A serious petition for offline mode

ive picked up hacked items on pc as well and had to toss them, even got a temp ban for a random item i picked up in town. and yes im using console as an example. stop trolling. If you just want to post negative stuff go elsewhere.

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I agree… offline mode


These so called “petitions” nowadays… -.-
The moment something doesn’t go the way they personally want it to, they come with a petition. What a world we live in.

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That’s the way it is…

I meant to post here. Im using d3 console as an example but not being specific. both games are identical to the average player. both versions i found hacked items in town, hacked characters ect. I even got a ban for simply picking up a hacked item on pc. i contested and everything was fine.
I respect your opinion.

It specifies that the game requires a broadband connection and they have been very clear since it was announced in 2019 that it would be ONLINE ONLY.

It has nothing to do with cosmetics or the shop. Diablo 3 is the same way and that has no shop and came out in 2012.

It is all about piracy largely, as well as hacking of actual game files. Much less likely when saves are kept server side.

It is fine of course to hate that you can’t play offline, but it is not hones to pretend like it was kept secret or that the shop is involved. Online only games have been a trend for going on 15 years now.

No you did not and you did not get a temp ban for that. D3 did not have hacked items on PC. Console, yes. PC, no.


i’ve been petitioning for offline mode for WoW since 2004. keep up the good fight, brother, they’ll hear us soon!


we have been using petitions sense the 1400’s. thats how you create reform and change. thats why there there! and not so much about personal wants, yes i want it. i would love to play d4 on my upcoming trip in a car on my laptop. but cant cuz its online only.

Oh yea offline mode so people can hack there save files and give themself armor with like 5000+% dmg and what not yea good idea…

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I also forgot to point out, Blizz very well may delete the thread. They don’t allow petition posts.

Petition posts are frowned upon.

These are discussion forums, so we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to removal and users found to be inciting boycotts will risk forum account suspension.

I get wanting offline mode, it is quite reasonable. But you are not going to get it. And you joined the forums just for this…

Only kids hate the shop, diablo is not subscription based so all money they make are sales ONLY, so if you want continuous fixes and support, then you need some form of revenue outside of base game sales. So cosmetic non-game affecting sales is perfect and only KIDS with no wallets hate the idea. ((it’s really dumb for it to be in WoW cause it already has a monthly guaranteed revenue, it was an obvious cash grabber))

I definitely agree. paying 100 bucks for a game and getting booted all the time and not being able to log in at least once a day is getting very irritating. I am not even to a point where i care that there are other players running about, i am just trying to level my character. I’ve been part of 6 MMO start up and this is by far the worst experience I have had thus far.

Ok your me and know better. What about that time you flew on an airplane? remember when you had a panic attack? Cant say you dident cuz i am you now!

that comment is just silly bub. but keep saying something dident happen to me that did. last response here. thx for adding comments to my topic!

“they have been very clear”, how cute. At f** BlizzCon? Well, I don’t watch BlissCon for System Requirements. I read the System Requrements for that, at the Shop page.
Blizzcon commited a marketting violation by not “SPECIFYING” that >CONSTANT< internet would be required to play at all. And they did it so they could leech the loyal gaming community.

I wouldn’t use the offline mode myself since you would need separate characters for it but for those that want it I don’t see why it would hurt to have it.


imo, d3 launch was horrible. this is i.m.o going well for blizz. but there will be hickups. i am am just hoping this gives players a moment to hop on the wagon for offline. ima play the game regardless of if they add offline or not. you just cant get things done by being silent!

November 2019 :woman_shrugging:

Yes, it is done to prevent piracy, largely, which is about money. It is not about the shop and it is not about trying to mislead people.

Internet: Broadband Connection

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no cash shop because its original intended method of micro transaction the crap out of its customers was the auction house. Which went down as one of the biggest failures in gaming.


The Current State of Online Multiplayer Games is Embarrassing | Cold Take - YouTube

Thankfully. The AH, ESP RMAH was an abomination and had a terrible impact on the game in a lot of ways. Pay to win game shortcuts are vile.