Alert - Discussion: Rogue Changes in Season 8 PTR – Buff or Build Destruction?

:rotating_light: Important: Rogue Changes – In-Depth Analysis & Call to Action! :crossed_swords:

Hello, Shadow Hunters and Night Warriors!

The Season 8 PTR has brought drastic changes to the Rogue, and we cannot ignore them! Some of these updates force the class into a single playstyle, completely removing the diversity that made Rogue one of the most versatile and strategic classes in Diablo IV.

If you play Rogue, regardless of your build, these changes will directly impact your future in the game. In this post, we will thoroughly analyze each change, its effects, and how it could redefine (or restrict) the class.

:warning: Before you begin: This is a detailed breakdown covering each point objectively and critically. To fully grasp everything and join the discussion, we recommend that you set aside at least 30 minutes to read and understand all the information.

:speech_balloon: What do we want?
:heavy_check_mark: Expose the consequences of this forced “balancing.”
:heavy_check_mark: Show how multiple builds were nerfed without justification.
:heavy_check_mark: Pressure Blizzard to review these changes before the official release.

Now, Rogue needs your voice! If you agree that these changes are harmful to the class, join us in pressuring Blizzard. The more engagement we have here, the higher the chances of being heard.

:fire: Let’s dive into the full analysis. Read carefully and share your thoughts! :fire:


Fists of Fate: The End of Rogue’s Crowd Control

Devs: Lucky Hit: Chance to Apply a Random Crowd Control affix, has been replaced with Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable for 3 Seconds.

EngRogue: This change to Fists of Fate is a brutal nerf for the Rogue!

The original effect was essential for crowd control, allowing the application of random CC effects (freeze, stun, slow, etc.), which provided great utility against elites and bosses.

Now, they replaced it with applying Vulnerable, which the Rogue can already activate in other ways! In other words, they removed a versatile and useful effect and replaced it with a redundant one.

This means:

• Less crowd control = harder to deal with elites/bosses.

• Less synergy with CC builds.

• The item became much less valuable for Rogues who relied on this effect.

They killed the utility of this item in practice. Blizzard simply does not understand the Rogue and is sidelining it

Azurewrath: Small Buff, But Still Insufficient

Devs: Lucky Hit Chance to Deal Cold Damage affix damage increased, exact amount depends on item power. The highest damage increased by approximately 150%.

Previous: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to Freeze enemies for 2 seconds and deal Cold damage to them.

Now: Your Casts with this weapon apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds and Chill enemies for 10-30%.

EngRogue: The modification to Azurewrath makes sense because it was previously a meme item and completely useless for Rogues.

The 150% buff to Cold Lucky Hit Damage gives some viability to builds using cold effects (which almost no one used before).

And the change in effect :
Before: Chance to freeze for 2s and deal cold damage (practically irrelevant).
Now: Applies Vulnerable for 3s and Chill (Slow) from 10-30%.

This is a reasonable change, as the item can now have real use in CC and Vulnerable builds.

However, this adjustment does not compensate for the massive nerfs the Rogue is receiving. Fixing a meme item does not balance the destruction of complete builds.

Frostburn: An Item Now Only for Sorcerers

Previous: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20-60% chance to Freeze enemies for 3 seconds.

Devs: Now: You deal 15-35% increased Fire Damage to Chilled enemies and 15-35% increased Cold Damage to Burning enemies.

EngRogue: This change essentially removes the utility of these gloves for Rogues.

The Rogue has no native fire abilities, so to benefit from this effect, they would need to rely on some external source (such as an amulet or a very specific item combination).

Now, for Sorcerers, these gloves might have some value, since they can easily apply both Cold and Fire effects simultaneously through enchantments and abilities.


• For Sorcerers = Might be a decent option in some builds.

• For Rogues = Completely useless item.

Another indirect nerf to the class…

Aspect of Concussive Strikes: A Senseless Nerf

Previous: Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. You deal 5-25% increased damage to Dazed enemies.

Devs: Now: Your Daze effects last 20-40% longer. Dazing an enemy increases your Movement Speed by 20-40% for 3 seconds.

EngRogue: This is a complete joke!

The Aspect of Concussive Strikes was essential for Rogues to scale damage against stunned targets. It was a key component for stun and increased damage combos, working well with builds based on crowd control and lucky hit.

Now, turning this into “longer Daze duration + Movement Speed boost”? What a joke!

Why is this a disaster for Rogues?

  1. Rogues already have plenty of movement speed – Skills like Shadow Step, Dash, and natural class buffs already provide insane mobility. Why add more?
  2. Lost synergy with stun/damage builds – Before, this aspect helped Rogues apply control and increase damage against affected targets. Now… it just extends Daze without any real damage bonus.
  3. Completely useless for high-end builds – No one will pick an aspect just for an irrelevant 3-second movement speed buff.
  4. They disguised a nerf as a “buff” – A longer Daze duration does not compensate for the massive damage loss this aspect provided before.


  • Another nerf disguised as a “balance fix.”
  • Completely destroys builds that relied on this damage bonus.
  • The devs clearly do not understand how the Rogue works in practice.
  • This basically kills several builds that depended on scalable damage with crowd control.


New Item: Bands of Ichorous Rose – A Good Concept, But Terrible Affixes

Devs: New Class Item and Legendary Aspect

Bands of Ichorous Rose - Unique Gloves


Inherent: +4 Maximum Poison Trap

+10.5-15% Attack Speed

+3-5% Maximum Poison Resistance

+41.5-55% Poison Resistance

18.5-27.5% Chance for Poison Trap

Poison Trap to Cast Twice

Unique Power

Poison Trap always deals its full damage over 3 seconds and it benefits from all of its upgrades, which are increased by 50-100%.

