11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

go play diablo 2 k thx

go play Dynasty Warriors


Yeah that definitely is a problem with D3 in particular.
It is not players “dictating” a meta. It is Blizzard dictating it, through the sets and legendaries.
If meta was 20% stronger than non-meta, people would care less.
But in D3 a speed farm build might be 100%+ more efficient, and for DPS the difference is measured in something like 100000000% differences.

Hopefully D4 dont go there. Albeit, the legendary and unique items certainly seem to be a D3 repeat, even if numbers are lower, they are not low enough to really give people meaningful build choices.

For that to happen, imo, you MUST have a Rare item tier (as in, randomized, normal affixes only) that is as good as Legendaries/Uniques, so people have the option to do builds that are not “dictated” by whatever legendary affixes Blizzard added.

That definitely should happen.

Even I would not go that far! The furthest I would go is:

No repeatable respecs, except:

  • You gain 2-3 respecs when completing each world tier. Also starts with 2-3 respects at lvl 1.
  • In each new balance/content you also get 2-3 respecs for each of your characters (you can max have 2-3 of these, so no stacking from patch to patch)

To be perfectly honest, even the respecs D2 added took something important away from the game. Now we have stuff like “lvling builds” that people then switch from into the actual builds they were going for. A lot of character identity is lost.
I accept that there is no way to preserve that without preventing all respecs, which, as said above it too harsh even for me, but yeah, you lose something and you gain something through it.

Exactly this.

i do and dynasty warriors > d2

And you’re perfectly free to have that opinion. But why try to turn Diablo into Dynasty Warriors? Just don’t play it if you want it to be a different genre than what it is.

my biggest problem with Dynasty Warriors is you just know those girls weren’t really that hot looking in reality. They could probably still kick my a$$ though.

when is diablo turning to dynasty warriors lol. D4 is literally the best game ever, just dont need another d2r fest

Haven’t played D3 in the last 10 years, eh?

I sure hope the answer is never. Unless as a spin-off! (but damn Blizzard, give me that Souls-like spin-off first!)

Dont talk about it!

Players will be far more likely to look up build guides in D4 when respec costs are high.

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Based on what? You repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true.

Roughly the same number of people feel compelled to follow build guides in every game, regardless of whether respec even exists or not.

D3 respecs are completely free, and everybody still plays the same 1-3 builds for every class.

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I think it’s probably more fair to say players will be less likely to play outside the boundaries of meta. They’ll probably still look at the guide and assess if it’s worth the expense in gold and time.

It’s funny because this whole thread becomes irrelevant at 100 once you have a play style because simply put by the time you are bored/find gear that alters that playstyle you will have amassed enough gold to change specs 10 times + in a row.

Never in any arpg or most games for that matter that have a currency of any sort have I played, where if I kept playing the game long enough did, I end up with zero currency, you always end up with ridiculous amounts of currency and nothing to spend it on. The gold sinks are never enough once geared even mildly.

That kind of reasoning is invalid here.

Yep. This is why they should change the respec cost to something more meaningful.

Hopefully, when (or if, for the people out there with unreasonable faith in Blizzard) that the gold currency loses its meaning, Blizzard will add a replacement for the respec cost, to ensure it keeps serving its purpose.

Sounds like you are saying that casuals won’t play enough to care then.

It means that Blizzard has to hard balance content as well as classes to have an intended difficulty. If they don’t have to hard balance content and it can be more loose then you are able to have more viable builds in the game. Sure some will be easy mode, but it is a choice to play an OP build and they can nerf if they want to.

Or you could try getting better? Or farm other content to afford the respec or on optimizing your gear?

Path of Exile difficulty is just brutal. That is why people follow guides. There is a tooooooooooon of build diversity though. You just need to know what you want to do and follow a spec for that specific task in that game. Diablo is much more loose in that regard, but hopefully the respec costs allow them to more loosely balance the game since they have a more casual approach to the genre. GGG goes towards punishing difficulty in all regards.

Games weren’t live updated the way they are now. You got what you got and you either liked the game or not. You didn’t have an avenue to go complain. You just didn’t play the game anymore if it wasn’t something you liked.

The whole game is a waste of time. People just cry like babies when they have to waste their time in a way that doesn’t coddle them. These forums want this game to be a teleport simulator with perfect drop loot explosions. Free respecs would dilute the experience.

