225 hours solo play time and still no exceptional drops - I’m out…

225 hours total playing time… As a father of two and husband, this is about as “max” as I can get without “calamity” in the house. I share because I’m about the level I’d like to be and yet still no exceptional drops. I’ve played Diablo since the 90’s, this is a great game, but guys…. Please add loadouts as the boards make it incredibly expensive to change builds, and with 225 hours in since launch, I’m tapping out as the drop rate for the best in slot, after 225 hours (9 full days of playing - solo mind you) just aren’t happening. I’ll get the 2 pieces I need after I’m on my 5-6th paragon board - and I’m not switching everything out for that. Enjoy, I’m out…


Starting to feel the same to be honest.


Give it time, i know it can get frustrating but it hasnt had a season yet. New stuff will come. Im working on two characters, if i feel frustrated one i switch and i have a lot of enjoyment that way. I hear ya, too many hands on your time as you get older but i take a beak, then come back for the season you will find it fun again. I hope so at least.


Yeah man you just gotta grind.

I’m also getting side eye from the wife and kids but they have no clue how bad off Sanctuary is so whatever. Their priorities are off so that’s their problem.

Here’s the deal man. You’ve got to cross over to old mandom. Forget about the best in slot, Uber Lilith etc.

Just focus on building out something to run up to around 40-45 NM’s, Helltides and Whispers easily. I know everyone will agree that higher NM’s net you better gear but actually it’s just a higher chance. I’ve gotten a few 790-800 items running like level 30 NM’s just because it’s still fun you know.

Who in the H E, double hockey sticks wants to get all amped up trying to push higher NM Dungeons over and over…(just kidding, I do, but those times are done)

Honestly my man, it could start raining uniques and legs for you and the only thing that’ll happen is that this post will go from, I didn’t get anything to, everything I get is junk.

Just enjoy the ride.

Good luck out there!


D4 isnt D3 , maybe like D2, how many time lost to get a Ber rune or ethereal Titans?

Pretty fed up with the lack of loot too. 200 ancestrial legendary amulets,1000 anc.rares, and still not a single one that has potential to surpass my sacred’s stats. They need to balance progression with better margins… i put well in excess of 1000 hours into Jacks ViP runs in B3 and never got a perfect Seein Dead. Not sure I’ve the lifespan left to try for 50 perfect in slot items for D4 including alts and multi-spec builds. They want 50,000 hours of My Life. I feel stupid Paying someone to Kill me…

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I totally agree. I’m lvl 71 Rogue on T3 and died 5 times in the first 15 minutes of play last night. Twice in a Helltide and three times just doing Tree stuff. Had not played in a few days and didn’t have this much problem last time. The stunlocks along with all the other issues are just too much. Only 2 Uniques so far and no ancestrals. Just sacreds, nothing any better.

I’m through with this frustrating POS game for now. I’ll try again in a month or so to see if the devs have pulled their head out yet and fixed it. If not, into the trash bin of worthless games I’ve bought where it can join The Last of Us and Death Stranding. Oh, and I have over 4200 hrs in D2/D3/D2R over the years so I’m not a newbee at it. I’ll just go back to D3 (Paragon 1746, GR 89 solo DH) and grind there instead.

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Here’s a little hint: only helmet, chest, pants and the weapon(s) that are actively used to deal main damage must have the highest item power possible. For all other slots, an item power of 725 with 5/5 upgrades is sufficient even for stuff like uber lilith. This means that rings, amulets, gloves, shoes and non-active weapons can be sacred. The last mentioned items can be godlike with an item power of 725, because they are only stat stick.

With an item power of 725 onwards, all item affixes reach their highest bracket. From this break point on, only armor and DPS values on items are affected by a higher item power.

When you upgrade an item, the affixes get a bonus of 10% per upgrade, up to 50% at 5/5. So if you have a raw ring with 3% crit at 0/5, you know that at 5/5 the value increases to 4.5%. If an item is upgraded to an item power of 725 or above, the item automatically jumps to the new bracket and then receives the upgrade bonus of up to 50% at 5/5 on it. In addition, the initial values of the existing affixes are re-rolled when the 725 mark is exceeded. This can lead to a 700 item with 4 good affixes with bad rolls getting max rolls everywhere when going to 725.

With legendaries, in most cases it doesn’t even matter what item power is present, because 99% of the time you’re going to extract the aspect anyway. There are only less than a handful of aspects that actually scale with item power - usually aspects whose variable is not duration or %value. In 99% of cases you can even use aspects with an item power of 150. Finding a Legendary with 3 ideal affixes + the desired aspect is nearly impossible and is located in the same league as uber uniques.

If you want to farm uniques specifically, the Helltide chests are suitable for this. If you are looking for a helmet, open helmet chests. Alternatively, farm NMDs, preferably aldurwood or similar, which you can smash through in 2 minutes.

