Altar of Reaping cannot be used sometimes

I was doing soul harvesting mission (Tree of Whispers, World Level 3). When I tried to deposit harvested stuff I faced an issue that I couldn’t do that. Altar cannot be selected (no cursor hover effects, no reaction on clicks). The issue is resolved when I teleported to some town and returned back.
Here is a video that show the issue:

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I am having the same issue. Sometimes restarting the games fixes it and sometimes not.

Just had the same bug… porting to town and back helped, thank you.

Still happening at the start of Season 1.

(Note - this was on PS5 rather than PC, but same issue).

Here also. Cannot carry out harvested stuff. I’ve tried to teleport to town and back… no solution for me

I tried the cellar trick (twice), porting away and back - no good. Logged out and back in, and that worked.

Same here, I can’t do any of them, not a single one !

Same here I know I harvested at least 75 if not more orbs and the alter would not activate.
I tried porting and logging out and now it says I have no orbs. What is going on?