About done with season 4

I am done with bricking perfect pieces of gear because I ONLY get 6 rolls for tempering which is an absolutely insulting joke with how laughably bad itemization is and getting trash rolls.

LET US CHOOSE THE ROLL WE WANT and then let us roll the min-max for that roll for tempering and for enchants, stop screwing over the last 1,000 players on this trash game.


Tempering is just fine. You can literally beat all content without any tempering or masterworking. If you want to min-max, fine, but don’t complain about it. Personally I really like the element of chance, makes it feel amazing when you hit the ones you want.

Edit: If you are not having fun, definitely stop playing, no point in playing games you don’t like.


I’ve cleared several NMD 100 and pit 80, what content I can or cannot clear is irrelevant, the point is it’s a feature of the season and it’s absolute trash and ruins the fun.

its not a feature of the season, as its a baseline addition to the game.

yea. lets remove rng from rng games. hell no.

since you consider this game to be a trash game, id say just move on.


Tempering feels bad. Should be able to create more rolls or somehow save gear from running out of rolls.

Its been like a week, :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:. You can get more items. The problem is expecting BiS without any effort.

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I think the mistake people are making is assuming their 3 GA item with the right affixes is a perfect item. It isn’t. It is a 3/5 incomplete item that happens to have a good start at being a perfect item.

RNG still has to do its thing for the last two affixes. If tempering didn’t exist, you’d have to have it drop with all 5 affixes being perfect. Tempering reduces the RNG by allowing you to reduce the pool of possible rolls on the last two affixes. Tempering gives the player more control and increases chances of a perfect item.

It’s also been a week. Finding perfect items takes a while.

Let us just pick the exact tempering and number we want! ./sarcasm

End game item systems should have a cost. If you want tempering to be infinite or resettable than the only way that is “play” in my view is to have a significant cost for it. As someone else mentioned resplendent sparks maybe.

This feels ridiculous that in an item hunt focused game you want to short circuit the entire focus to min/max. Itemization is “good” right now but killing the upgrade system would make it worse as it’d remove some of the hint unless you move the restriction to a resource based system restriction

At this point I have no doubts tempering is about to get changed in some way. Might just be more rerolls at first but there just been too much hate on it for it not to be changed. Hasn’t really been an issue for me but i won’t turn my nose up at improvement on it.

it’d be the same as enchanting at that point.

The D3 effect.

6 char

I still believe it makes some sense to introduce 3x more rolls per greater affix on an item.