All my friends quit

Still nobody cares. Trully. BTW going around the censorship of the forum for vulgar language is just as punishable with a ban as using those wors you just wanted to cover up :wink:

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We do not need you here.
Flagged as inappropriate.

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Considering his 2post trackrecord and how the guy’s first ever comment was something like that, my strong guess is that we have someone here who has already some experience with bans . Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s someone who has been banned completely and had to rebuy the game or simply owns it on multiple platform.

Again D4 fanboi snowflakes here… Why are u guys playing D4? Tell me the exact reason… The fun ends after lvl 70. There is not much to do after. So what is your reason to play? And that you have 500+ fanboi posts does not mean your reason means more than that of the others.

we are all friends with you add me


  1. The game is fun.
  2. Return to the first point.

I feel ya. My whole gaming group has quit and even uninstalled. We’re all back to playing our other games or looking for something new. Such an unbelievable shame.

Pay no attention to the boot lickers on the forum that say that your opinion doesn’t matter… If it didn’t matter, the Dev’s wouldn’t have just had 2 Campfire Chats with the base. Clearly, they know they have a problem, and are working to rectify it. I stopped playing on the “Nerf Patch” because it was clearly ill conceived, and not properly thought out. Yes, some things needed nerfing, but the way it was done, showed just how out of touch they were with their own game, and players.

I’m glad they are making changes to balance the game, and trying to make all parties happy. I will be back when they’ve worked some kinks out of the game, as I think there are parts that are pretty fun.

In case anyone was wondering yes I did quit. DoTA 2 is infinitely more fun then this game.

This is why you have no friends. Be honest how many times did you get your head dunked in the toilet in school?

I loved Remnant but I am so sick and tired of scaling enemies in games nowadays

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No one truly cares. GL HF

Clearly 98 people care… only 16 seem to GAF what you think however…

Just saying :shrug:

only 3 out my 14 friend playing now ! and i move to BG3 when comming out ! i should hit 100 anyway just in time !

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I’m old enough to know from life…usually the ones who write such things as “clearly you don’t have friends” are the ones who don’t have any. :wink:

96 on a forum 1000s of people visit and comment on. Suuure. Awesome statistic.

Oh really i’d say my viral form post clearly proves people care. If you’re in denial about that you’ve got some serious issues you need to workout with yourself man.

Nah no one cares you just needed attention.

You care you’ve taken to responding in my post. If you cared about the game you’d care about how junk it is and how everyone is quitting. Check out my other post about people logging eternal characters onto seasonal and transferring gold. Another glitch pushing the people away. We all just wanted a game that would be fun and at least have some decent longevity. Instead we got a great alternative to melatonin.

Well I hate when peeps are so lonly they post for attention. Here ya goi Pat Pat Pat. Feel better?

These forums are tame, you should see the white knights on social media like facebook. I’ve seen some resorting to actual threats if you bad mouth or criticize the game, I just got into a beef with someone on facebook because they simple didn’t see to understand how bad itemization is in D4, and I simply said that D3 itemization is significantly better and they flew into a rage :joy: