Add unique items to trade

You get upset that easy? Oooffff

hey that cosmetics thing is a nice idea.

remove every other trade and add cosmetics trade. That i would fully support.

It already works in dota2, if i remember correctly

Real quick, before I put you on ignore and never see your insipid comments again; I will say this very slowly and loudly for you:

I gave them my view, and they ignored that, when you’re not whining and snivelling that they are fascists.
I pointed out the flaws in their arguments, and they ignored them to keep bleating and gurgling the same points MULTIPLE PEOPLE have refuted.

So now I ignore them because, like you, their discussions are empty, ignorant, and lack any redeeming value.
Keep screeching about ‘FaScIsM!’ all you want; You’re wrong. You just want to be offended for some stupid reason.

I mean, it’s really weird that Steam has a ‘block list’, and multiple MMO’s have an ‘ignore list’ and no one snivels and whimpers ‘ThAt’S fAsCiSm!’ about them.
Because you are wrong. Don’t bother replying; I have ignored you. I wonder if you feel ‘suppressed’ yet?

No blizzard will sell it for 9.99 yet muh muh muh rmt in a game that is not an esport. So my gear doesnt effect you one iota.

So you’re saying that I haven’t said any of value on these forums? Specifically this thread?
So my opinions and views and ideas are all not contributing? Sorry my posts lack the zest you’re craving. I don’t make my posts for your entertainment. I’m merely having a conversation about the game I love, and asking questions. Sorry you’ve been offended by my observations and perspectives.

I can tell you didn’t even read my posts before posting again. Which only further proves my point.

Hey there we go, concessions for the win. Ok, I’ll take that. Can we keep rares as tradable tho? :grimacing:

how comes that now you acknowledge that rmt exist, but not when we talk about trade in d4. Which is exactly the same virtual items. Your such an hypocrite.

I mean, I think both sides agree to this for the most part. Let’s do it Blizz.

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I want to trade. I dont give a rats butt how you or anyone elese play. If you want to rmt a full lvl 100 account go for it.

You having something i dont doesnt make me jealous. Im not 6 anymore.

I want to trade bc i know i wont be able to find 100% for my BIS and thats OK! I like the community and working together.

I dont want a game that rains BIS gear.

it never rained bis gear in d4. Cause we havent played the release yet. We just played a beta with increased droprates to test stuff.

you want much, w/o understanding how player driven economics and markets can influence a game. Learn a bit about before making baseless wishes.

well this will always be the best solution.

Except maybe that thing LE is trying to do, if that works we could even play togther in such a system.

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Yeah, I mean, as much as I support trade and feel the argument needs to be made for its implementation, I also love solo self-found. I much prefer solo self found after a trading ladder economy gets stale.

Having the option for both play styles would 100% enhance my enjoyment of the game. And I’m sure I’m not alone.

I’ve always been a huge proponent of a solo self-found ladder for D2R.

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that would be better than any kind of items being tradeable for sure.
and i doubt blizzard would make legendary, unique or high tier items tradeable anyway considering their stance on the matter. which is a good thing.
even “sacred” and “ancestral” i doubt they’ll be tradeable considering they are a higher tier of item that regular rare.

but comestic as trade , for blizzard , it’s the less likely scenario : there will be botting and rmt for…cosmetics.
and cosmetics are buyable in diablo’s 4 cash shop.

consdering how it would affect blizzard money directly if players would sell cosmetics for cheaper than the actual in-game store…well they might despise that the MOST (even though it doesn’t change a thing for player and could actually be something actually ok as it doesn’t impact power balance in any pay to win manner contrary to actual items )

unless it’s only for comestic not buyable through the shop, then , they might approve of it.

(funny though how their reaction to your idea shows that they simply want things to RMT with, whatever it is…)

I don’t really care for the cosmetics. maybe they should be tradeable? I know, I wouldn’t mind but I’m not really going out of my way to get them either

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Yeah, to be honest, I don’t know why or how cosmetics are a viable business model in games these days. I would just feel embarrassed to walk around with a credit card swiping costume. I’d rather walk around in gear that represents things I’ve done in the game even if it looks like crap.


NO! :grin:

How about this concession:

First a little digression for background, I generally dont think it should be possible to craft entire items in A-RPGs. Items should be found in the game world, and then maybe enhanced. That is, imo, a core pillar of A-RPGs; that what you get from the monster you killed, is what you get. And not just crafting materials or currencies for clicking on some NPC in town.

But, I have seen one exception to this in A-RPGs so far.
Grim Dawn has a Relic item slot, that is only craftable. Since that is the only source, they could also go all-in on the crafting aspect, with relatively intricate paths to crafting the different ones.
So, while I wouldnt want to see the ability to craft all item slots, I would love to see Diablo try something similar, with a specific item slot that was all about crafting.

Leading to the “concession”.
Maybe such an item slot could also be the one slot that was tradeable. Both the materials used, and the resulting items. Could even go all in MMORPG on it, and let players specialize in different crafting jobs with different expertise in making these items. So you might have a reason to bring materials to someone in your clan, or a random person, who could craft the desired item, with some special bonus, due to how they had specialized their crafting powers.

It would of course come with all the downsides that I personally think trading has, but at least confined to a single item slot. Limiting the impact.
And, as with Grim Dawn, by keeping it focused to one slot, it could also go all in on making it a deep system, without overwhelming the entire game as might happen if all item slots had that same complexity.

I also very much want it to be hard, if not impossible, to find BiS gear. And definitely no BiS gear rain. D3 is terrible in that regard (and most other regards).
Still, adding trading is basically the same as D3 gear rain; making items way too common.

Give me zero trading AND low droprates.

But they would not. That is the brilliance of the WoW token.
If someone trades one of the shop cosmetics for one of the ingame dropped cosmetics, that means the first person had to buy the stop item. Blizzard got the sale regardless. It was just player 1 instead of player 2 who paid for it.

And as with the WoW token, they might get more sales out of it, as now player 1 buys the cosmetic, so they can trade with player 2 (for that non-shop item they wanted), but they also buy the same shop item for themselves. Whereas, without this system, player 2 would never have bought the item in the shop themselves.

Yep. Couldn’t care less about shop cosmetics. Albeit, I also dont care much for non-shop cosmetics.

Some people really do care though, that much is clear.

Probably both :frowning:

To be fair, mild recession is the good outcome.

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I mean, I don’t care about bots honestly, it’s all about gameplay.


i dont care about them either when they only used for leveling and nothing else.

But i care if my mailbox will have constantly advertisement in it, my chat is spammed, and i have to turn it off, to counter it. Or have to put bots on igno on a constant basis., cause of whsipers. It is annoying.

I care if they inflate the economy to a point developers decide to dampen this by reducing droprates. This happened before, poe or d2 is a perfect example for it. And my loothunt feels worthless, when i could also buy anything i want for cheap.