225 hours solo play time and still no exceptional drops - I’m out…

See my previous post in this thread for my info. Rogue lvl71 T3. Well over 4200 hours total in D2/D3/D2R. The mobs just pop up in the middle of another fight and stunlock you to death.

I might try a different character but I’m comfortable with the DH style of combat and it has worked pretty well up till now. Others are having the same issue so I’m not alone. Note some of the other posts in this thread. The game mechanic needs to be changed. I’ll just wait and see what Update 1.1.0 for Seasons does.

My bad, missed your class. Just out of curiosity, do you have shadow step on your skill bar? I can’t imagine playing without a CC break.

I just moved permanently to T4, and still rarely have an issue with crowd control. Might have to break a CC mechanic once or twice per NM dungeon.

Shadow step alone is not enough. Cooldown is too long. Even the aspect that gives you a second charge sometimes isn’t enough when you go up against certain mob types like snakes and spiders and they give them multiple CC types.

Chain stun should have a max time cap followed by a short amount immunity. There are other ways to get additional CC break on Rogue like concealment or the affix that gives you unstoppable for 4 seconds when not healthy which means you won’t get chain stunned “to death” you can spam your potion and survive and maybe break away. That also has a cooldown of 20-40 seconds.

Right you are ChefRef77, tried Shadow step but not good enough. Have the 4sec unstoppable instead and can sometimes survive with it but if the next group is too soon I’m SOL. I appreciate your ideas guys but they really need to address both the mob mechanic and stuns in general.

Also, I tried playing for about 20 minutes last night (Sunday) but the rubberbanding & lag were so bad I gave up. Anywhere from 2-4 second delays on action and also jumps in position. Had to have a couple shots of Jack afterwards just to calm my nerves. :wink:

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The loot in D4 is not like any of the previous games. Based on the way the items currently are, it is possible to find BIS items, with the exception of uber uniques, as early as levels 55-60.

After item power 725, all legendary items have mostly the same stat ranges they can possibly have. The only exception is apparently +life and +thorns, and maybe some resistances, but the stats that really matter can all roll in the same range, so it is very possible some of you that have been grinding for a while, already found the BIS items you need for your build way before 100.

Also, play around with yellows. Im wearing at least half that I’ve imprinted and upgraded. You would he surprised at how much valuable gear you can create. I usually have to enchant for a better perk but i stop at 2 rolls, usually i get something useful.

Iv written this same thing in other threads.

They are so rare that I just do not give a **** about them. Just forget they exist and “beat the game” then go play something else for a bit.

Blizzard seems to think that putting really really really rare items in will keep people hunting for them, on the contrary. It makes it so the Dev team wastes time making them and then noone cares about your Uber uniques.

Make them hard to get, sure. Make them so I have to do some difficult stuff, great!

I’m WT4 (man I’d hope so after 225 hours, LOL). I decided to just build from what I had. I got a couple drops since, but I had to stick with “human form” storm build. I killed the butcher in about 10 seconds using my ultimate, and his rushes/weapon didn’t hurt my life.

Imagine playing a game for drops, and not because you like it. You guys are weird

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Up up
Down down
Left right
Left right

You’re all welcome.

I never even think about them. I have well over 500 hrs and just enjoy where in at. When i finish everything i know there will be another season to look fwd to.

That’s exactly why ppl play Diablo games tf are u smoking. It’s all about the items and the items suck

You are doing something seriously wrong. Rogue has a very easy time in the open world even with a bad build. I was doing t4 nm dungeons at lvl 55 on rogue. If you die to helltide mobs, something is seriously wrong with your build.