Aiming in this game needs improvement

I’ve been noticing a problem that may not affect melee builds or builds with a lot of aoe attacks, but aiming kinda sucks in this game.

The aiming issue is because of a few things:

First your characters turn to slow. They don’t even come close to matching the speed with which I can move my mouse so they are always lagging behind when firing off an attack, so you can’t lead a target at all. Again this probably isn’t noticeable when playing melee or anything with an aoe attack, but it’s real noticeable with a skill like Blood Lance.

Second is that if enemies are to close sometimes you will shoot right past them. It almost looks like the skill is firing a short distance behind the enemy. I’ve also noticed that on certain terrains which are a bit uneven like sand dunes, your skill will completely miss what you are aiming at. Your skill only seems to fire in a straight path, so you have to reposition yourself to be on the same level the enemy is.

Third is that there seems to be a soft lock targeting system in the game where you will attack enemies that seem to be closest to the direction your character is facing rather than what you are actually aiming at.

Also, and I haven’t completely confirmed this, but it almost seems like you don’t have a true 360 degree range of fire. I don’t know if it’s something with the speed of the animations, but it seems like your character kinda sticks to certain directions when they are firing off a skill.

All this stuff makes it really annoying to use certain skills like Blood Lance or Bone Spear which which don’t hit their target because of the reasons mentioned above, so you’re constantly wasting resources. I actually feel that a significant chunk of the resource issues I and other people have is because skills aren’t hitting properly so you’re wasting resources.

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thats true but the skill just launches towards my back if i was faster than the “character turning”

noticed it a lot on my pulverize build. i’d dash and send a pulv backwards and it would just shoot it from my backside lol

Is there any discussion among the development team in improving controller function?

Controller aim is fine.

100% Auto aim is not fine…

Taking control away from the player actively gimps the player in a way unnecessary and this is blatant on any spell where you can change the distance of cast

Disagree. Controlling teleport distance w/ the tilt of the stick would likely be far more annoying. Teleport is working just fine for me as is.