Poison Trap also: Has no Cooldown during Inner Sight and Cooldown is reduced by Preparation.

Benefits from Combo Points: Each Combo Point increases its damage by 30% and its Lucky Hit chance by 10%.

EngRogue: This item has a great concept, but its execution is completely flawed.

EngRogue: What makes sense about this item?

:heavy_check_mark: The unique effect of eliminating the poison application time (keeping it fixed at 3 seconds) is great. This guarantees immediate DPS, helping clear speed.
:heavy_check_mark: The benefit of all skill upgrades and the 50-100% buff to them is also excellent.
:heavy_check_mark: Interaction with Combo Points and Inner Sight is very interesting, making it more dynamic.

Now, the affixes are complete TRASH.

+3-5% Maximum Poison Resistance?
+41.5-55% Poison Resistance?

→ This is a total waste of affix slots.
The Rogue already has enough resistances with gems, Paragon, and generic affixes. This adds nothing to the gameplay.

What should be in place of these affixes?

:arrows_counterclockwise: Suggested replacements:
:white_check_mark: +X% Damage Over Time → This would reinforce the focus of the build and make sense with the aspect.
:white_check_mark: +X% Damage to enemies affected by traps → The Rogue is a synergy-based class, and this bonus would provide better scaling for trap builds.


  • The item concept is good, but the affixes make no sense at all.
  • Rogues need damage scaling, not unnecessary resistance.
  • If the affixes were focused on damage over time or damage against enemies in traps, this item would be META.
  • Another clear sign that Blizzard’s devs don’t understand the class.

Aspect of Contamination: One of the Few True Buffs

Devs : Aspect of Contamination - Legendary Offensive Aspect

Poison Trap bursts for [150-250%] Poison damage when it triggers.

If this burst Critically Strikes, you deal 20-40% increased Poison damage for 5 seconds

EngRogue: The Aspect of Contamination is finally a win! The idea of a burst of damage when Poison Trap activates is excellent, and the increased damage bonus on crit brings an interesting synergy.

But… this still reinforces the idea that they want to force everyone to play with Poison Trap.

They buff one side while killing all other options. That’s what’s frustrating.

Caltrops: Bonus Effect and Damage Buff

Devs: Caltrops

Slow increased from 50% to 65%.

Damage increased from 45% to 60%.

EngRogue: A mudança nos Estrepes é um buff considerável, mas ainda não resolve o problema geral da Rogue. Vamos analisar friamente:

:small_blue_diamond: What Improved?

:white_check_mark: Increased Slow: From 50% → 65%, meaning better crowd control
:white_check_mark: **Increased Damage: From 45% → 60%, which helps a little, but not enough to impact high-level builds.

**:x: What’s Still Bad?

:x: Caltrops is still a utility skill, not a primary damage source.

Even with this damage increase, it will not replace high-damage abilities.

:x: Rain of Arrows and Barrage builds, which used Caltrops for support, won’t feel much impact from this buff.

These builds needed damage scaling, not a minor CC improvement.

:x: The Rogue’s core problem (the massive passive nerfs and damage scaling reductions) remains unresolved.


:heavy_check_mark: The Caltrops buff is good, but it does not compensate for the destruction Blizzard is inflicting on the rest of the class.

:heavy_check_mark: They want everyone to play with Poison Trap, and small buffs like this to Caltrops are just weak attempts to justify the bigger nerfs.

:heavy_check_mark: In other words: another nerf disguised as a “balance adjustment.”

DeathTrapper: Ultimate Buff Damage

Devs: Death Trap

Lucky Hit Chance increased from 8% to 15%.

Death Trap’s Pull In effects will always happen around the area the trap is thrown or placed.

Previous If Death Trap kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.

Now: If Death Trap kills or Overpowers an enemy, its Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.

EngRogue: This Change is Actually Good, Especially for Death Trap Users

Let’s break down the impact:

:white_check_mark: What Improved?

:heavy_check_mark: Lucky Hit Chance increased from 8% → 15%
:small_blue_diamond: This helps a lot, especially for builds that rely on Lucky Hit mechanics.
:small_blue_diamond: Secondary effects (e.g., Vulnerability, Stun) now trigger more frequently.

:heavy_check_mark: Enemy Pull-in is now Guaranteed
:small_blue_diamond: Previously, Death Trap’s pull effect was inconsistent, now it 100% guarantees the pull in the targeted area.
:small_blue_diamond: This improves crowd control and makes the mechanic more reliable.

:heavy_check_mark: Cooldown Reduction Improved
:small_blue_diamond: Before, Death Trap only reduced cooldown when killing an enemy.
:small_blue_diamond: Now, cooldown is also reduced if you land an Overpower hit (damage based on HP and Fortify).
:small_blue_diamond: This means higher uptime on the skill, allowing more frequent Supreme ability usage

:x: What Could Still Be an Issue?

:warning: Death Trap’s base damage remains the same → The main issue wasn’t just cooldown, but the overall damage of the skill in endgame.

:warning: Doesn’t affect builds that don’t use Overpower → If a build doesn’t scale with Overpower, this change won’t have much impact on cooldown reduction.

:warning: Still depends on strong synergiesNeeds specific skill combos to maximize damage output.

:dart: Conclusion

:heavy_check_mark: This is a positive change, making Death Trap more reliable and faster to reuse.

:point_right: For players already using this skill, it’s a great buff .
:point_right: For builds that don’t use Overpower, the impact is much smaller .

Overall, a solid improvement, but it doesn’t compensate for the heavy nerfs the class is suffering.

Devs: Prime Death Trap

Previous: Death Trap

Slows all surrounding enemies by 85% for 5 seconds when it activates.

