Already theorycrafting

What ideas for builds do yall already have after the reveal today?

Im thinking elemental/thorns with focus on centipede and gorilla skills, adding in the jaguar ultimate (very similar to seven strikes by monk in D3, which I loved)

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Def going all in on centipede skills since I love poison builds, so mostly going to try touch of death as spender and using withering fist with unique staff, trying to make it feel like exploding palm which was my favorite monk skill.


I’m sooooo hyped with gorilla/centipede thorns !!!
I’ve always been into melee characters, especially badass/tanky ones over sneaky rogues types.
D4builds has already updated their planner with spiritborn so you can have fun with skilltree and aspects.
There are several skills on skilltree that buff it : +thorns when mobs are poisoned, +thorns when you have barrier… and some spiritborn aspects buffing thorns mecanics also.
I just can’t wait for it !

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Ive already crafted one of there! I’m so pumped!

Im thinking I will also theorycraft some other builds, I really like the idea of incorporating all the elements too. The spiritborn reminds me of monk in D3, which I loved so much, so I am really into this class

I have a couple questions regarding mechanics, that I couldn’t find answers to so far.

  • Do we get abilities’ passive effects if they’re not on the bar?
  • Does Ravager’s active ability trigger thorns damage from the gorilla primary?
  • How does Follow Through interact with the Sepazontec unique?
  • Does the Gorilla primary trigger from automatic casts like the Reactive Armor aspect?
  • Does it trigger per hit or only once per cast?

I’d love to try a Gorilla dodge/block + thorns + multihit build but there’s too much that needs testing.

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Probably wont get passive if its not on the bar, except with the unique rings that grants the passive abilities

Thorns seems to be a big theme with spiritborn, so i presume the skills, aspect, and primary would be interactive

My guess is follow through would interact with that unique

Since the primary uses the word “cast” and that specific aspect uses the word “cast” then they would interact…if the aspect said “trigger”, then it wouldnt…cast is the keyword there, and ive noticed that with other aspect/skill combos on other classes

As worded, the gorilla primary activates following a cast of a gorilla skill for 3 seconds and all skills become gorilla skills, so it would likely be perpetually up because all of your skills would be casting gorilla, no matter their original spirit…while the primary is active, the 100% thorns is per hit to enemies…so as long as the primary is active you are doing 100% thorns to each enemy you hit

These are my interpretations based on the wording and previous interactions i have seen…obviously not garunteed to be correct, but i have based my builds on these kind of ideas too so i hope i am right lol

I looked over the legendaries and passives, abilities, talents, all subject to tuning, but double eagle seems beyond busted and the most 1 button, speed run to win build. You take evade cast soar unique, the staff unique that every basic attack acts like a third attack, the eagle one reduces the cd of evade and thus soar, passive to get 100% dodge while evading, perma vulnerable on everything and unstoppable for 3 seconds every time you evade, add in feather spawning legendaries and you are a legit evade spamming back and forth untouchable god, can temper to increase the size of soar as utility and will likely have offensive tempering patterns either spawning more feathers or increasing their size as well. You don’t really have any buffs to maintain or press, you can fill in your ultimate if you wanted to but other your just spamming evade(soar) with essentially no cd.

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Yeah, eagle.skills look really good for making combos for spamming and crit.
Thats a good idea youve got!

Ive been very intrigued by the harmony unique helm…trying to get all 4 spirits on skills for 200% damage bonus for skills.
Like use jaguar and eagle skills which will give attack speed and crit, with the gorilla and centipede primaries/secondaries so all you skills have all 4 spirit…idk i havent fully worked it out yet

I don’t think you can. Isn’t max going to be 3 spirit tags since there doesn’t appear to be any other way to add that final tag.

If you check out the skills of d4builds, you can see that alot of skills actually have two spirit tags…so i think it is feasible in some way…but obvi have to wait for actuality on release

Edit: nvm, just rechecked and they have been updated to have one spirit tag…dang…welp 150% damage isnt so bad

The 3 seconds only applies to the barrier. The second part changing all skills to Gorilla skills is active all the time.

Casting a Gorilla Skill deals 100% Thorns to enemies you hit

It’s not clear to me if it triggers on cast (once) or on hit (multiple times per cast)

Under that interpretation then i would say it would apply 100% thorns to enimies hit by a cast skill…so if you are using an aoe skill each enemy would take 100% thorns but for target skills, only that one enemy hit would.
So pairing the gorilla primary with aoe skills seems most effective.

Well yes but what about skills which hit multiple times? For example the Unrelenting aspect:

Every 3rd consecutive Crushing Hand smashes an additional 10 times around you […]

or the jaguar ultimate:

[…] rapidly slashing enemies in the area for 200% total damage over 7 strikes.
[…] and cause your next cast to repeat its 7 strikes an additional 4 times

Based on my interpretation, i would assume you have a skill this is cast…that cast carries out 1+ hits and the thorns would apply to each enemy in that hit sequence…so it would apply to the 10 extra strikes for the basic skill third cast and it would apply to the 7 strikes of the ult…this is as long as you hit an enemy with those strikes

I think this is some sort of data entry error as the person entering in this stuff was just watching the footage and seeing 2 spirit tags on the skill, but probably had the Eagle specialisation selected.

I had previously put an edit in my comment after rechecking :slight_smile:

Requires equipping on skill bar. Watch from here

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I have a Core Skill focused build in mind, but I’m also trying to theorycraft a Basic Skill build as well…Blizz already favors Basics in S4, and made them even more OP as hell in the S5 PTR- so I better have a plan in mind just in case.

I’m thinking a Withering Fist Basic with Vital Strikes as the Capstone will be super strong. Then the unique that puts Soar as your evade allows you to keep reapplying Vulnerable 100% of the time- theoretically.

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What do you mean you plan to have two ultimates? You can’t slot two ults unless they’ve introduced some new mechanic or unique to allow it. But I didn’t see anything in the preview for this, unless I’m missing something.

I got confirmation from Macro that it does trigger on every hit (as of now).

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