1.3 Patch...Wow

Cold Imbuement
Chill amount now increases by 5% per skill rank, up from 2.5%.


Close Quarters Combat
Amount of Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus conversion percent reduced from 40% to 10%.

…welp I’m definitely skipping this season.


Yea CQC got hit hard and the treatment seemed pretty harsh.
I’m no meta or mechanics wiz but - why? It seemed to come out of nowhere.
“Our data shows Players are using this keystone passive too much…what should we do?”
“Nerf it and they’ll use other ones.”

Victimize KSP - not one word about a fix. I know this has been reported and there’s videos of it not working properly.
Shadow Clones - Terrible. Xarrio made a great video and this has been reported. Nada.
:man_shrugging: hrmm

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Rogue nerfs without proper buffs okay. NErfing the only usable key passive. Okay.
But why can you not revert inner sight???

  1. You made a legendary to exclusively work with innner sight and traps/ultimate/caltrops
  2. You buffed leyrana key passive
  3. You made one more new item to work with ultimates.

Please someone at blizzard. Realize that the reason no one is using them, no one will use them (true for both the items and the node) is that you nerfed inner sight to be unusable, when it felt strong in the first patch.

BUT: It does not count as strong anymore. It does one thing, and that is giving you “infinite” resource for 4 seconds, which you can only ever perma keep up on bosses, which should be fine.
But now? You might think its 4 second up 4 second down (which is bad enough, as every class has pretty much infinite resource, even rogue, so it makes the passive useless), but no, it is stack up time, then 4 seconds, then 4 seconds downtime. its 20-30% of the time you get infinite resource. I can can a 10% resource gen on a ring and it will be better.

So please REVERT Inner Sight. Even if you did that, it would still be a mediocre specialization, but it would allow us the use the cool new items and leyrana… Because right now, it is usuable.

I really hoped there would be something for rogue now, but guess it is an off season for the class. :frowning:

p.s.: I have to +1 the CQC nerf. It was the only really good one. Sure you made one other node better, but killed the melee node. It wasn’t op, it was simply the only good one. And honestly without the bug, rogue was a candidate for weakest class, now it might have been reacher by a wide margin.


They said they wanted to improve ranged rogue, but a couple of minor adjustments to penetrating shot is all they came up with? Really disappointing.


Will the Explosive Glyph now increase the Key Passive Exposures Grenade Damage!?!?

I wanted to roll a Flurry Grenade rogue this season but surprised there was no changes/buffs to Flurry, grenades, momentum… idk mabye I’ll try it out but rethinking my season start class after those notes.

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Yeah flurry gets no love sadly as they favor tb which I loathe. Crowd control damage also took a major hit so that’s now crit and vul coming into this past and now cc damage… they’re killing us :frowning:

Diablo IV has eight credited class designers. I’m starting to wonder what they’re doing all day…


I don’t think anyone at blizzard plays rogue.


The bladedancer’s aspect was nerfed which is part of the rogue’s bread and butter twisting blade build. I guess they want all the rogues to play another class in Season 3. LOL

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Eating cookies and screwing around on Twitter

Looks like the S1 balance team that crushed barb into ground finally got around to the rogue part of the checklist…

At least we have all the best class specific armor uniques in the game. Oh wait…

Seems they killed rogue to me too.

I thought they were going to give us a viable range rogue, but I did not see anything that will make a real ranger type class in the notes. I might skip rogue in season 3 too.

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Tb got nerfed to hell so i dont know how anyone can say they prefer it… bladedancer aspect “bug” fix is like an 80% dmg loss

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MacroNinja if you read the patch notes, Blizzard also nerfed the blade dancer aspect. In season 3 it will only hit 2 targets instead of 3. Some of the damage was moved to the returning twisting blades damage making it more difficult to do damage and nerfing the iconic rogue twisting blades build. Here is the patch note:

Bladedancer’s Aspect

  • The orbiting blades can now hit each enemy 2 times, reduced from 3.
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They also nerfed the Rogue’s poison imbuement and seem to be offering cold as an alternative, but is it really an alternative?

Seems like they want Rogue to go ranged, but don’t ranged classes always get forced into melee fighting (Sorcs are supposed to be ranged, but what roll is important for BL, damage to close enemies)?

To be fair they’re pushing meteor this league which could end up being more range than BL. Personally I think they’re pushing shadow this league with the adjustments to the aspects , since it doesn’t require the enemy to be poisoned or chilled now.

True, but like the change to Rain of Arrows initially falling closer to player, might still turn out to be a melee playstyle.

It’s okay, I have come to terms with 2 hits of wet noodle vs 3 hits with wet noodle really means that dropping down to 2 hits is no longer a nerf. :rofl:

Okay, now somewhat more serious answer, I do wonder if the WASD changes mean ranged rogue becomes more viable? Looking at that Penshot AOZ build as an example maybe as the starting blue print of where to rebuild the class now that TB nerf has been completed.

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And still no unique crossbow… i dont even know what to say anymore. I did not play for over a month and my interest in the game is vanishing at the far horizon from day to day. :worried:

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