Now: Enemies hit by Death Trap take 50% increased damage from your Trap Skills for 8 seconds.

EngRogue: :fire: Death Trap Changes – Buff or Hidden Nerf?

Another major modification to Death Trap, and this one completely changes the skill’s mechanics.

:white_check_mark: What Got Better?

:heavy_check_mark: 50% Damage Bonus to Trap Skills
:small_blue_diamond: Before: Death Trap only slowed enemies by 85% for 5 seconds.
:small_blue_diamond: Now: Instead, enemies hit by Death Trap take 50% more damage from your other traps for 8 seconds.

:pushpin: Impact: This boosts the overall damage of trap-focused builds, especially if you combine Poison Trap + Death Trap.

:heavy_check_mark: Effect duration increased from 5s to 8s
:small_blue_diamond: This means more time to abuse the extra damage, which can be great for elite and boss fights.

:x: What Could Be a Problem?

:warning: We lost the massive 85% Slow
:small_blue_diamond: The Slow effect was useful for crowd control, especially for builds lacking stun or freeze effects.

:small_blue_diamond: Now, if enemies are fast, it will be harder to avoid attacks , as there’s no guaranteed Slow anymore.

:warning: Buff is specific to “Trap Skills”
:small_blue_diamond: Only benefits builds that use traps (Poison Trap + Death Trap).
:small_blue_diamond: If your build relies on direct attacks like Barrage or Penetrating Shot, this change is irrelevant.

:warning: Still depends on synergy
:small_blue_diamond: To fully optimize this buff, you must cast Death Trap first, then quickly activate multiple Poison Traps to abuse the damage multiplier.
:small_blue_diamond: If the build doesn’t have a way to fit this rotation, this buff won’t be as impactful.

:dart: Conclusion

:point_right: For full Trap builds, this is a HUGE BUFF.
:point_right: For hybrid builds, it might be a nerf , since we lost the massive Slow for crowd control.
:point_right: The Season 8 meta seems to be FORCING Rogues to use traps instead of other builds , which is concerning.

:point_right: Now the real question is:
Does Blizzard really want to diversify Rogue, or are they killing all other options to force us into Trap builds?

Shadow Clone: Ultimate Buff

Devs: Shadow Clone

Rank 5 Bonus now always deals 500% damage rather than scaling with Skill Ranks.

Shadow Clone Buff – Now Actually Viable?

:rocket: A Blizzard finally gave a Direct Buff to Shadow Clone, and this one might make a difference for builds that use this mechanic.

:white_check_mark: What Got Better?

:heavy_check_mark: Fixed 500% Damage at Rank 5
:small_blue_diamond: Before: Shadow Clone’s damage scaled with skill levels, making it hard to maximize its potential.
:small_blue_diamond: Now: Regardless of how many points are invested, Shadow Clone ALWAYS deals 500% damage when at Rank 5.

:pushpin: Impact:
:white_check_mark: Builds that didn’t want to spend too many points on Shadow Clone can now use it without drawbacks.

:white_check_mark: Clone damage is now more predictable and reliable, removing the need for extra rotation to buff its damage.

:heavy_check_mark: Less Dependence on Specific Gear
:small_blue_diamond: Before: Shadow Clone relied heavily on affixes and passives to scale well.
:small_blue_diamond: Now: Even without extra buffs, it will still hit much harder at Rank 5.

:x: What’s Still a Problem?

:warning: They Didn’t Fix the Clone’s Terrible AI
:small_blue_diamond: Shadow Clone still attacks randomly, ignoring priority targets.
:small_blue_diamond: If it wastes time attacking useless enemies or moving incorrectly, damage is still wasted.

:warning: Players Who Already Maxed Out Shadow Clone Won’t Feel a Huge Difference
:small_blue_diamond: The buff mainly benefits players who didn’t invest many points in the skill.
:small_blue_diamond: For those who already maxed out Shadow Clone, the final damage output may not change much.

:warning: Still Can’t Compete with High-Performance Builds
:small_blue_diamond: Clone still has a time limit , making it less effective in long boss fights or endgame content.
:small_blue_diamond: Compared to Rain of Arrows or Trap builds, it’s unclear if it will be strong enough to replace more stable builds.

:dart: Conclusion
:point_right: A relevant buff for players who didn’t use Shadow Clone before, since now it has strong fixed damage without needing extra levels.
:point_right: Blizzard fixed one problem, but the main issue (bad AI and lack of control over attacks) remains.
:point_right: Shadow Clone builds might become more viable, but we still don’t know if this will be enough to compete with other builds in the Season 8 meta.
:point_right: Now the question is:Will this buff be enough to make Shadow Clone viable in the endgame, or will it still just be an extra with no real impact?

Rains Of Arrows: A Nerf That Kills The Ultimate

Devs: Rain of Arrows

Rank 5 Bonus capped at 200% damage increase.


:rotating_light: Blizzard has managed to completely destroy the Rain of Arrows ultimate, massively reducing its damage multiplier.

:x: What Changed?

:red_circle: Before:

  • The damage bonus increased when combined with distant enemy damage multipliers.
  • Well-optimized builds reached up to a 1400% multiplier .

:red_circle: Now:

  • The maximum damage buff is HARD-CAPPED at 200%.
  • Even if you have perfect Paragon synergy and affixes, the game will simply not allow you to exceed this ridiculous limit.

:pushpin: Direct Impact:
:no_entry_sign: All builds relying on Rain of Arrows will experience a massive damage drop .
:no_entry_sign: The scaling that made the skill viable in the endgame has been completely destroyed .
:no_entry_sign: Blizzard has basically said: “Want to play Rogue? Play Poison Trap or don’t play at all!”

:fire: Is Rain of Arrow Dead?

