

yea no. what an absolute sh1tfest this forum has become

I ignore gear that could be an improvement because at a certain point it is easier just to do 1% less damage and not waste the mats on a chance for a new piece of gear to work. Everything dies the same anyway.

One important thing, make Ancestral not tradeable, take the RM Trader and Goldseller their business.

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My take on this:

In S5 I need to sift through roughly 10,000 Ancestral 925 Legendaries (say gloves) to find 10 with 2 out of 3 rolls that are good. Usually around 6 get bricked at enchanting and 3 get bricked tempering leaving me with 1 usable glove from 10,000 gloves that I picked up. That’s without a GA! For 1 GA, it’s 1 in 100,000. for 2 GA it’s 1 in 1,000,000 , etc.

In S6 I would need to sift through 1,000,000 gloves (ancestrals seem to have a drop rate of 1% on PTR) just to get 1 usable 1 that is capable of being masterworked to 12 and have 2 tempers. That’s literally 100 times the number of hours, compared to S6, just to have the ability to engage in the full tempering/masterworking mechanics!

In S5 the casuals could fully engage in the endgame system with just ancestral 925 gear and the lifers could chase the 2-3 GA gear, everyone was happy! In S6 the casuals will be gated out of the endgame system due to time costs and the lifers can continue to chase their 2-3 GA gear. It seems to me that this change will lose casuals for Blizzard without gaining anything in return.


why should casuals be able to clear pinacle content at all?! its for the most dedicated players out there ofc it should be gated in some kinda way, otherwise theres nothing special about it

I like that you imagined my entire life just because I told you that you shouldn’t be playing more than 2 hours with an 8H job. I assume the rest of your story is also part of your imagination, which is beautiful. I hope you get there. Gym and a part class to then stay up all night? Healthy.

My life used to suck. When it was like that I used to play grindy games and ask for more grind in those games forums like you are doing now because I had no idea what the people with an actual life was talking about.

Good luck, Mr gamer, beloved father, tech guru, physic beast and intelectual abomination.

I think you are 1000% right, and you made one of the best counter arguments I have seen on the topic in a while.

People are 100% wrong when crying out that “YOUR GOING TO FINISH THE WHOLE SEASON IN A WEEK”. When I put 70 hours into a single character, and had four alts both past two seasons.

If you max out a character, you either make another or quit till next season… and thats okay! You should look at my commentary on this subject, Mother of All Feedback - Part 2.

I could use your back up on that thread lol.

Mother of All Feedback - Part 2 - PTR Feedback - Diablo IV Forums (


No they aren’t.

It is completely absurd that there are people who think that they should be able to beat all the highest difficulties of the game while putting in a fraction of the effort of the most dedicated players. You are literally saying that because you don’t want to spend more than 50 hours on a season, everyone else’s game should end at 50 hours (or adjust the number to whatever number of hours you want to play). That’s an awful argument.

If there are still better items to get and there is still a path to more character power, then there is still something fun to strive for. If getting good ancestrals was the only way to advance your character then it would be important for that to be achievable and for there to be another layer of chase items above that. But you are also going to gain power from paragon, glyphs, and maybe runes depending on how hard to find they are. There are more target farming opportunities. Runes can get you mythics. You can barter with Mercs.

Having the best items in the game be slightly stronger than items that are way easier to find is a bad design. The 2.0 design is far better, though it’s not yet fully tuned.

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I actually agree with you for the most part here.

For me, Ancestral Items should be rare in T1-T3. My specific problem is that they are also not really dropping in T4… and I think that needs to be addressed.


Personally, I already given up on hunting loot with the S4 changes. This will just reinforce that decision. I will just level a character to paragon 300 and call it done. Regardless of the gear I have. What sucks is that the paragon is account wide so it kind of kills the point of alts for me. So it’s going to be really short seasons for me.

I wouldnt necessarily say that the grind for paragon past 220 is quite the grind. I have a feeling its going to be 40-80 hours to 300 which is far more then the 8-12 we currently have.

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Yeah, I think T4 should have some reasonable rates of ancestrals though I don’t think every drop in T4 should be ancestral either.

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Yeah I agree with that.

Yeah, paragon grinding is going to be intense…

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Im doing pit 70 and its about 3-4 runs per level at 222 solo not using an elixer or incense. So i assume it will be like 3-3.5. So roughly about 8-10 levels per hour at that level solo.

Regardless i think its great there is progression beyond the 12 hours outside of loot. With the board capped at 5 it doesnt seem like it will get out of hand like the D3 unlimited paragon. Gear still plays a huge role.

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Of course it’s not absurd. I pay for the full game and content just like you and I want access to it just like you.

You get rewarded with the very best gear for putting in a lot of hours, why is it a necessity to keep content away from others as well to satisfy you?

I have not said the game should end at 50 hours? Season 5 doesn’t end at 50 hours does it? I got to experience the full game for the first time there and you still have 4 GA Uniques/Mythics to chase. You need those ultra high-end BIS items to go at Lillith and higher Pit tiers. Hell, as far as I know noone has cleared Pit 160 in season 5… have at it… and stop keeping the endgame away from others…

You have access to the full game on T1.

What are you even taking about? So it is ok to have items that are difficult to farm, but the new ancestrals being difficulty to farm is not ok. Any it is ok to have things in the game that are to hard for you to beat, but only if you call them Pit tiers instead of difficulty levels. And anyone who wants a difficulty that challenges them after X hours of improving their character is “keeping content away from others” (but only if X is greater than the number of hours you personally plan to spend).

Yes, how could those players be so selfish as to want the game to add a layer of difficulty that challenges them without affecting the layers of difficulty that challenge players with less time or skill?

This is not true. My clan of four plays quite a few hours per week and we have had 1(!) drop for the clan in total.

I’ve played about 150 hours on one char this season and have none. Zero. Zilch.

Not the place to have this discussion but i got to ask.
Are you farming tormented bosses? And you all gathering boss materials or just yahoo around the game expecting mythics to drop?
Because if all four of you gathered living steels during 3 helltides(3 hours) that gives you over 40+ boss runs on tormented gregoire alone. The chances that you wont all get out of this with at least 1 are miniscule. Close to zero. zilch.