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ich würde gerne was für den Eternal Modus vorschlagen.
Immer wenn eine Season vorbei ist, werden die Season Passive ( Bsp. Vampirkräfte) hinzugefügt in den Eternal Modus. Der Eternal Spieler hat dann immer die Möglichkeit einer der alten Season Themen zu wählen. Dadurch können wir Eternal Spieler auch in den Genuss kommen die Season Passive Vorteile und builds zu nutzen und zu erleben.
Grüße Lars
My idea I have and also want to be shared for the developers on this.
It would be so nice to make a balance on everything and make everything equal of things you do or get rather it’s powers on seasonal or not or getting pets wings or not make them available on eternal as well too.
Balance things out like that makes it more interesting and much more fun and enjoying for the community directly.
Even obtain more uber sparks and more.
Also have each season for both season and eternal bc there is a lot who do eternal then seasonal themselves.
Plus me and my brother have been dealing with so much problems of glitches bugs freeze up in the game while me and him are on cross platform version of the game and it’s even got my brother hacked on his account to play Diablo 4 multiple times and messed up his build sold his armor messed up his builds and even dismantled his uber item to the forge.
He has many times changed his password a lot on the battle net and Xbox a lot and he don’t give his password or info out to anyone at all.
Neither do I.
But when me and him unchecked marked the cross platform directory off and just not do cross platform me and him started to see so many better results plus we stoped having issues thoug the game.
It would be good if the game allows eternal to obtain seasonal stuff as well included and balance stuff out properly bc I believe in my own heart and soul it would make a big difference and would make more people happy and enjoy this more better then just make more characters every time one season ends and new one starts redo everything to builds and stuff just to have it all be into legacy when it gets to eternal as well my idea is to make things for both eternal and seasonal where no matter what you do on season you can obtain it on eternal as well too.