:skull: Yes. This nerf is brutal.
:warning: The 200% cap means the ultimate will progressively lose effectiveness in endgame, since we can no longer scale damage as enemy levels increase.

:arrow_right: The bigger problem:
This nerf is completely unjustified.
No other class received such a drastic reduction in damage scaling.
While other classes are comfortably reaching Pit 150, Rogues had barely started touching 140 – and now they won’t even get close.

:dart: Conclusion: Does Blizzard Not Want Rogue in EndGame?

:point_right: This isn’t just a damage nerf.
:point_right: They completely broke the skill’s scaling, forcing players to abandon it in endgame.
:point_right: What’s left? Poison Trap + Shadow Clone, because all other options have been destroyed.

This is not balance, this is Build DESTRUCTION!

:speech_balloon: What do you think about this nerf? Can Rain of Arrows Still Survive, or is it already dead?

Brutal Nerf to Trick Attacks Passive: The end of Many Builds

Devs : Passives

Trick Attacks

Previous: Dazing or Stunning an enemy increases your Critical Strike Chance by 2/4/6% and Critical Strike Damage by 2/4/6% for 5 seconds, up to 12/24/36%.

Now: Attempting to Daze or Stun an enemy increases your Critical Strike Chance by 1/2/3% and Critical Strike Damage by 1/2/3% for 8 seconds, up to 5/10/15%.


Blizzard completely destroyed the Trick Attacks passive, removing over 50% of the critical damage scaling that benefited nearly every Rogue build.

:x: What Changed?

:pushpin: Before (Pre-Nerf):
:small_blue_diamond: When you Stunned or Dazed an enemy , you gained:
+6% Critical Strike Chance (Stacking up to 36%)
+6% Critical Strike Damage (Stacking up to 36%)

:pushpin: Now (Post-Nerf):
:small_blue_diamond: Simply ATTEMPTING to Stun or Daze activates the passive (no need to land it).
:small_blue_diamond: Critical Strike Chance reduced to just 3% (Stacking up to 15%) :x:
:small_blue_diamond: Critical Strike Damage reduced to just 3% (Stacking up to 15%) :x:

:small_red_triangle_down: RESULT? A direct nerf of more than 50% to this passive!


With this nerf, practically EVERY BUILD that doesn’t use Poison Trap is now DEAD!

:skull: Builds that rely on Critical Strikes and Direct Damage just lost a massive portion of their damage scaling:

:x: Rapid Fire – Directly impacted by the loss of crit damage.
:x: Barrage – Relied on stacking this passive to amplify damage.
:x: Penetrating Shot – One of the highest potential builds, now severely weakened.
:x: Flurry – Damage scaling significantly weakened.
:x: Heartseeker – Less crit means less consistency.
:x: Shadow Step – Explosive damage now reduced.
:x: Dance of Knives – The damage buff was nerfed.
:x: Rain of Arrows – Already nerfed, now gets a final blow.

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: WHAT DOES THIS NERF MEAN?

Blizzard has completely killed all alternative Rogue builds!

If it’s not a Poison Trap build, IT NO LONGER WORKS IN ENDGAME!
They are forcing players to abandon their favorite playstyles.
This ruins build diversity, making the class dull and repetitive.


:point_right: First, they nerfed Rain of Arrows’ damage multipliers.
:point_right: Now, they broke the passive that helped direct damage builds scale.
:point_right: The ONLY viable Rogue path in endgame will be Poison Trap.

:fire: WHAT CAN WE DO?

:speech_balloon: The community must unite and demand a revision of these ridiculous changes!
:speaking_head: Blizzard is killing the class instead of balancing it.
What do you think? Is this the biggest Rogue nerf in history?

EngRogue: :rotating_light: DEVELOPER’S NOTE – BLIZZARD’S EXCUSE FOR NERFING TRICK ATTACKS​:rotating_light:

Blizzard justified the ABSURD nerf to Cunning Strikes with the following explanation:

Developer’s Note: This Passive will now operate on single-target Boss fights. Its overall power has been significantly reduced to account for this and make its place in the Skill Tree less oppressive. Additional bonus stacks are no longer multiplicative with each other.


:red_circle: 1. This doesn’t make sense in practice!
→ Rogue NEVER had an issue with excessive boss damage. The real struggle has ALWAYS been survival and consistent damage in long fights!

:red_circle: 2. They nerfed the only passive that helped Critical Damage Scaling!
Before: Could stack up to +36% Critical Strike Chance and +36% Critical Strike Damage.
Now: Capped at just 15% :x: .
Every single build relying on Crit for explosive damage has been severely impacted!

:red_circle: 3. Justification is based on Bosses, but ignores the reality of Endgame!
Rogue’s real challenge isn’t Bosses, but Elite packs and Nightmare Dungeon/Pit compositions!
Nerfing Critical Scaling weakens AoE damage much more than single-target fights!
Builds that needed this damage boost to stay competitive are now completely broken!

:red_circle: 4. What does “less oppressive” even mean?
Rogue was NEVER a dominant meta class, so how was this passive ever “oppressive”?
Blizzard’s goal was clearly NOT balance, but the outright DESTRUCTION of all non-Trap builds!


:fire: This justification just proves that the devs don’t understand the class!
:warning: No one ever complained that Rogue was overpowered. In fact, it was the LEAST efficient class in Pit clears!
:skull: If they really wanted “balance”, they could have reduced the damage in a fair way, instead of COMPLETELY EXTERMINATING all viable alternatives!
:point_right: If this continues, Rogue will be the ONLY class without competitive builds outside of Poison Trap.
:point_right: The meta will be forced and lack diversity, turning the class into a repetitive, uncreative playstyle.