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The game has some balance issues that need to be addressed. I’m on my second character now and the two classes level 1-70 experience could not have been anymore opposite. Druid was my first character and Rogue is my second.

My Druid I built myself and played the way I wanted all way up just shy of NM 60. I didn’t follow guides but read enough to understand what makes them work and my builds were never going to set the world on fire because there was no real legendary or unique powers to push to that level. It was a grind fest for levels and gear that got better later in the game. But for sure it was a lot of work. I never got the big build defining piece to try the top meta builds, so I moved on to a different class.

This time I decided to follow a guide to understand how it’s put together and why they choose passives in a particular order even if they don’t make sense to me and it helped me better understand how to play to my strengths while showing up weakness at key points. It was a contrast to Druid where I shored up weakness before playing to strength.

Couple that with the absolute speed of Rogue compared to Druid and the ability to blow through content at a fast pace and level up quickly and levels 1-50 were a blur. 50-70 was also extremely fast. I think I died twice over that experience and both times it was while reviving someone at the world boss.

Now that I am progressing through the 70’s the class is so fast and so smooth to play that you have to slow down if you actually want to loot things. Uniques help but are not necessary, most of the affixes for the build can be obtained from a dungeon and all you end up doing is hunting for upgrades. That doesn’t kill the fun because the class is already strong without fully min/maxing at this level.

That to me is the game’s biggest challenge and they need to make fist 50-70 levels fun before any grind begins. Druid’s and Barb’s are hard grinding out of the gate and by level 25 you either learn to love that grind or play a different class and that is unfortunate.


•T3 only drops sacred and uniques
•T4 drops ancestrals and uniques

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Good info Rayne00, thanks. I’ll never get there (T4) so I’ll stop looking for them. I’m getting mob stunlocked and die in seconds as it is. No sense even trying to do a dungeon to move up a tier. I’m in my 70’s and a casual solo player so kicking back in the Man Cave with some light Jazz playing and a tumbler of Jack Single Barrel (neat) is more appealing.


The endless stun lock does not make the game enjoyable for any of us. The same can be said for one shot mechanics which show up later in endgame where a quill rat can end your life through 15K armor, 12K health and 2 shields. I don’t think any of us mind dying in the game, but it’s always the same two kinds of deaths, stun locks and one shots and bonus points for being stun locked or one shot from off screen.

It would be better if there were more interesting mechanics that we could engage with that aren’t a giant rock chasing you to your next stun lock or a random lightning dome that makes you backtrack 80% of the time. What happened to getting overwhelmed and dying? That’s something that only happens if you get stun locked. I wish they would come up with better ways to kill us.

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I’m about a 1,000% positive that the developers have wives that wear the pants and were like “listen, you turds, we want you to make this game a marriage simulation, that way everyone can see how happy marriage can be”.

You got it babe. We will make sure everyone knows what it’s like to live with you……

Diablo 4!?! More like Matrimony 4: Hell Never Freezes on Our Watch

Sometimes I’m just like dang man, this feels like I should be clocking in and out playing this game. Where’s the number to my doctor, I gotta up my blood pressure meds.

The stats are busted man. It’s like Dr. Evil tossing out the 1 Billion, Trillion, Fajillion dollars line. Just give us something that works lmao!

Post script: I’ll keep playing for sure but I’ll also continue to complain about it. And they say we learn nothing from them…… pfft

Good luck out there people!

I wirk 40+ hr weeks have weekends off and usually play a couple hours after work as well. I have close to 350hrs now between barbarian, sorcerer and rogue i haven’t had anything special drop for me yet at all.

Don’t you realize that this is the exceptionnal thing: being able to play 225h and not geting anything interesting for you,only D4 can do such an exceptionnal disappointment. :smiley:


What is an ‘exceptional drop’ to you?

OP didn’t say and hasn’t posted any more in the thread, so let’s all just assume they’re in WT1 still and wondering why no uniques be dropping.

I’d agree on the scarcity of uniques being a bit much. I had several drop over the weekend, but they were just lower power versions of ones I already have equipped.

I hear you on Tempest Roar and Temerity, both are missing on my druid too. Am only 69 tho, haven’t yet spent much time in WT3 or 4

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The drop rate is fine. The problem is the item itself. Even I see a legendary or unqiue drop, it doesn’t excited me. They need to work on their legendary aspect and unique.

Have you thought about trying a new build? I did the T3 Capstone dungeon on a level 64 sorc (arc lash) without any issue. Took a little longer because I was waiting for my ultimate cooldown for elite packs (10-15 minutes instead of 5-10 minutes) but at level 71 it will not be much different than a normal dungeon.

Are you sure you have played Diablo games before? I am not sure what your class or build is, but unless you are pushing NM40-50 the crowd control (stunlock) is pretty infrequent and easily remedied by a skill that makes you Unstoppable. Every class has one (teleport for sorc, shadow step for rouge, etc.).