No, someone that wants to used a farming spec that sucks at PVP should be at a disadvantage to someone that doesn’t want to spend to change specs and farms in a PVP spec. It gives the game more depth.

I think the opposite. In D3 there are so many different difficulties that you can choose because of the sliders from 1-6 and 1-150. You can play any build you want and just select the difficulty that begins to push your limits of that build. It is pretty ingenious, but too bad players think that their build has to faceroll GR 150 or it sucks. Maybe it sucks for GR150, but it could be really fun to play if they just picked the right difficulty.

Yeah, I wasn’t implying playing non-optimized wasn’t fun.

I was implying that having to divert some of your playtime to pay some cost could be seen as a waste of time. Especially if the mechanic could exist without that cost.

D3? After probably 2 hours because there is a severe lack of content. Key/Bounty farming is trivial and thus Greater Rifts is all there really is (imo).

Warframe? I could be the same frame and overall build for days at a time. Sometimes weeks. But some weeks I’d be wanting to tinker and be respec-ing fairly often; probably once every 1-2 hours as I’d try different things for that 1-2 hours before trying something else. If something was obviously nowhere close to “right”, maybe after a single run (15 to 30 minutes?).

Guild Wars 2? Same as Warframe except changing specs between running something solo vs multiplayer when applicable.

WoW? Strictly when swapping between solo and dungeons/raids. I love tanking/healing in MMOs, but they are not as fun solo … it’s like doing everything on slow mode.

I’m hoping that was what you were asking. If not, just let me know what more/else you were looking for.

Given that you don’t actually get any reward for it, I’d say that’s extremely minor in this case.

Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have that but they have the free respecs.


Most don’t. It’s largely people going to leaderboards, world/server firsts, etc… Most others don’t. For example, multiple people now have talked about how they didn’t really even bother using the respecs in D3 because they were fine doing the content with one build and then being done with the season and its lack of content. Sadly, that doesn’t give us actual metrics, but I see people all the time not bother with having more than one spec in all sorts of games that we’ve previously discussed.

Free respecs simply keep the “equation” for the decision purely based on what is fun to the player.

Aside from those who like to theorycraft/tinker … those who run into any of the three scenarios I’ve outlined before pertaining to swapping from single-player to multi-player. That’s suck to have to spend the rest of your player sessions for that week (let’s assume 2 hrs per day … so 5 days to get 10 hours) to pay for swapping between those modes of play.

I disagree that they should be character-bound as then you are dissuading people from playing multiple characters thus dissuading players from play variety and thus potentially speeding up those players reaching boredom with the game.

But, it seems Blizzard recognizes that so they are account-bound instead.

As far as it being the goal … you’re saying the goal is to take up more of the player’s time because they had to gall to want to do something to increase their fun? Because they wanted some play variety or to have more fun with a friend they should have something taken away from them? Still obviously disagree there.

Yep, it always boils down to a time cost. Whether it’s gold, reduce skill levels, some other currency, etc. … it boils down to time.

And that time is time a player has decided they want to have fun. So when you suddenly introduce something that diverts from that fun, they aren’t going to be happy about it.

That said, some have more/less tolerance for those diversions.

As far as difficulty, I will restate that there is no difference between me making a character that is using some OP spec and me respec-ing to use some OP spec. In both cases, there is an OP spec that devs need to deal with as it is exceeding the range they designed the content for. Now, me using a spec within that bound or respec-ing to any spec within that bound, well since it’s within that bound it’s within the design so there should be no problem.

Good grief … I help my wife with the baby and missed a whole bunch beyond the above.

If something important was directed at me that I missed, let me know.


I’ve said outright to you and others that I’d take lower droprates in exchange for free respecs.

Given that a respec without the gear to support it is pretty darn useless … I’d say I’m not asking for a handout. As I’ve explained before, I don’t want to be taxed every time I want to change to use something I’ve earned.

If you have an issue with that, please go argue that we should have to pay some cost to change characters.

I agree and have LMAO’D in this thread about people thinking that farming the gold would be the true cost of the respec. There is a high likelihood that the spec you are switching to favors different stats on gear if you are doing a high cost respec. Pointless for it to be free in that instance because you would have made the gold in the time you were farming for the gear.