:speaking_head: The community needs to take a stand! If we don’t speak up now, the class will be abandoned in the Season 8 meta.
:crossed_swords: Rogue deserves VARIETY, not just a single forced playstyle!
What do you think? Are the devs really trying to balance Rogue, or just forcing everyone into one build?

New Trap Builds Buffs : A Forced Change P1

Devs: Trap Mastery

Previous: When Poison Trap

Poison Trap or Death Trap

Death Trap activates, you gain 3% Critical Strike Chance against Vulnerable and Crowd Controlled enemies for 4 seconds.

Now: After a Trap Skill activates, gain 4% Critical Strike Chance for 4 seconds.

EngRogue: Hidden Buff – Trap Mastery Just Got Stronger!

Blizzard is pushing Poison Trap and Death Trap at all costs, and the modification to Trap Mastery proves this.

:hammer_and_wrench: ️ WHAT CHANGED?

:small_blue_diamond: BEFORE:
➤ Only Poison Trap or Death Trap activated the bonus.
➤ It only worked against Vulnerable or Crowd Controlled enemies.

:small_blue_diamond: NOW:
ANY Trap Skill activation grants the +4% Critical Strike Chance buff.
No need for Vulnerable or CC, meaning the passive is ALWAYS ACTIVE!


:heavy_check_mark: 1. More Consistent Critical Damage
Previously, the bonus relied on specific conditions (Vulnerable or CC).
Now, simply activating any trap guarantees the buff.

:heavy_check_mark: 2. Better Scaling Potential
Rogue can already reset cooldowns quickly.
The more traps you throw, the more often the buff activates!

:heavy_check_mark: 3. Synergy With New Aspects & Unique Items
The new Aspect of Contamination and Bands of Ichorous Rose gloves further enhance this passive.
➤ This ensures consistent DPS throughout fights.

:heavy_check_mark: 4. Forcing Rogue into a Trap Build Playstyle
Every single buff has been exclusive to Trap builds.
Meanwhile, all other Rogue passives were massively nerfed!
Blizzard is clearly pushing Rogue into a single playstyle.

:rotating_light: CONCLUSION: THE REAL PURPOSE BEHIND THIS CHANGE :rotating_light:

:small_red_triangle_down: While every other Rogue build got nerfed by an average of -60% damage, Trap builds are getting buffed.
:small_red_triangle_down: If this were really about balance, all classes would have been nerfed equally.
:small_red_triangle_down: But no… Only Rogue is being funneled into a single build option.

:warning: The real question now is:
:dagger: Is it time to abandon all other Rogue builds and accept the “new Trap Rogue meta”?
:fire: Or is there still hope for other competitive builds?

:thought_balloon: Share your thoughts below!

New Trap Builds Buffs : A Forced Change P2

Devs: Exposure

Previous: Lucky Hit: Dealing damage to an enemy affected by a Trap skill has up to a 40% chance to:

Reduce the active Cooldown of your Trap Skills by 30%.

Drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal 80% total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1.0 seconds.

Now: Lucky Hit: Damaging a Trapped enemy has up to a 40% chance to:

Reduce the active Cooldown of your Trap Skills by 30%.

Increase your Trap Skill damage by 10% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 100%.


Blizzard keeps forcing Rogue into a Trap-focused class, and the buff to Exposure reinforces this strategy even more.

:arrows_counterclockwise: WHAT CHANGED?

:small_blue_diamond: BEFORE:
:heavy_check_mark: Lucky Hit granted 30% cooldown reduction for Trap Skills.
:heavy_check_mark: Lucky Hit spawned Stun Grenades that dealt 80% Physical Damage and stunned enemies for 1 second.

:small_blue_diamond: NOW:
:heavy_check_mark: Lucky Hit still reduces cooldowns by 30%.
:heavy_check_mark: Instead of Stun Grenades, now it grants 10%[x] increased Trap Skill damage for 10s, stacking up to 100%[x]!


:heavy_check_mark: 1. Unprecedented Damage Scaling
➤ The more traps you spam, the more damage you gain.
➤ The 100%[x] damage bonus is additive, but it’s still a huge power spike.

:heavy_check_mark: 2. Even More Cooldown Reduction
Keeping Death Trap and Poison Trap active will be even easier.
➤ This perfectly synergizes with the new Bands of Ichorous Rose gloves, which already reduce cooldowns.

:heavy_check_mark: 3. Rogue Becoming a Trap-Exclusive Class
Every single passive and buff in the PTR is focused on Trap Builds ONLY.
➤ Meanwhile, Barrage, Rain of Arrows, Heartseeker, Rapid Fire, Penetrating Shot builds were brutally nerfed.

:heavy_check_mark: 4. Strengthening Build Synergies
The new Aspect of Contamination now directly benefits from this passive.
Poison Trap and Death Trap builds will be FAR more explosive and deadly.


:warning: This change practically makes traps the ONLY viable Rogue playstyle in Season 8.

:fire: Every other passive was massively nerfed, while Trap mechanics received insane buffs.

:thought_balloon: The real question is:

:dagger: Should we resist and try to keep playing non-trap builds?
:bomb: Or will everyone be forced into a Trap Rogue playstyle just to stay competitive?

:speech_balloon: Share your thoughts!


Devs: Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Nebulous Brews

Previous: Using a Healing Potion grants 35-55% Movement Speed for 3 seconds, and you may now drink them while at full Life. Every 20 meters you travel, you spawn a Healing Potion.

Now: Healing Potions can be used at full Life and grant 35-55% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. Every 20 meters you travel refills a Healing Potion.

Developer’s Note: Healing Potions are now automatically added to your total amount instead of being dropped on the ground.

EngRogue: Buff to Aspect of Nebulous Brews – Still Useless?

Blizzard has decided to modify the Aspect of Nebulous Brews, but the truth is that almost no one used this aspect before, and it’s unlikely to change now.

:arrows_counterclockwise: WHAT CHANGED?

:small_blue_diamond: BEFORE:
:heavy_check_mark: Using a Healing Potion granted 35-55% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
:heavy_check_mark: You could use potions even at full Life.
:heavy_check_mark: Every 20 meters traveled, a potion was spawned on the ground.

:small_blue_diamond: NOW:
:heavy_check_mark: Healing Potions still grant 35-55% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
:heavy_check_mark: You can still use potions even at full Life.
:heavy_check_mark: Every 20 meters traveled, you now RESTORE a Healing Potion directly into your inventory (instead of dropping on the ground).


:heavy_check_mark: 1. The Main Buff is Movement Speed… But Why?
Rogues already have TOO MUCH mobility.
Shadow Step, Caltrops, and Shadow Clone builds already provide extreme movement.

:heavy_check_mark: 2. The Potion Benefit is Practically Irrelevant
Drinking potions at full Life is useless in high-level builds.
Regenerating potions while moving can be nice… but rarely makes a difference.

:heavy_check_mark: 3. It Takes Up a Valuable Aspect Slot
Any build would prefer an aspect that improves damage or survivability.
This aspect competes with Trickster’s Aspect, Growing Shadow, and other FAR superior options.


:bulb: Maybe PvP builds?
Movement speed could help with escaping and constant potion recovery.
But even in PvP, there are WAY better mobility options.

:bulb: Maybe for leveling?
Early in the game, recovering potions while running might be useful.
But again, there are MUCH better options for damage and clearing speed.


:warning: Blizzard tried to “buff” an aspect that nobody used… and failed miserably.
:warning: This buff changes NOTHING in the Rogue meta, and it’s unlikely anyone will use it.
:warning: Other defensive and offensive aspects remain FAR superior.

:fire: Final Rating: 3/10 - Buff with NO real impact on gameplay.

:speech_balloon: What do you think? Does this aspect have any potential, or will it remain forgotten?

Modification item : Writhing Band of Trickery Modification

Devs : Unique Items

Writhing Band of Trickery

Previous: Casting a Subterfuge Skill leaves behind a Decoy Trap that continuously Taunts and lures enemies. After 2 seconds, it explodes, dealing Shadow damage. This effect is treated as a Trap Skill and can only spawn one Decoy Trap every 6 seconds.

Now: Your Subterfuge Skills create a Decoy Trap that Taunts and lures enemies, dealing Shadow damage over 6 seconds. This counts as a Trap Skill and only one Decoy Trap can be active at a time.

Developer’s Note: Decoy Traps deal damage-over-time now and can be respawned and reoriented repeatedly. When used with thrown Trap Skills, it will be placed where that Skill is aimed.

EngRogue: Writhing Band of Trickery Modification – Is It Finally Usable?

Blizzard has changed the Writhing Band of Trickery, which was previously completely ignored by the community. But does this change make it worth using now?

:arrows_counterclockwise: What Changed?

:small_blue_diamond: Before:
:heavy_check_mark: Using a Subterfuge Skill would create a Decoy Trap .
:heavy_check_mark: The trap would Taunt and lure enemies .
:heavy_check_mark: After 2 seconds , it would explode , dealing Shadow damage .
:heavy_check_mark: Could only spawn one Decoy Trap every 6 seconds .

:small_blue_diamond: Now:
:heavy_check_mark: Subterfuge Skills create a Decoy Trap that Taunts and lures enemies , but now deals Shadow damage over 6 seconds instead of exploding.
:heavy_check_mark: The Decoy Trap can be repositioned and respawned repeatedly .
:heavy_check_mark: Now counts as a Trap Skill , meaning it interacts with Trap-based passives and buffs .

:bar_chart: What Improved?

:white_check_mark: 1. Now Functions as a True Trap Skill

  • The Decoy Trap now properly interacts with Trap-related passives and synergies.
  • It benefits from the Exposure passive, which can boost Trap Skill damage up to 100%.

:white_check_mark: 2. Deals Continuous Damage Instead of a Single Explosion

  • Instead of a one-time burst, the Decoy deals damage over time, making it more useful in extended fights.
  • Can apply debuffs more effectively.

:white_check_mark: 3. Can Be Used Repeatedly and Repositioned

  • Repositioning the trap allows for better tactical control .
  • Stronger against mobile enemies , making it more effective in endgame content.

:x: Issues That Still Exist…

:x: 1. Takes Up a Valuable Ring Slot

  • It competes with top-tier rings like:
    • Starless Skies
    • Pit Trickery
    • Saboteur’s Signet
  • All of these are significantly stronger options.

:x: 2. Only Benefits Trap Builds

  • Completely useless for Barrage, Rapid Fire, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, and other non-trap builds.
  • Another clear attempt by Blizzard to force Rogue players into Trap-based gameplay.

:x: 3. Damage Output is Still Uncertain

  • Since the Decoy now deals damage over time , its actual impact in high-level gameplay is still questionable.
  • Needs further testing to determine if the DoT is strong enough.

:thought_balloon: Is It Worth Using?

:small_blue_diamond: If You Play a Trap Build (Poison Trap + Death Trap):
:white_check_mark: Yes, because it now interacts properly with Trap passives.
:white_check_mark: Repositioning gives better control over fights.

:small_blue_diamond: If You Play Any Other Rogue Build:
:x: Still not worth using.
:x: Much weaker than other available rings.

:pushpin: Conclusion: It Changed, But Didn’t Solve the Problem

:warning: Blizzard “improved” the Writhing Band of Trickery, but only for Trap Builds.
:warning: If you’re NOT playing a Trap build, this ring is still useless.
:warning: This is just another way Blizzard is forcing Rogue players into Traps.

