12 Infernal Hordes Improvements 👿

This essay is to help the devs with making hordes more fun and fair. Improve player experience and making choices between waves more than just pick hellborn everytime.

1] Modifier is picked on wave 1 after defeating fiend.

2] Soul spire affixes and synergy improved. 2 Examples:
Hell Spires - Spires spawn +1 hellborn when completed. Common.
Soul Harvest - Gain +1 Aether per soul spire completed this wave. Soul spires drain resource. Rare.

3] Aether Masses affixes and synergy improved. 2 Examples:
Mass Masses - Spawn 4 Aether Masses when wave starts. Masses drain health. Common.
Maggot Mounds - Destroyed masses make large maggot enemy hoards. (This helps complete events). Maggots explode on death into poison. Rare

4] Fel Councel are very rare buffs now and multiply your score by percentage making them very good rolls. so the +15 aether would be 15% aether score multi.

5] Mythic purple event choice added that adds 1 treasure goblin per event completion.
(1 in 500 chance)

6] All scrolls removed from game. All compass removed from game. You simply choose the tier you want to run at the entrance door and can warp to this door like a waypoint.
There is no point to having any of these drops as they are so abundant.

7] Infernal Vendor and Blacksmith added to council room when completed.
The infernal vendor has a small chance to sell legends and uniques instead of rares including ones with GA or extra tempers. This vendor buys items too like normal vendor.
The infernal blacksmith is a normal blacksmith but also allows you to put infernal cosmetic borders on your items. This only affects your item cosmetics when ppl look at your profile. Borders include red with flames, blue with chill, black with shadow, blue with lightning, grey with dancing skulls ect. Start with a basic set of 10 borders and buy more in the shop.

8] All event animations removed and spawn faster.

9] 4th option added in completion choices. This skips the choice.

10] Option to reroll 1 set of choices during the run.

11] Lords and Butcher and Desecrator? (fireball spitters) toned down a bit.

12] 1 New Chest added to spice up rewards at the end. These are one time chests unless stated otherwise. This is just an extra chest option and does not replace other chests. A chest will not appear if you dont qualify for it. For example if you earned 552 in a run then the Mythical Armaments will not appear.
This is a random chest from the following pool of chests:

Common (white):
Helm - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops helms.
Chest - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops chests.
Glove - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops gloves.
Pants - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops pants.
Boot - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops boots.
Ring - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops rings.
Amulet - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops amulets.
1H Weapons - 50. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops 1H weapons for your hero.
2H Weapons - 100. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops 2H weapons for your hero.
Dungeoneer - 40. Contains random dungeons with 2 random positive modifiers and no negatives. Awaking has a high chance to be one of the positives.

Masterwork Armaments - 30. Drops random equipment with 1 extra temper. Reusable.

Rare (yellow):
GA version of all the Common specific gears like this example:
Amulet - 60. Same number of items as 60 GA chest. Only drops amulets. AT least 1 amulet has 1 or more GA.

Stones 50 - Only contains stygian stones.

Horde Elixir Chest - 75. These contain 3-5 of 1 of 6 new elixirs only found in this horde chest, horde goblins, and rarely from new Dark Alchemist Council member. Tradable.
Last 2 hours.
A] Harvester - 10% XP bonus. Gain 1 resource when you defeat an enemy.
B] Empowerment - 10% XP bonus. 10% Cooldown. 10% Lucky hit. 10% Max health.
C] Witch’s Brew - 10% XP bonus. 15% max resource. 15% resource cost reduction.
D] Alacrity - 10% XP bonus. 15% movement speed. 15% attack speed.
E] Archmage - 10% XP bonus. 15% for skills to cast twice. Skills that cast twice have 15% more lucky hit.
F] Scholar - 15% XP bonus.

Greater Dungeoneer - 50. Contains random dungeons with 3 random positive modifiers and no negatives. Awakening has a high chance to be one of the positives.

Polished Armaments - 40. Drops random equipment with 2 extra tempers. Reusable.

Legendary (orange):
Greater Materials - 150. Only contains boss materials, stygian stones, and 1 Torment Token. 1 Torment Token can be used to start any torment boss fight except Diablo.

Pristine Armaments - 60. Drops random equipment with 3 extra tempers. Reusable.

Quicksilver - 75. Only drops gear with cooldown affix.

Mimic - 0. Feed the mimic 3 items to gain 1 back of the same type. 3 differnt uniques = 1 random unique. 3 same unique = 1 same unique. Three items with 3 GA = 1 item with 3 GA, ect. You can do this 3 times and then the mimic attacks you. Defeat it for the items.

Mythic (purple):
Spoils of the Eternal War - 400. Small chance at a mythical. If you dont get a mythical it drops 1 spark. 4-8 uniques. 15-25 legos. 4-8 Horde Elixirs.

Mythical Armaments - 700. Contains 1 random mythical item.

Tormented Souls - 300. Contains 5 torment tokens.

Diablo - 1000. Contains 1 Diablo Token. This can be used to start a battle with LV 300 diablo at the infernal citadel. Diablo only drops items with at least 1 GA. The infernal citadel is chock full of only elite enemies at LV 250 and contains an Infernal Glyph interactable so even if you lose to Diablo you can earn some items and glyph XP. The infernal glyph interactable levels a chosen glyph to 21.

Thanks for reading this wall o text that crit your eyes and made you go blind.


#1 Are you suggesting we get to pick out very first boon/bane after we beat the bouncer upon entering? If so sure why not.

#2 through 4 I see various changes coming to these over the seasons. Interesting ideas though.

#5 There’s already a super rare goblin event apparently where it’s wall to wall goblins. Wouldn’t mind something like this though.

#6 Yup, less Chuck E. Cheese tokens, I’m all for this.

#7 Is interesting idea, not sure they would ever implement it mind you.

#8 Agreed.

#9 & 10 I’m not a fan of, I like the rng involved and feel this shouldn’t be allowed to change once you’ve made your choices, nor should you be able to skip choices entirely.

#11 I’m all for these things, you know what you’re getting into if you take these options.

#12 I could see this being added to higher tiered Hordes. For example 7 and 8 could use an extra reward for proving you can take on higher difficulty.

So you’re being a little over zealous with all of your chest options, just make it another GA chest or something. Too many choices spoils the stew.

Overall not a bad list though. +1 for you good sir.

Only 1 appears at a time at random and most of these will be common and rare but maybe u get lucky with legend or mythic chest.

thx for plus 1

I’m sorry to break it to you OP but this is too much to ask, for a small indie company. They can’t even get a cache handed out to players properly let alone a full on list of great additions and ideas to the infernal hordes that you brought up. :joy:


Another your not a DEV , Stop with these idiotic . HORRIBLE IDEA POSTS

Oh I get that, but realistically speaking, there’d be too many chests that ‘could’ pop, and we’d have nothing but people complaining they keep getting the same type of chest after 50 runs.

‘Why do I keep getting Helm chests at the end of IH?!’

You know how it goes.

Thank you! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Bro your ideas were terrible. Don’t get an ego

This is a typo, right? Oh nvm, I get it.

Also… ‘feed’ the mimic is basically interacting with it as with a vendor NPC?

1-8 sounds good. everything after 8 no thank you