Do an internet search “pictures of normal women”. I found several pictures of women in swimsuits. So, unless women normally go around in swimsuits everywhere on the globe, I think this shows the problem. We have the camera ready idea of men and women should look like instead of what either really looks like. Along those same lines, do an internet search “stars without make-up” and notice the difference. Yes, some people will complain about the Manbun, rolls of bellyfat exposed, etc. but that is what people what to look like. Even I look way different if I have not showered or shaved for days and I am not camera ready to begin with.
At least the characters are far better than Borderlands Alice in Wonderlands!
The OP can’t tell the difference between male and female chars? I have to assume this is satire or something.
Full lips, smoky eyes, classic cheekbones, slim waist, athletic but feminine build, graceful movements, even revealing clothing with just Beta options.
Chest size is a function, largely, of body fat, so I don’t expect unrealistic non-athletic builds. I most certainly would NOT call this a “neutral” figure.
The Rogue is slim and agile, deadly. Male barbs most certainly do not look like women - they look like they wield huge weapons for a living and it shows.
I really think the athletic chars suit the active demon killing lifestyle they have. The theme is gothic, dark, evil so we have some body art, makeup, etc to fit that. We can have any skin tone we want and a ton of hair colors too. What you can’t do is make a Barbie doll - but that would look really out of place. If people want cartoonish sex dolls there are other games that cater to that desire.
Anyone who can’t tell the difference between the two char types may need glasses? Or maybe they are trying to troll? We have tons of options which is pretty fantastic. I expect there will be more as time goes on through the game. I do want some more hair styles certainly.
I agree it’s weird that so many people are offended by masculine and feminine attributes so much as to it’s impact on entertainment is somewhat obvious.
Every character I’ve seen has looked super puritanical and thus not very sexually dimorphic, but it kind of fits the vibe of ye olde scare everyone into believing in Satan colonialcore hellscape
I guess I don’t view the goth/tat style as puritanical. I also don’t see them as lacking dimorphism.
Quick male and female Barb compare in char maker
Male Rogue - does not look like a girl to me
I mean you CAN make a more neutral vampire type char for a sorc and I assume a Necro, you can make a beefier female rogue if you want, but confusion between the two on basics? I guess I don’t agree.
Also with all the demon slaying, cults, and horror, somehow those men find time to groom their chest hair and arm hair. I find that…actually a bit confusing.
my sorcerer is bald with a scuffed beard. nothing neutral about him.
i do think some of the sorc mogs are weird tho
Don’t think they’re gender neutral more like they are ugly or a letdown after Bliz and reviews keep commenting that we can customize the looks of our character and it made us think we can really customize much more good looking characters lol
I’m not particularly hairy as far as dudes go but I don’t really see this as being particularly weird?
I don’t really groom any hair anywhere between the neck and waist and my chest/arm hair situation looks pretty similar to this?
There’s a lot of species where males and females look the same. These characters aren’t human they’re alien life forms and shouldn’t look exactly like us. This reasoning makes easier to not be so critical of fantasy and science fiction entertainment.
I’m talking about while wearing gear.
The face is certainly different gear or no, but it depends on which gear you select I suppose. A full head/face covering and thick furs is going to look similar on most athletic chars. However if put side by side the males are taller and wider I think. Of course, if someone selects more revealing gear, it is immediately obvious.
Because Blizz is trying to play the good guys pushing the feminist agenda
hey man, I’m sorry they fired you, but at least you have the memories of the good times in the Cosby room.
Genderneutrality is the natural evolution of humanity in a long run. We just don’t live long enough to see it. The easier it is for humans to live and survive the less barbaric our future children will grow to be.
Oh no, people can make whatever char they want! That is pretty cool.
Are you trying to tell me those pictures I posted are part of some sort of feminist agenda?
Pretending this is some sort of over the top censoring comes off as disingenuous. I think she is really quite pretty and fit. That rogue is certainly attractive as well…
Because I don’t want my male sorc to look like a twink?
This thread and others like it is why we cant have a great game and have to settle for mediocre.
The only thing wrong is that the druid is suppose to be skinny and red haired. They took the d2 druid and ruined him.
Today’s world is a woke world. Careful with your pronouns now!
When I was building my barbarian I noticed there was a man bun option as well.
I agree the faces are pretty neutral but the body on my male barbarian did not look gender neutral at all.