A serious petition for offline mode

As much as i would like it. Isn’t this game built on a server like the division type games, if so there will never be a offline mode sadly. I only want it because of lag were i am sucks.

That and the annoying retreating monsters thing when pulled too far is just weird to me for a diablo game. But mmo’s usually do that kind of Ai thing so i think it further proof this game will no run offline.

It’s called tethering.

If they allow a single-player offline mode I’d be all for it. One of the things I used to love as a kid was taking my games on the go with me. In today’s gaming scene, they’ll never get to experience that because every game under the sun requires always online.

It’s also because Blizzard doesn’t ever want us to own our games though. As long as it always requires being online, we have to connect with Blizzard. If Blizzard fails our games go away. This is by design. They want us to keep supporting their games regardless of quality to continue accessing games we already paid for.

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Offline-mode should happen for these reasons:

  • Apocalyptic events like alien invasions, nuclear war, or climate catastrophy would prevent online-play. If humans leave earth to colonize space, or go extinct, an alien civilization maybe couldn’t access our online-content on earth in the distant future.

  • Bad for the Diablo universe, if the story of D4 is not accessible anymore, in case of a potential server shut down many years in the future

  • some people play on modded consoles

  • some people have bad internet, and they might get excluded from something they bought

  • game can be fully played solo


Did i read somewhere can’t remember quite where though but anyway i remember a comment by the devs on this very subject that offline play wasn’t even up for discussion . Also this has been mentioned before numerous times and has been flat out turned down by Blizzard . Not to say it will always be that way but for now and the foreseeable future its wishful thinking . :slight_smile:

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I support this petition. let me play d4 on the plane!

It will never happen, although I wish it would.

They need you online to track hours played so they have something to show the investors, and they need to keep the store in your face, so you will hopefully buy a $99.00 mount for some reason.

Angela Del Priore “So we are not going to support an Offline Mode.”

Their investors wont care the slightest about Diablo 4 player hours. It wont be shown, and nobody will ask.

While that sadly is the case, you can also throw a store in peoples face while offline (but would of course need to be online, at least for a second, to actually buy stuff in it).

I think this necroed thread should be in offline mode.

Playing in offline might create issues since you are playing without connecting to servers and could lead to cheating and dupes so I have to think its a no.


While it could cause cheating and duping, why would anyone other than the cheater care, since they would be offline. Nobody else would ever see their cheating.

Because they go back to online mode and dominate gauntlet with duped items.

Then it would not be offline mode. Obviously offline would stay offline forever after. Just like SC and HC don’t mix.

they arent going to make an offline mode. there is zero benefit to it

Why not? I might even build a hardcore character.

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Who doesnt have internet connection in 2024? Seems like a waste to make and program an offline mode. Not sure its worth it for the few that could use it.

Still a few billion.
But luckily an offline mode would also function even if you happened to have an internet connection.

Why arr you spamming this thread to argue against a normal feature, that every game should have?

You can scroll up and read the many reasons. Asking us to repeat everything in a forum thread is trolling-behaviour

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why are people requesting a feature that was clearly announced to not be there ever?

so is demanding something of a product thats not going to happen, and acting like its a “standard feature” when infact, many games dont offer an offline only mode at all.

LMAO offline mode NO thanks Blizz please close this thread for Code of Conduct violation which petitions are

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