Add a jeweler and an occultist to the pvp zones

You can’t test anything there, you have to go to a city to change the gems or the powers of the occultist, that’s when you lose the server you were on and therefore the game, add an occultist and a jeweler there to be able to make changes without having to go to the main cities

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But then you won’t go to the main cities, you won’t have a loading screen, you won’t see your dogs :heart: :heart: t horse and pet, and you won’t buy them skins… Why would they do that?

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Please add players to pvp zone first. :rofl:

Seriously though, party finder with PvP as tag or activity first.

I totally get your point, you want to be able to make chages without re-zoning out of an active field.

strong textAlways the same answer from a child, Blizzard knows perfectly well who plays pvp in Diablo 4 and if they gave numbers you would be surprised by the people who only play pvp and the pve content is secondary for them, it is not a secret that every Thursday there is a fnf tournament that many people play without mentioning tomorrow’s tournament of a Spanish content creator, there are already more than 32 people signed up, if you don’t like pvp it seems fine to me but let others enjoy what we want

You mentioned a Spanish content channel so I will assume you are a Spanish first speaker and my message is lost in translation. I take no offense at the misunderstanding.

I am a huge advocate of PvP.

My point is that before they code more vendors in the towns, they should update their proposed party finder feature so that PvPers can find each other faster and easier. In PTR there is no ability to select PvP as an activity.

It was recently leaked that they were going to work on it and there were going to be some weekly rankis, I hope it’s true but introducing the jeweler and the occultist would be great as well as bringing the chests closer to the center of the cities in the lower city it’s very lazy to go to the chest to change something since it’s super far away,ll cities received these changes except the pvp zones, I’m sure it wouldn’t cost them anything to add that there

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Are the 6 people who even care about PvP having any fun with it?

PVP is ENDGAME you midnight golfer

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Yes! Thank you for asking.

Fun even when Hamilton’s rogue gets the jump on you.