I’m playing a crone staff earthen bulwark (nature’s fury passive + symbiotic aspect) and I have encountered an FPS tanking bug when attacking specific monsters.
When killing spider monsters, such as in the blind burrows dungeon or gulrhaan canals, my FPS drops drammatically as the earthen bulwark skill constantly resetting creates these tiny extra boulders regardless of gfx settings.
I’ve recorded a short video here:
At the 9s mark I start killing spider-spawning monsters. Note FPS was steady 140.
As more spider monsters appear and die you’ll start to see the rapid creation of extra bulwark particles around my player character. at 12s we are already down to 99 fps.
This rock debrie lingers on the ground for a few seconds which can cause fps to stay low even after monster are no longer present.
Thanks for taking a look and I hope this can quickly be resolved.
EDIT: A commenter on reddit believes this is related to poison damage ticking down constantly and breaking the shield. I think this makes sense given the mob types it’s happening with. While easy to avoid, it’s a degraded play experience and certainly not intended.