:fire: Final Rating: 6/10 – Useful for Trap Builds, but still not meta.

:speech_balloon: What do you think? Does this change make the ring viable, or is it still a throwaway item?

Modification in the Scoundrels Leather– Buff or Nerf??

Devs: Scoundrel’s Leathers

New Affixes:

16-25% Movement Speed

21-35% Damage to Trapped Enemies

171-225% Trap Damage

10.5-15% Damage Reduction from Enemies Affected by Trap Skills

Previous: While you have unlimited Energy from Inner Sight, casting a Core Skill has a 60-80% chance to spawn Caltrops

Caltrops, Poison Trap, or Death Trap

. Gain 10-20% Core Skill damage.

Now: Your Trap Skills can be thrown and will spawn a Death Trap every 10 seconds when Cast. You step through the shadows to your Death Trap when Cast, gaining 10-30% increased damage for 5 seconds.


Blizzard has reworked Scoundrel’s Leathers, turning it into a chest piece exclusively for Trap-based builds. But does this change actually make sense? :thinking:

:arrows_counterclockwise: What Changed?

:small_blue_diamond: Before:
:heavy_check_mark: While Inner Sight was active (unlimited Energy), using a Core Skill had a 60-80% chance to spawn one of the following:
Poison Trap
Death Trap
:heavy_check_mark: Additionally, granted 10-20% Core Skill damage .

:small_blue_diamond: Now:
:heavy_check_mark: Trap Skills can now be thrown.
:heavy_check_mark: Death Trap will automatically spawn every 10 seconds when casting a Trap Skill.
:heavy_check_mark: When casting Death Trap, the Rogue teleports to its location , gaining 10-30% increased damage for 5 seconds .

:bar_chart: What Improved?

:white_check_mark: 1. Better Synergy with Trap Builds

  • Before, the chest piece had a hybrid function but now is 100% dedicated to Trap Skills.
  • The damage bonus + teleport mechanic can improve burst damage potential.

:white_check_mark: 2. Trap Damage Significantly Increased

  • +21-35% increased damage against Trapped enemies.
  • +171-225% Trap Skill Damage bonus.
  • 10.5-15% damage reduction against affected enemies.
  • This means Poison Trap and Death Trap hit much harder.

:white_check_mark: 3. Trap Skills Can Now Be Thrown

  • This makes positioning easier and improves Trap deployment.
  • No more relying on static trap placement!

:x: Issues That Still Exist…

:x: 1. Completely Useless for Other Builds

  • Builds like Barrage, Rain of Arrows, Flurry, Rapid Fire, and Penetrating Shot gain ZERO benefits from this change.
  • Previously, the chest had some versatility, but now it’s exclusive to Trap users.

:x: 2. The Teleport Mechanic Could Be Dangerous

  • Teleporting directly to the Death Trap might put the Rogue in danger in high-level content.
  • Not ideal for high Pit levels where positioning is crucial.

:x: 3. The 10-Second Cooldown for Death Trap Might Be a Limitation

  • If a build relies too much on this effect, waiting 10 seconds for the Death Trap activation could be problematic.

:thought_balloon: Is It Worth Using?

:small_blue_diamond: If You Play a Trap Build (Death Trap + Poison Trap):
:white_check_mark: Yes, because it massively buffs Trap damage.
:white_check_mark: Teleporting to the Death Trap could improve burst combos.

:small_blue_diamond: If You Play Any Other Rogue Build:
:x: It’s completely useless.
:x: The chest piece no longer provides any benefits to non-Trap builds.

:pushpin: Conclusion: Now a Niche Item

:warning: Blizzard reworked Scoundrel’s Leathers to benefit Trap builds exclusively.
:warning: If you’re not playing a Trap build, this chest piece is now completely useless.
:warning: Another clear indication that they are FORCING the community to switch to Trap-based builds in Season 8.

:fire: Final Rating: 7/10 – Great for Trap Builds, but a complete loss for all other Rogue playstyles.

:speech_balloon: What do you think about this change? Will you use it, or is it a downgrade?

Modification in Paragon – Deadly Ambush Board

Devs: Paragon

Deadly Ambush

– Legendary Node

Critical Strike Damage bonus to enemies by your Trap Skills increased from 23% to 30%.

EngRogue: :loudspeaker: Buff in Deadly Ambush – Is It Really a Game Changer?

Blizzard has buffed Deadly Ambush, one of the main Legendary Nodes in the Paragon system for Trap Builds. But does this really make a difference?

:arrows_counterclockwise: What Changed?

:small_blue_diamond: Before:
:heavy_check_mark: 23% Critical Strike Damage bonus against enemies hit by your Traps.

:small_blue_diamond: Now:
:heavy_check_mark: 30% Critical Strike Damage bonus against enemies hit by your Traps.

:bar_chart: What Does This Mean in Practice?

:white_check_mark: 1. Trap Builds Will Hit Even Harder
For those already using Death Trap + Poison Trap, this buff improves overall burst damage.
Directly enhances critical strike potential for Trap users.

:white_check_mark: 2. Better Scaling in Paragon
Deadly Ambush now becomes even more crucial for Trap-based builds.
Might be worth investing extra points into Critical Strike Damage to capitalize on this buff.

:x: 3. Irrelevant for Other Builds
This buff has no impact on Barrage, Rapid Fire, Rain of Arrows, or Twisting Blades.
Remains a Legendary Node that exclusively benefits Trap builds.

:pushpin: Conclusion: Is It a Significant Buff?

:fire: YES – But only for Trap Builds!
:warning: Increasing from 23% to 30% might seem minor, but it contributes to a more powerful final multiplier.
:warning: For non-Trap builds, this buff is meaningless.

