An amazing and Unique idea!

I had a very unique idea! Epic.

With the Pets and Followers and rift style dungeons and other D3 coolness resurfacing, we need one more!

What was the name of that epic Act4 Boss? I think he would fit right into this game. There was also a Pretty epic Act 4 Boss Battle in Diablo 2. Maybe him?

This is Diablo 4 afterall, can anyone remember the name of those boss battles in Act 4 of D2, and D3?

I see what you did don’t quit your day job you will fail as a stand up comedian. :-1:

Thank you for the feedback, I will see if the resignation letter got signed yet. But, I am kinda right…

You are 100% correct but newbies who do not know anything will not get the joke.

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You are right but I expect it is blizzards plan to milk the game for quite a while and they plan to do that by having each Prime Evil make their return one expansion after the next maybe with a filler expansion between each Prime even. So with an expansion a year don’t count on seeing big daddy D for a few more years.

It may be worth mentioning, I do not think this is a bad idea either. If they do it right and I have faith that they can, it may end up being one epic journey.

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