ALL Diablo games personal ranking

Old as i am I played every single Diablo game when it went out :slight_smile:
Every one i played very very long time so this my personal ranking
Basically what I think how good game is ( considering time when it was released ) and how fun was playing it

  1. Diablo 2 - probably in my TOP 3 of all games ever made
  2. Diablo — original — it was awesome game and started everything
  3. Diablo Immortal - If we put aside bad PTW concept it is actually extremely fun game
  4. Diablo 3 - started bad ,then for a while was great game, now it is kind of bad again
  5. Diablo 4 — sorry but it is what it is for now … dead last …

I can’t stand immortal. I don’t want to log in and have to click to open 100 chests or collect loot etc. Any game that makes me do that gets uninstalled.


I objectively rate them all about equal. They are all still fun in their own way. I didn’t really play immortal.

Rn for me it’s


Haven’t played DI or D1.


As of NOW:

  1. Diablo 2
  2. Diablo
  3. Diablo 3
  4. Diablo 4
  5. Diablo Immortal

If I take into account how Diablo 4 will evolve with expansions and updates, then it will probablly be like this (D3 and D4 switch places):

  1. Diablo 2
  2. Diablo
  3. Diablo 4
  4. Diablo 3
  5. Diablo Immortal


D4 is a better foundation than 3. Just depends on what they do with it.

  1. Diablo immortal
  2. Diablo 3
  3. Diablo 4
  4. Diablo 1
  5. Minecraft Dungeons
  6. Diablo 2
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Here’s mine:

Diablo 4 - probably in my TOP 3 of all games ever made
Diablo 3 - started ok ,then for a while was great game, now it is just ok
Diablo — original — it was an awesome game and started everything
Diablo 2 Resurrected - better graphics and a few quality of life things makes this right about here in the list
Diablo 2 - played the original back in 2000 for about 4 hours total didn’t bother ever playing it again until Resurrected
Diablo Immortal — The Pay to Win and not good graphics on PC makes this dead last

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For me;

2. D4(huge potential to be #1, however it has major issues with almost everything that make ARPGs great and its focus from development til now is on an entirely different direction from what really matters in keeping people playing for years. Until that focus is aligned to the same path as D2 or PoE, it will remain a distand #2 for me)
3. D3, almost interchangeable with D4 in the #2 spot, it has almost the same engame goal with no loot reward, same loot pinata, etc. the only saving grace it has over D4 is that it has the basics down like QoL, Build loadout, item levels done right, etc.
4. D1, even though i think that for its time D1 is superior to D3&4, it just lacks too many innovations that the other games have and is too dated for me to enjoy. For mid 90s standards though, its great.
5. D. Immortal, never played it but the pay to win feature alone puts it at automatic last for me.


2 > 4 > 3 > 1 > I for me.

4 could pretty easily get into first place, just needs more content, which it will inevitably get over time. Just a bit barebones atm.


for the era


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For me

S tier : D2, D2R, D4 campaign experience
A tier :
B tier :
C tier : D4 endgame
D tier : D3
E tier : Immortal

Diablo 2
Diablo 2R
Diablo 1

Diablo 3
Diablo 4
DI (is a phone game so it cannot be compared by default pc games are a tier above mobile games)

I would say Diablo Immortal, no contest, destroys all other titles combined within the franchise.

Yes its ruined by pay to win. 100% is.

However, the template, scope, and general bones of Diablo Immortal is honestly one of the most impressive games ever made. Easily the best made game Blizzard has made.

Its a damn shame its littered with microtransactions, and its a damn shame D4 wasnt the transactionless Immortal that we deserve.


Its cross platform lol. The majority played it PC. Atleast here in the US.

Diablo Immortal is that a Diablo game??!!! Dont you guis have PC’s???

I was unhappy with d3. I didnt know they made DI for pc. they announced it was on phone They mocked the crowd and I never looked back. I did enjoy d2r a lot, though I did find out about it way after release because I completely ignored all blizzard things after DI was announced. between d2r d2 and d1 I have thousands of hours in the diablo world. Diablo 1 was literally my only PC game growing up until d2 came out xd. I started paying attention for D4 and super regret it. I guess the diablo IP has moved away from arpg style…which is fine I just wish I had known that before I spent money.This honestly reminds me a lot of wow and I just didn’t come here for that. any non arpg is going to rank lower to all arpgs for me and D4 is like a MMO RPG not even an MMO arpg

D4 is just a uninspired ARPG in an open world.
Its missing all the core features to be an MMO. Socializing is basically not even existent for instance.

I think once the casuals initial hype wears out, D4 will be considered the worst game Blizz has ever made.


Barely played D1 at all, feelings tell me it could rank above D4, but still unfair with so little time played.

I think that D4 is technically worse than D3 (current D3, time will tell when D4 reaches the same state of maturity) in many aspects, however I find it funnier overall.

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I feel like the first three months of Immortal(before it became too expensive to keep up with the growth curve of the top end playerbase) was the best Diablo experience there ever was to be had.
Things Immortal executed to perfection.

-Class design both in PvE and PvP.
-Open world but not anti-social.
-weekly ladder resets.(rewards based on your standing relative to rifts and or pvp)
-no seasons. Live service.
-Immortals vs Shadows(this alone is the most impressive thing blizzard has ever done).
-The systems.
-actual endless endgame longevity.

Only thing that ruined that game was microtransactions.