ALl 3 class 25...Rogue is weaker

Rogue has functionally lower ability scaling than barb and sorc.

It also requires an annoying setup and nuke playstyle which no matter the skills you chose tunnel you down the same path.

Rogue is functionally selfish with very little team synergy and the resource management feels tedious. I know you can offset this with less time between bursts later on, but the playstyle and commitment to this class style continues.

It is so much different from the other classes that can simply press a button and succeed that it feels like this class was built by a different team or with different ideals.

Personally I would have liked to see this class split into 2 separate classes ranger and rogue or some such as it feels the saturation of ranged/melee does a disservice to the overall potential of the class.

I think re looking at how this class works fundamentally and its general scaling would be a good idea.

Odd, I actually found the barb to be a bit “weaker”. And what I mean by that is getting him to 20 was a rougher path. Admittedly, on my rogue, I ended up going with the flurry “fan of blades” build that added some survival on the heals. Yeah, there’s some prep work involved in getting 3 combo points off the little enemies, then charging into the fray and flurrying. That being said, I felt like she was a good balancing. The sorc was a joke, stupid easy. The barb was rough, if you don’t get the right gear (or build bleed) you’ll struggle. The rogue, couldn’t take on the world at one time, but with some skill, took on some tough enemies.

I do think them taking time to look at the classes and balancing would be beneficial, because I don’t think there is even an argument right now that sorc is hands down the strongest in this beta. And that should not be a thing. No one class should tower so far above the rest.

ranged vs melee…

I actually found barb to be really very strong, the problem is, he seems gear dependant moreso than the others.

Once you have gear, he defo outshines the rogue in similar gear.

Made my rogue after my sorcerer and she was perfectly fine, and indeed more engaging to design than my sorcerer. And she was at the point where she would end a lot of fights at full health, not having used a healing potion.

While teaming with my buddy playing a sorceress, I would swing back to kill things that were getting too close to her. My friend noticed and commented on it.

You get the choice on how to balance melee/ranged. You can go pure one way or the other, or you can mix. I went mostly melee (flited with a single ranged attack in the mid levels before dropping it).

what? no way. not sure what game you were playing but rogue weak? so far is the strongest class of the three. i facerolled every boss. perhaps you diden’t get a proper build. barbarian is very weak however, they they little damage and take alot of damage

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Dunno what barb you are playing, but barb can be invincible without needed to use pots and kill most bosses within 2-3 seconds.
Whilst this is possible with rogue, its still not as good on anything else. Barb one shot everything elite. Rogue have to put trap, get enemy in trap, it explode then free resource for 4 second rinse repeat and if it dont die in trap or hit trap, enjoy waiting again.