Add unique items to trade

remove rares and gold from trade instead :slight_smile:


What OP is saying “yes devs please ruin the game in a way that bots are spammimg the chat 24/7 for the entire life cycle of the title , everyone wants RMT on 3rd party website” simply unbelievable :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:


Sounds like you wouldn’t enjoy Elden Ring my dude :rofl:

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You’re ignoring the fact that people will be able to trade the strongest items in the game , rares ! You just need to hunt down the aspect you need and pow you just got yourself a god roll item , you want ketchup with that sir ?

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My PC has been in the shop since yesterday, did not get fixed today, and they don’t work weekends, so I can’t game all weekend.
On top of this, this means my set routine is absolutely impossible (The laptop I am using can’t even update it’s video drivers properly, and is 8 years old, so no gaming on it) and, as a autist, losing one’s set routine literally panic-attack inducing. And will be my state of mind for the next 3 days. A 3 day, non-stop panic attack. :upside_down_face:
It’s also been over 100F (37.7C) in my bedroom for the last two days.

I have ZERO chill, tact, or patience for BS right now. :laughing:

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“I make more in a year than a vast majority. Sorry to burst your narrative.”

Ahhh WHAAAAALE SPOTTED , now the (((no RMT))) act just went out the window , we know what kind “gamer” you really are , thank you for self-snitching homie :man_facepalming:t2::rofl::man_facepalming:t2:

[Stares in Diablo Immoral]


Thar she blows, Cap’n! Guess OP couldn’t handle all the harpoons, since it appears he abandoned his trash thread.


Skipper! That’s not a whale. That’s a troll…


Everything should be tradable.

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No. Once again; Bots.


Diablo 3, a game without trading, is one of the most botted games out there. If you want to pay to win for power there, you just buy a bot and get to the top of the leaderboards with the highest paragon levels. Having trade or not is irrelevant to cheating for power. That’s a complete myth.


Ummm, NO! No pay to win crap. Don’t ask the dev’s to ruin the game

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Diablo 3, a non trading game, is pay to win. You just go to a discord and buy a bot. Getting rid of trade doesn’t solve this problem. You just get rid of a system that people love. You make no sense.


This here fool got the keelhaul treatment fer bein’ exposed like a stupid land lubber 'e be , cheers to the sky mates , tonight we feast like there’s no tomorrow yaaarrr !

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Ok. That does not invalidate that bots would be spamming chat with gold/item selling, if it were allowed in D4.

That is called ‘cheating’ and ‘against the ToS’.

Point me to any proof that trading being connected to item selling is a myth. Please.
Because, in this here ‘real world’ with ‘real facts’ (Pesky things, I know); If trading is not allowed, then gold/item selling sites…can’t sell gold/items! (Wow!)

So please; show me any sort of study that says ‘Item trading is 100% not linked in any way to botting’, since you are claiming trade is irrelevant to ‘cheating for power’, AKA; buying items/gold, in this case.

It mitigates the problem b y removing one avenue of cheating vis-Ă -vis the sale of items or gold.


Okay, should we get rid of experience and levels too because that would mitigate botting for those? How about we just have everyone stand in a rubber room at max level but don’t have any enemies because bots will be able to take advantage of those and exploit.

This is a joke, but I’m making a point.

You don’t just get rid of systems that bots can exploit. You won’t have a game left. You just get rid of bots.

Getting rid of trading does nothing to stop cheating for power. You just shift it to selling the bots directly. So all you’ve done is get rid of a beloved system and solved nothing.


Slippery slope fallacy.

Slippery slope fallacy.

No you’re not. You’re using a fallacy instead of making a point.

Once again; it mitigates it (You DO know what ‘mitigates’ means, right?) and leaves resources and GMs free to handle OTHER aspects of cheating…like botting for EXP/Selling accounts.

Which would ALSO be handled with account bans. Because GMs would not have to track RMT item sales.

So, unless it 1000000% solves botting across the board, it’s ‘for nothing’?
Good thing you’re not a programmer.


I’ll trade you your game vs 10 double down sandwiches !

If you take away the private RMT bots, it makes it a whole lot easier to focus on the handful of widely sold bots. They would be idiots to make all the best stuff tradable. All it does is open up RMT to botters. Most people are not going to buy T2 stuff for RL cash. Eliminating RMT Bots eliminates most of the problem.


No, a slippery slope fallacy implies something will happen if the proposition the opponent argues for is put in place. I’m not implying that will happen. I’m illustrating the absurdity of your resolution. Since bots can exploit any system equally, getting rid of one and then calling that a mitigation is absurd. That isn’t a slippery slip. Learn your fallacies.

It’s like using a fish net to catch mosquitoes. That isn’t a slippery slope to illustrate why that won’t work.

It mitigates as much as a fish net mitigates mosquitoes from passing though. It doesn’t mitigate anything. It shifts the problem to simply selling bots. Cheaters will still cheat and gain the same power advantage they would have with trading available.

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