After hearing LIVE QA on Diablo 4 i can say that Joe Shely ( Game Dircetor ) never PLAYED the game

I can bet 1000000000$ that game devs never completed tier 50+ dungeon in tier 4 ( game director probably never went pass the lvl 10 ), just read the patch notes, try to play on eternal realm right now and tell me how good experience is in high end dungeons.


This is stupid.

There’s nothing insightful or interesting about these kind of inane comments. Like I said, when the discussion premise is stupid, then any ongoing discussion that accepts that premise is also going to be stupid.

I’m out. I think I’ve said my piece.


They are going to tune mobs like corpse bows because their spreadsheets indicate that too many players are dying to them. They could have found that out very quickly by just playing the game at all and getting 1-shot from off screen. You don’t need a spreadsheet for that guys.


Yeah you proved your IQ, now you can leave buddy


Video game developers don’t play video games.

While not Diablo look at Shadowlands in World of Warcraft.

Players were told constantly by the development team that limiting the number of times you could switch out Conduits was “better” for the game and “impossible” to change. When everyone from casual to hardcore was saying otherwise that it brought nothing interesting to the game but limiting players. And the team, including Ion, could never give an answer on why it was such a good thing for WoW.

The hilarity is later in the expansion they made that “impossible” thing happen by then allowing people to change conduits limitlessly.

To me it tells me they do not play their own game or keep up with it, when it seemed to be a universally hated “feature” in the game until it was changed after constant pestering by the player base.

Or it’s Blizzards constant design philosophy to die on whatever hill they deem fun, when the player base says otherwise. People aren’t asking to be OP one shot everything, people are just wanting the game to feel fun, and when you’re getting punished by the dev team due to patches and not the game itself, is not fun.


I feel like at this level of game development, the Director, who is the absolute top guy in charge of the game, probably doesn’t play the game much. He has (or is supposed to have) teams of people to playtest and make adjustment recommendations based on that.

Now that doesn’t mean that’s OK. People in charge of games like this should be passionate such that they want to play the game they make. They want to make sure it’s up to their standard of fun and completeness. Look at Naoki Yoshida - everyone knows that guy plays his game a LOT. Players even run into him from time to time and he gets mobbed in game! And guess what… FFXIV is awesome. Because Yoshida knows what it means to love games and love creating games. That’s why he was put in his position.

Joe comes off as this beleagured white collar drone who was pushed into directing Diablo IV and doesn’t much care for it. I’m sure he’s exhausted a lot because its a demanding job, but I see no enthusiasm from him whatsoever. He just punches the clock and probably went home to recover after having to do this campfire session today.


know how i know youre stupid?

Good God man. Grim Dawn is great, but it’s not in the same league as the live service ARPGs.

I wish one of the questions Adam brought to their attention would have been
“The players want to know, with this heavy backlash, will you actually play your game and attempt to beat it so you know where the problems with the game lie?”


Thanks, checking it now

Joe Shely also did not get any sleep last night and was looking to catch a quick nap during the campfire chat.


did the d2 devs playtest lightning ghosts and tune them down?

getting OHKO from 3 screens away is part of the diablo experience

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Yes exactly, especially when it comes to Tuning stuff, if devs don’t test or play the game hardcore, the patch will be every time the same as it is now while core issues have not been addressed at all.

This patch feels like they put out a spreadsheet of data and made decision based on that.

BTW i work in a company that has the same issue, higher management is always making decision based on data they receive, and always end up faking up things even more, which always results in more work for us, and worse automated product.

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Curse spam in the Chaos Sanctuary - having it switch from Decrep to Iron Maiden mid-swing as a frenzy barb.

The devs knew exactly what they were doing… they were just sadistic jerks.

It’s funny how people can see things so differently. I actually thought the guy OP mentioned was the main one who sounded or looked like he gave a crap. He even smirked to some of the questions as if he was thinking “I told you so” several times. Heck, the other dev even said at one point he’d been asking and saying the same thing for awhile.


I just hear 3 people trying not to step on each others toes through a prepared speech and imitation Q&A. I am actually glad the devs are trying to talk through this. I think they pretty much admitted to us playing a paid alpha in dev speak. They need to fix the fundamentals in this game first. Yet, we are talking about unfinished season 2 and season 3.

The view. Zoom this out and make the zones bigger. Make it feel like a world. I literally cannot see the other side of a road.

The dungeons. Sheley hinted at it. Bringing the real bosses into the dungeons. But, also not making them such a drag. This backtracking stuff sux. Zoom out. I should be able to see the next room before getting slapped in the face.

Quests. Obviously they havent played d2 or listened to the feedback on pretty much every game ever made. !s and ?s don’t belong in a game. If you can’t find it or understand it by playing the game, it is designed wrong.

I don’t think anyone developing the game plays the game all they do is read spreadsheets and numbers

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Since I have played Shadowlands and do keep tabs on the developer interaction there as well, I feel like correcting this, because Ion did provide a reasoning for that design decision.
Basically, the design goal for Shadowlands was to have a greater degree of permanence to the choices you made in order to instill a greater sense of “RPG”.
Instead of being able to always being able to change everything about your character on the fly, essentially making every character the same as another character of the same class, Blizzard wanted to emphasize the personal choice and the sense of uniqueness about the player’s character. And their approach to that was basically to make those choices harder to change so that players would be more different from each other in the game world. Instead of being able to swap at need you would have to commit to a certain setup of soulbinds, covenants, and such.
Of course Blizzard went back on that design goal in subsequent Shadowlands patches, because the players just didn’t respond positively to it. And that’s fair enough.
But WoW still struggles with the issue that despite being an RPG your character is a clone of every other character. My Priest can be the same as any other Priest in the game, because I can always change talents (and soulbinds and covenants and so on) whenever I feel like it. And that’s quite the opposite of what you want in an RPG – a sense of building your character so it’s uniquely yours and reflects the choices you’ve made throughout your journey.

That’s a bit off-topic, but I felt like responding, because I recall Ion actually did elaborate on this in Q&As, so I think it’s a bit unfair to say that he didn’t. I generally find that Ion is quite forthcoming in providing reasoning for the WoW team’s decisions. That doesn’t always make them good decisions, but at least he provides their thinking on why they’ve done as they’ve done. Same with the Diablo developers really.


oh boy you’re such a delusional fan boy, first of all WoW team is playing and testing the games and patches they release, they are in very close communication with best players in the world for every major nerf patch they release and majority of the time they never miss. All deserved nerfs happened for a reason. They support MDI, they support world first race and their game is polished enough.

Diablo 4 on the other hand, totally opposite, i can’t believe you can’t see the truth how bad those devs are and how bad core decision to the game have been, it just blows my mind, so please buddy leave this post and don’t comment here anymore