2.0.3 change that saddens me the most 🙁

in a mostly good patch.

Elite monsters with the Waller affix now cast less walls, and the walls now last 3 seconds, reduced from 5.

Another one in a long series of declining steps. Little by little we lose everything.
Why did Blizz create this dark game world with grim stories only to fill it with punching bags and cardboard cutouts? Because that’s what monsters are reduced to. There are no enemies anymore, just punching bags. Enemies could hurt you back in similar ways to how you hurt them. After player impairment (CC) being reduced to virtually nothing (who even cares about unstoppable anymore for anything other than a condition for more damage?). Afraid of being walled in for 5 seconds? Why don’t you figure out some counterplay, huh?
But I know, I know. Nobody ain’t got time for that. We’ve got a quota of meat to grind in this sausage factory game. No downtime allowed.

Your complaining about Waller by less annoying?

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And I’m sad because opals won’t be fixed.
I’ll survive without standing in the walls somehow.

If I wanted to stand in the walls I’d play Ultima Online)

Everything broken in the game right now and this is the one that gets to you???

ITs not the SB doing 10000x damage more than other heroes?
Entire opal thing being broken?
Suspect dupe exploit and kurast city exploit that was just patched?

For real a meaningless wall change gets to you?


Waller is one of the stupidest affixes they have. The ones they got rid of long ago were better than this one. Most of the time you are boxed out of doing anything. When you make a game with small tunnels and the block it from a wall where all you can do is stand there waiting for 5 seconds, thats terrible. The other option is they wall you in and then stack enough ground effects in the wall to one shot you. Nothing is fun about this affix.

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Dont forget the crashes! :slight_smile:
Game is so broken right now haha.

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