A quick thank you note to the devs

Hey devs!

I know you’re busy and I doubt you’ll ever read my message, but either way, I wanted to thank you guys for the latest patch. Lowering the pit difficulty made viable a lot of off-meta builds. I was barely able to clear pit 100 with Invigorating Rogue before patch, and now I can comfortably do 101 and farm mats for upgrades. It’s so refreshing being able to play non-meta or home-brewed builds without relying on alts to farm upgrade mats.

I truly thank you for not listening to the top content creators.
Much love and take care!

Yes, thank you for turning an easy game into cake.
Closer and closer we get to D3 levels of ease.
Next please provide everyone an “I Win” button.

When everyone is special, no one is.

You can always play on higher pits, tough guy.
150 is a joke now? Cool, go for 160. Problem solved.

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Lol, who said I was tough my friend. You’re sounding a little passive aggressive there.
I am merely sharing my opinion since I do not like this change.
I take it you like that they made things easier. That’s fine. I don’t and was kind of surprised they choose this course. This game seems to be heading in the direction to be D3.5 . I love D3 but it became a cake walk. I played season 31 and was done and in the 200’s on the leaderboards in about two weeks. Had a blast but it was short lived. I thought they wanted something different for D4. But meh :man_shrugging:
But in the end that is all it is. An opinion.
Everyone has one and they all stink.