About the Aspects

I dont think they were clear on this part. Can our aspects (that we already destroyed and sitting in our stashes) go into the new codex system?

Or do we have to (right now) refarm that gear with the pefect affixes and save that gear to then destroy in the new patch?

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No more Aspects in the stash / backpack. Everything is going into the book.

I know that but i mean the ones we currently own.

So when the patch comes out, They just dissappear from the stash and go into the codex?

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I think they will be copied to the book as well. I hope so.


Umm no patch for this
Season 4 reset
Are you talking eternal ? Because otherwise you start over when this takes effect o launch season 4

This wasn’t actually touched on, my assumption would be they are still items, and you can destroy them at the blacksmith, but I don’t know for certain.

I strongly urge the dev team to allow the existing aspects or aspect stones that we have already obtained in the game to be added to the new codex. I do not enjoy wasting my time. I saved some for my eternal characters before they even announced the revamp of the system. It is only fair to allow existing aspect stones to be included in the codex when S4 comes. Again, I am talking about things in the Eternal realm.


Those will become legacy items which won’t have the flag for interaction will the new systems.

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I am talking about Eternal Realm.

Kookamunga, yes eternal realm…

No, they said items become legacy items that no longer will work with the new system. The affixes on aspects are not changed.

IDK how it is now but there’s a separate Stash bar in which all the items from Season are transferred to Eternal, and player has the next season to decide which to use further. Items remaining in the “temporary stash” get destroyed automatically at the start of Next season

If that’s confusing here’s an example:

  • Items gotten in S3, S3 ends
  • Your char becomes an Eternal Realm one with one extra Stash tab. That tab contains ALL the stuff you had
  • Everything that’s left in that stash gets destroyed automatically at the end of S4, but you can move it away in your normal stash tabs and that way items get preserved

Now for the Aspects themselves it’s a bit tricky, can go either way. If they don’t want players to have “advantages” from hoarding Aspects in Stash, they’ll probably destroy them

Thats what im afraid of…so we may have to refarm those items (and not destroy them until the new season/patch).

Kinda stupid question but here’s a one:

If we’re no longer gonna keep Gems, Aspects, and Malignant Hearts in Stash, what are we gonna use it for ?, all those 5-6-7 tabs ? :smiley:

You see Iggi, this is what happens when you prioritize the wrong questions. Now we’ll never know!!! :rofl:


I am super upset by this I want aspects taking up all my inventory space!

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Well, chances are new items are gonna be waay different anyway. Not sure about the “refarm” part

In Eternal , Aspects that has already saved inside your inventory tab will be pulled into the new codex system … and the aspect tab will disappear . No need to farm and the eternal codex will be already populated with all the old saved aspect tabs
In the new season , S4 , players need to farm new max roll aspects to populate your codex . Since your codex will always start with a blank aspect for your first character. Any new season characters after the first char will inherit the codex from the first character


This is really not an legitimate concern because it only affects the Eternal. There is no such “advantage” concern on the eternal. Anyone who starts playing the game earlier than others will likely have some advantages in the Eternal realm simply because the Eternal does not start over every 3 months. For seasons, everyone starts from zero anyway.

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The whole thread/question was about Eternal as far as I understood, correct me if I’m wrong though

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Yes its about Eternal. And I bring that up because not all of us delete old characters and will still play them from time to time.

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