Ancestral Drop Rate

This is my honest feedback. I am an average player. Maybe a couple hours a day. Ancestral gear is already rare to come by. Now imagine trying to find the affixes you are looking for. That will seem like forever. Not to mention the long grind to reach paragon 300. I am not saying make the fame easier. I am simply asking for a slightly higher Ancestral drop rate. If u increase each torment by 20% it will make it so that you have a better “chance” at getting gear we actually want instead of frustration. I can only imagine how difficult this will be for casual gamers and or people with families. It appears they made these changes for content creators. So basically one extreme to the other.


Yup its to rare even for not a casual player like me. Other issue are to high req for resists and armor and necessity for T4 to use Tyriel might or you cant reach the req.


Not even true. For me drop rate is good to let me play longer then 3-4 days in season and actualy hunt something. We are not all dumb players. You are lying about resistances not reachable. There are paragon nodes, gems and tempers to solve that problem until u overcame it with better gear. And thats the whole point of progresion in genre. U want everything in 2 days? What is the point of playing that boring game then?


yeah and drop rate of mythics are abysmal aswell :rofl: gonna be like season 2 yikes 250 runs before we get some ubers


Get to T4 and say that again, esp on a class that done get free resistances from INT. It feels like you are prob in T2 at best on PTR atm.

Well thats exactly as it should be… U have to grind them. In xpac u can even craft them via runes so i dont get what is your complaining about… U crybabies are destroyng games nowadays. Everyone dont need everything on silver plate 2 days after season go live. I want to have fun grinding my items to overcome to things, thats the whole point of this genre. Grind to finaly become powerfull and that grind must have last some reasonable time. In game where season last 4 days like in season 5 for me i have no reason to stay, not even buy cosmetics (why when not even playng game…)


its not POE diablo 4 its casual game go hunt your headhunter in poe if you want chase items

Bro there are no runes included yet… It will be another huge boost…

??? Its same genre. Diablo started this genre so wtf u talking about. And well if game will constantly get balanced around people like u i will eventualy leave and never come back. And i consider myself as normal player because i am 36 old, working and have other things to do and care about.

well lot of ppl where complaining about drop rate so they buffed after ppl needed to do 250 boss runs for one uber thats pretty bad if you ask me you can say its fine its not i strongly disagree every build guide uses them you never gonna survive on torment iv without tyreal might it everyone happy only try hards like you dont like it there are other games for try hards like poe where you have chase items

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And why u want to play on torment 4 when u will have everything? Just to kill things for nothing? Why u constantly talking about poe? I never mentioned poe i want to play true Diablo like i used 20 years ago. Well but we will see maybe i end up in poe 2 if they ruin this game totaly and make it even more dumb an dull. You guys would complain even if cheat vendor is in town on season because u need to walk to it. Thats exactly your logic.

it never gonna be like diablo 2 whole another game way more complex then diablo 4 then i suggest that you play D2R diablo 4 way more casual then d2 not interested in baal runs 500% becouse poe its game like diablo 2 and poe its based of diablo 2 for the try hards

I dont need to try hard i want to have fun. And with everything on silver plate i dont have it for my money spent. And there is definitely more people like me so dont talk to me this is game only for mega casual players. I spent money 2x ultimate edition + battle passes to support my beloved title, also have multiple statues at my playroom so dont act like u are only worth to enjoy game and people like me are not. I would take another mode in game for all people like me which actualy want to use head when playing just to get my game balanced away from ppl like you. But i doubt that will ever happen because devs are lazy to come even with solo self found mode…

Mythics are the chase items. Thats how they got introduced. But you skip this part.
Just because loud crybabies like you that want everything in a silver plater in a few hours scream as hard as they can.
You use the chase item reference when the devs called mythics chase items. But they bend over and now they have less worth than a blue and completely mess with build crafting, item choices and balance.
If anything calling a diablo game casual friendly is an offence on its own. But because its 2024 and loud voices bring losses in earnings, be it right or wrong, they served your requests. Enough with your BS. There are mobile games that you gain things just for logging in on your phone. You can go there if all you want is to play 2 days every 3 months.

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What I don’t like about the super low Ancestral drop rates is that even when you get them 99% are crap like what we have today.

So getting the right Ancestral is almost as hard as getting a Mythic.
That should not be the case.

If Ancestrals have to be this rare, then create a way to get the right affixes from the many garbage drops.

There could be other ways, but one way would be to allow for 2 affixes to be re-rolled on Ancestrals.
The second affix could be more expensive if it must, re-rolling a GA would remove the GA, but allow the player to have more control over the very rare drop that is needed for end game.

Playing for days with nothing to show for it or grinding for 2 months to get the gear for 1 character will be tedious to no end.


i have very good gear and play a lot there needs just be balance 250 runs for one uber its not balanced if its like 50 runs for uber i am fine with that if they introduce for solo players like me ssf mode


It is called rolling alts and having fun. Who cares how long people play? For me it is rolling alts and gearing and building them, making loot harder to find just make it harder to play alts. You’ll always be worrying that the Ancestral Lotto will hit on your alt and not your main, or vice versa.

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The problem with the Drop rate is that when u do find one its not what u want/need. I have been gambling obols and killing bosses for 3 hours straight and got 4 ancestrals. None of them was what I wanted. So no I do not want to have everything in 2 days but I dont wanna wait 2 months either. The devs are going from 1 extreme to another. I think people who say the drop rate are fine are the people who watch content creators all day who get fed items and have community help. Then it makes it to where the rest of the community suffers. Solving the problem of resistances and armor is achievable and I have done it on my own with no guides or mythics. The looming issue is there is multiple features to extend the game ljke the paragon system and continuous level which will last an average player the entire season. The gear doesnt have to do the same thing. Its un necessary.

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