1.1 GB patch just now

Iggi is both the hero we want and the hero we need.

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Обновление скачалось и теперь никак не обновится игра, все время то ожидает другой процес, то снова пытается обновится. Так продолжается уже третий час, Все перезагружал, перепроверял, диспетчер обновлял.

Все!!! battle.net удалил, а новый не ставится. Говорит ошибка установки. BLZBNTAGT000008FC И полный ноль реакции на проблемы. Если разработчики переживают значит пишут устраним за час и люди ждут, сидиш ждеш и как обычно Blizzard в своем перертуаре.

so i have a GTX 30 card is that going to be any good for game after the fix?

Hopefully shouldn’t affect you at all. I don’t have a fancy high end card myself and my game runs smoothly.

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actually didnt say it right i meant my game wont play since the patch so will the fix help me.

Ooh gotcha, hopefully, but couldn’t guarantee anything of course, sorry. It does mention “Various updates to address performance and stability issues.” So this may help you, fingers crossed.

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Hopefully they come out with a hotfix to fix the hotfix they sent out to fix something. meanwhile, ton of people on PC can’t play for no apparent reason Immediately after this hotfix. I kinda feel bad for the tech guys at blizzard/diablo 4 who work on this stuff, I have a feeling it’s just to guys they don’t let sleep until the issue is fixed, they haven’t slept in years lol. I guess the bug wack-a-mole is just how it goes, but this is a bit much.

No ghost version running but bnet shows me as “playing now”
I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled bnet launcher now as well and the problem is still persisting.

I was able to play just fine before the hotfix.

I don’t believe it is connected to the D4 hotfix now. I believe it is connected to the bnet launcher update that was just released. It won’t launch any of my blizzard games.