5 board limit is treating the symptoms not the problem

In the recent campfire chat, the devs noted that most players approach the paragon system in the same way - ignoring the nodes on the boards entirely, and instead trying to get as many glyphs as possible.

Blizzard wants to change that and add more diversity to how the paragon system is used. But I think they’re missing the point. Players aren’t interested in magic and rare nodes because they aren’t interesting. They retain the games previous “damage on Tuesdays” design philosophy, being the only place in the game where you can still get horrible stats like potion healing and damage for 3 seconds after dodging.

Instead of arbitrarily limiting the number of boards we can take, make the paragon system outside of board glyphs worth engaging with. When I heard paragon was being revamped, I was expecting nodes like generic effect size modifiers, generic skill duration modifiers, lucky hit chance, you know, the “punchy” affixes present in every other part of the game, not just a lazy retread of the AoZ glyph from season 2 and nothing else.


I agree that limiting the number of boards seems counterproductive to player autonomy and build diversity. Full stop.

I will say, however, that with the increased range of each glyph, it will probably be worth sinking more points into each board to boost the glyphs you do have. Some glyphs - particularly if you can socket them into the middle of a board - can be boosted to insane levels given how many stat nodes are within the increased range. Could be cool.

I also think they realize that the resistance / armor penalties for higher torment tiers are going to be ridiculous, so they want to force players into taking more rare and magic nodes that increase resist, armor, STR and INT to bolster their defenses.


I get what you’re saying and let’s say it’s really like AoZ with reduced boards, I think I will take this new approach over the 8 board Paragon. It’s not ideal but at least I am not chasing how to make an 8 to 9 Paragon board. I am not penalized for picking the rare nodes on my 5 boards (penalized meaning I am not at a disadvantage against someone who just decided to slap 9 boards because you get 9 glyphs with multiplicative bonuses)


Glyphs are going to have caps also… So not sure how far you will be able to boost them yet and we already max armor and resists without the board but maybe they are putting less stats on armor for those

Oh? I had not heard that. If so, that’s unfortunate.

Also should build diversity be based on Paragon board? I think it should enhance your build but it shouldn’t be the one that dictates your build.

Well it’s certainly not going to be coming from the skill tree!

If there’s a candidate for build diversity between Paragon board and Skill tree, I would vote for skill tree but I am not saying it should be.

Some items in the game lend to new builds as a good counter example that it’s not only the skill tree.

But if I got to choose both because I have no other options, skill tree should dictate build diversity than Paragon board.

When I say build diversity, it means if I spec into a basic, core, or mastery skill, I should be successful in completing T7, Pit 110s, Tormented Bosses, etc. Right now, let’s use Sorc, if I spec into Firewall, it’s overshadowed by Conjuration.

I am not thinking Meta level in terms of speed clearance but should still be possible to do things the slower way…

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They dont know what to do and ran out of time so they put this in place. Very lackluster and devoid of design way to do paragon is with 100 level glyphs and arbitrary cap on boards instead of complete rethink of every board. Taking away choice and forcing us to take bad nodes in each board because of no other choice instead of you know just making some good nodes worth going for like enchantment master giving you +1 enchant slot or something. PPL would go for that!!! Was hoping for complete redo here. We got the bandaid “main stat different for each hero” solution.

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The level 100 glyphs are now even stronger, 400 to 600% additive damage and another 20% multiplier. So it was necessary to limit. Although I expected an adjustment in the information, how much strength do I have in each ray of the glyph?? It is unacceptable to have to open websites and count each frame. We are in 2024.

I think it would be a fairly simple fix to just make it so that the legendary glyph bonus was granted to each rare or magic mode on the whole board and had some minimum activation requirement based on stats collected on the whole board.

But yeah, it would be way more fun if the rare clusters were impactful on the scale of weapon tempers and the legendary nodes were actually giving you something that leans into your class strengths, like a free enchant of one of your skills, extra skill points to spend on a specific skill cluster, the passive effect of a specific skill for free, etc.


The big problem I have is that when you increase the radius to 5, there’s many Glyphs where 1/2 (or more!) new spaces get utterly wasted because they are blank.


Controversial opinion: I have never NEVER looked at the paragon boards other than trying to copy the layout maxroll says I should have for my spec.

In my casual gamer mindset, they are an absolute convoluted failure of a system that should have been reworked for the xpac to be less cumbersome. My gameplay would be much more improved if the system either allowed me to import (like wow talents) or just didn;t exist and that power was distributed in other ways.

Yah thats not cool. Empty spaces in glyph radius bad bad bad Bliz.


I hit 6 Boards on my Sorcerer not for Glyphs, but for all those sweet ‘+Damage vs. Elite’ Magic Nodes (Also +Vulnerable & Cold Damage). The sheer quantity of all those felt a bit silly, dunno if other classes get quite so many. That said, I agree that making the lesser Nodes more enticing would be helpful.

I did that too and hit 7 boards because my sorc boards are so tight and awesome. One board I have to use a willpower glyph because its so fast to do it (frigid I think) and so using torch glyph which is fine because 12.5% multiplier.

Will share if u want to know. Im hybrid chain - spear.
I even use hoarfrost on amulet and skills because of Fist and Freeze i rolled on amulet
My new amulet once I get it will be GA devour, GA glass, enchant Hoar. Gonna cost me all my stuffz. This setup of having Fist and freeze chance on gear also lets me use ice armor multiplier on frozen enemies even though Im lightning!


Destruction - 44 DEX on stun damage board
Unleash (its great for mana regen and 8% damage and all them juicy dmg resist rares and I love mana) Underrated glyph.
Charged (15% multi)
Control (3 GA Fist of Fate stuns everythang!) Bosses perma locked.
Elemental - Great on first board
Torch - Saves a lot of points on frigid board by using WILL and avoid have to get cold resist nodes

Dont use:
Exploit - Cut for control. Flamefeeder does more damage.
Reinforced - Have enough damage resist with tyrael

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I would prefer D3 style paragon points, just put points where you want, alternating between groups of stats… maybe legendary points can be equipped every 10/20/whatever number of points.

Reminds me of POE talent tree when I See paragon boards.


People like you are the issue that ruins everything for everyone else.

I thought this too: x2% critical damage for each rare node on the board. But I think with the new ceiling for armor and resistance changing with each torment, I think we’ll play around more on the board.

-I remove a point here, put it there. So it looks good. Um, I received a new item with less armor, I’m going to adjust my frames.

Today I played around with the paintings and there were a lot of points left, I think we chose about 20 rare ones in all, they are almost all of them in reality. I would like to choose my nodes, like glyphos. I think that would be cool.

Meanwhile, my melee Druid uses a whopping 4 Boards (including starter) because there are no other options :smiling_face_with_tear: