Will chalk it up to the Canadian air infesting eagle land. They will add fixies in, stated clearly in the document. Is it underperforming? Yea a lot of builds are but takes time to equalize or closely do it. Sure they could just 100x their damage but then would just be one more over performing build. All good things
That’s why I stopped playing. My favorite class has 1 playable build. Unfortunately, the necro summoner build is even worse than all sorcs builds.
Necro should walk with minions and all his builds should be based on this, after all, it’s NECROMANCER. Unfortunately, we have alpha versions of the game and blizzard hot fixes are doing things that don’t matter and what’s important is waiting for the end of July before season 1. Just drama… Blizzard…
they werent OP by any means, and the only reason they were viable is because it was limited to a level where most of the content wasnt available to you, and you didnt have access to any form of advanced combat mechanics.
Also you weren’t paying attentio because none of the nerfs mattered in terms of what are the most important issues right now. Slight reeduction to survivability doesnt matter if you can resummon them, problems lie with the fact that they do no damage and theres hardly any reasonable ways to make them do damage on par with other spells.
Players can now teleport to their Nightmare Dungeon directly through the map. Kalan’s Edict
Damage taken duration requirement reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
Significantly increased the experience awarded from Nightmare Dungeons.
Minions attacking cursed enemies is also good, but that seems like a bug fix. Semantics, I know.
You know what makes me lose faith in developers? When they think changes like this have any meaning whatsoever:
Base damage increased from 12% to 13%.
Alongside statements like:
As we look forward to future updates, we’re monitoring other heavily discussed topics, such as Minion survivability and build parity.
How long do you need to monitor a dumpster fire before you realize it’s on fire?
Lost Ark is currently going through problems purely due to this sort of developer logic. Observing is necessary, but with my 2 previous points in mind, I’m beginning to think things will be 99% observing 1% change.
My necro is a lot better than OP, but minion issues are so blatant it’s absurd that there’s no changes. Why do they only scale 30% with stats like crit, when that’s a HUGE part to builds doing insane damage? I do quite decent damage, but I can only imagine if my 35-37% crit chance actually carried over to my minions properly.
I’ve said this before, but their way of designing minions is archaic and kinda just annoying.
Alright, ending my post here. I could say more…but S1 hasn’t started yet so I will hold back for now.
nope, its going through problems because of core design issues that even Koreans finally have to admit ;p
Funny thing is, out of all games their developer communication was actually not that bad, its just that at no point it was even feasible to redesign the entire game to fix underlying issues.
I think this isn’t the 13 page patch they were promising, this is barely 3-4 pages and while, yes, it’s pretty much buffs across the board, it doesn’t seem game changing.
It seems like they just wanted to push these changes out ASAP to keep people engaged with the game.
Very unlike Blizzard to just buff almost everything, and not nerf anything.
Truth is minion builds aren’t nearly as bad as people here make them out to be. They can actually be quite good, there are a few problems that need addressing with them though, and those are:
Information. There needs to be an information tab purely for minions so we can more easily see what stats and whatnot they get from the necromancer and gear. It needs to be easier for people to see these things in game, while playing so they can appropriately build for them the way they want.
Second, Ring of Mendeln is a problem. It’s fun, and great but it’s pretty much needed at a certain point, and once you get it you have to start gearing differently. Quite fun once you get this and gear for it though.
Kalan’s Edict. The buff took if from completely useless to still completely useless. You’re just gonna take some form of tiny chip damage almost constantly when doing things. They need to at least give you half the bonus if you’ve taken damage if they want to stick with the design of not getting hit, or change it to being healthy.
Honestly, mostly the information about them being more clear and readily available would solve a lot for people. They’d get their armor up and start seeing their minions die far less frequently, and then see what offensive stats to build into to help them. Oh, and minion builds are fine in T4, the only struggle with them is if you cleared the capstone dungeon at a lower level (62-66) then you start facing lvl 73 mobs at base. Till you get a few ancestral armor pieces with their increased amount of armor, it can be a bit dicey. Once you do it becomes fine again.
In my opinion, the fundamental move from having your minions up constantly to what these developers wanted, which was to be constantly raising minions, destroyed the entire premise of the minion build. They should hit much harder and drain their life on attack if that was the vision. Minions in WT4 are detrimental, not even worthless.
You’re bypassing the actual details in favor of a generic vague argument.
KR aside, AGS wasn’t bad.
Exaggeration is not needed here. Know what is feasible?
Reducing GRs and CDs to 1 a day.
Designing raids to be more like Valtan rather than Vykas.
Tier 4.
Calling it a KR game and sweeping the issue under the table is only giving them a scapegoat and doesn’t negate the point I made…which is not about communication, it’s about “we’re monitoring bla blah blah” yet not acting upon it.
The most recent LOAN made people mad and there were very specific reasons. They are having a bonus LOAN later today or tomorrow IIRC and that’s never happened before, so they are desperate.
Anyways, I’m ranting too much. Point is, yes, they are going through problems due to this sort of developer logic.
I cleared T4 capstone at 58 and did a +45 ND at 76 the other day. Minions absolutely have problems…that doesn’t mean they are incapable.
The clear problems from my experience, is that they are fine until they are not and certain affixes/mobs destroy them. Then you get into suppressor and stupid skelly mages, golem getting stuck on things, not scaling with the stat buckets that can make you actually powerful…
I’ve talked about it too much to go over it again, but they absolutely have problems that need addressing.
Seeing a Bonespear necro do many times better than me when I have pretty awesome gear also bothers me.
The most fun i’ve had with D4 so far was playing summon necro during the first beta, but since they completely ruined it by the time of the server slam, im stuck playing other classes instead. Maybe someday blizzard will figure out what the word “balance” means.
Ladies and gentlemen, the summon necromancer went from 10% as powerful as the darkness build to 11% as powerful, and we look forward to still absolutely nobody using decompose for any reason at all. Also, the remainder of the player base might consider grouping with you now that your corpse fart stink clouds don’t obstruct the entire field of view. We hope you enjoy the MEGA PATCH!
What this ACTUALLY does is it makes the Necro actually attack the closest enemy in sight, rather then just sit there if you haven’t yet engaged. Its just basically casting a spell. It doesn’t mean minions target cursed enemies specifically.
How about before you scream “skill issue” you understand the basics?
Pretty funny, isn’t it? And you don’t even need to play summoner to understand that conceptually, this doesn’t help.
You cast a curse. Your curse has enormous AoE. You cast to curse everyone. There you go, everyone is a target and you can’t tell them to attack anyone in specific xD
Minions are so bad the MINION class cant even make a minion spec.
Dont come at me with any “minion” builds, I’ve looked at them all. There are no minion builds, they’re bone spear, BCE etc builds with minions taped on.
A minion build is where the minions do the damage, like in every game with a minion class.
The minion class doesnt even have an ability to command the minions.
That is a horrible combo on that mob type even on my non-minion Necro. Are a lot of classes easily able to kill level 90 mobs when they are 74? Seemed dicey to me when I was that level.