A few tips for login Queue concerns:

Two times now my que has finished and then there is an error and I can’t login. I can’t even begin to describe how infuriating it is that my friends are getting in without issue and again and again it’s crashing for me. What is the actual point in charging an early access price and have it be so incredibly random. Pissed.

These queue times are garbage blizzard should fix this or automatically give everyone the beta rewards

Several hours old… no updates stop slacking blizzard

Just got back on to play some more. 58 minutes. Better than it was earlier…

I queued for “107 minutes” and it flipped to “Authentication Pending”. Been sitting on this screen now for about 30 minutes. All the posts say to be patient so I’m chilling…

Mine has already dropped to 45.

Mine dropped to 0, queued for login - authentication pending with no timer. It’s been on this screen with no timer for 40 minutes. Total queue time now about an hour and 45 minutes. No sure if I should restart or not.

90 min wait, played 5 minutes then disconnected… fix this blizzard it’s garbage now another 90 minute queue

That’s a hard one to answer. You could end up waiting indefinitely, or restart and reset the queue.

Mine just jumped down to 36… yikes.

Same old Blizzard, same old dog and pony show…

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unfortunately, there isn’t a reserve spot. 3rd login timer so far today due to random disconnects

Should be the same queue-jumping for those in parties; I was in a 3-person party, network error, then back into a 100+ minute queue. So much for adventuring with friends <3

I have to agree, this is frustrating for sure.

My timer just ended, and now it just says Queued… LOL

I should point out, that my gaming PC is connected to a different ISP and I’m using my laptop on my main ISP to follow the forum. And while typing that, I now got in.

So, is it better to stay on the character select screen rather than exiting the game and queuing back in when I encounter error code 316719 when clicking the “START GAME” button under the character slots menu?

Not sure. I haven’t gotten any specific errors. And currently I’m in game again. I hate that some of you are having issues beyond the queue.

I gave up after the timer ran out and I was on the Authentication Pending screen for an hour. Restarted it. Total time wasted in queue 2 hours 10 minutes. Timer now shows 98 minutes… lol.

Thanks for the help but thats not the problem. the issue is that the game crashes, or other issues with the game thats causing longer que times and people being thrown back into que for x period. also, my timer was spot on. I waited an hour and half.


Feel for you. :confused:

Keep riding that… horse.

If the average consumer knew what a beta test was I’d agree with you–however they’re losing customer trust by offering this as a pre-order incentive while people cannot play. Blizzard cannot afford to lose anymore reputation.