:thought_balloon: Is It Worth Investing?
:white_check_mark: If you’re already using Deadly Ambush, this makes it even stronger.
:x: If you’re not playing Trap builds, you can completely ignore this change.

:speech_balloon: What do you think of this buff? Do you see it as a game-changer, or were you expecting something bigger?


The changes introduced in Diablo IV’s Season 8 PTR clearly indicate Blizzard’s intent to force the Rogue into a Trap-focused class . The drastic nerf to the Cunning Strikes passive (Ataque Ardiloso) has effectively eliminated multiple viable builds, while all improvements have been concentrated exclusively on Trap Skills .

As a result, the diversity of Rogue builds has been severely impacted , creating an environment where players are forced to either adapt to a single playstyle or switch classes entirely .

:warning: ️ Indirectly Nerfed Builds – Diversity is Dead

The following builds have been severely nerfed , not because they were too strong, but because Blizzard is removing their core scaling mechanics , making them less viable while forcing players into Trap builds :

:x: Rapid Fire – Directly affected by the loss of Critical Strike scaling.
:x: Barrage – Previously relied on stacking the Cunning Strikes passive for damage.
:x: Penetrating Shot – One of the best potential builds, now significantly weaker.
:x: Flurry – Overall damage scaling has been reduced.
:x: Heartseeker – Less Critical Strike means less consistency.
:x: Shadow Step – Lost a major source of burst damage.
:x: Dance of Knives – Its damage-boosting mechanics have been nerfed.
:x: Rain of Arrows – Already nerfed, and now completely gutted.

Blizzard is not balancing the Rogue class—they are killing its versatility and forcing a single, monotonous playstyle.

:rotating_light: Call to Action

Rogue has always been one of the least represented and weakest classes in Diablo IV’s endgame . Now that it finally had a chance to shine , Blizzard is taking it away.

:stop_sign: If we don’t push back now, Rogue will be left with no build diversity.
:speaking_head: The community must demand changes before these updates go live!
:crossed_swords: Rogue should have OPTIONS, not be restricted to a single playstyle.

:speech_balloon: What do you think? Do you feel like Rogue is being unfairly forced into a Trap-only playstyle? Let’s discuss!


Blizzard Entertainment. (2025). Diablo IV - Patch Notes Season 8 PTR. Available at:

Dear Blizzard Development Team,

First of all, thank you for your continuous work in evolving Diablo IV. We understand that balance changes are necessary to keep the game fresh and exciting. Adjustments to skills, passives, and unique items are always expected and can bring positive shifts in gameplay diversity.

However, the current Season 8 changes to the Rogue class are extremely concerning. It’s not about modifying the game—it’s about eliminating 90% of viable builds and forcing players into a single “meta-approved” playstyle.

If the goal is to make Trap builds competitive, that’s great! We welcome the effort to bring them into the spotlight. But it should be an additional option, not the only viable choice. By heavily nerfing key passives, legendary aspects, and core mechanics that supported other Rogue builds, the game is no longer offering build variety—it’s dictating how the class must be played.

What we ask:
:heavy_check_mark: Buff Trap builds to be a strong contender—without destroying the rest of the class.
:heavy_check_mark: Maintain multiple playstyles so players can choose what fits their preferences.
:heavy_check_mark: Avoid a one-size-fits-all meta that limits creativity and makes the class feel one-dimensional.

We want to keep playing Rogue because of its versatility and dynamic combat. A diverse menu of builds is what makes the class engaging. Please reconsider these changes so Trap builds become a new, exciting option—not the only path forward.

The Rogue Community

Who am I?

My name is David, also known as EngRogue. I run a growing community on YouTube where I teach players various Rogue builds.

During Season 7, I created 10 builds:
:white_check_mark: 1 Meta Build
:white_check_mark: 9 Off-Meta Builds – All capable of clearing any content in the game and scaling Pit 100.



So, what’s new?

Rogues have always been the punching bag and the lowest classes of all the D franchise, so there’s nothing new…

We’re already used to it…

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If I’m reading the changes right, Trick Attacks should also trigger from bosses similar to how they fixed the Devious glyph.

Question: Is Trick Attacks currently capped at 36% or is that only the max without including passive ranks from gear and it is just that it caps at 6 stacks. With a triple crit GA Cowl of the Nameless & Shroud of False Death you’re looking at 11 ranks total. If it does indeed apply to bosses, cutting the bonus in half and stacking by one seems reasonable otherwise Cowl would be challenging mythics if not surpassing them.

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Unfortunately, Rogue has always been a punching bag, but she was versatile and had several playable builds.

Now in Season 8, we will be forced to play trap builds, so it would be a monotonous class.

@ Mysticvermin

Hello, I’m only looking at this 36% value based on the base value of the passive with 3 points.

If we accumulate the points from Cowl of the Nameless and Shroud of False Death, we’ll get 11 points and the final accumulated value reaches 132% if I’m not mistaken.

But with this 50% cut from the passive, the final value will be approximately 60%.

In my opinion, Cowl of the Nameless doesn’t surpass a mythical item because if that were the case, the rogue wouldn’t suffer with any build to climb pit120+.

More refined builds reach 130+ with suffering, lol.

The other classes make pit 140-150 laughing.

And it’s like this every season.

Now the devs want to kill the other builds to push the public only to the trap build.

You’re already “forced” to DT build in S7…

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I don’t see it that way, because in S7 we were able to build several builds, whether meta or non-meta.

And the Deathtrapper build without being meta can go far in the pit, we have versions that are in pit 130.

Different from what is being proposed in S8.

Either play trap or say goodbye to class and come back in S9.

This attitude of the Devs is unacceptable.