šŸ“– Compendium Regarding the Diablo 4 "Druid/Tempest Roar" Drop Issue

I played pulv until I found TR.

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I wonder if your loot table may be bugged because you rolled druid when the table included barb uniquesā€¦maybe certain uniques are now being excluded. Both me and my friend found TR early on and we recently rolled druid.

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Iā€™m seriously considering this possibility. My Druid was rolled at launch, is 99, has seen 10+ of most uniques but no Tempest Roar. I just had a ****ing Frostburn drop for it, but still no sign of TR. Iā€™ve been leveling a second druid to test out my leveling build for S1, I guess weā€™ll see if that one can get TR to drop.

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Iā€™m well aware that people struggle to find this helm after lvl 100.
Iā€™ve ā€œonlyā€ played this druid for 107 hours.
Rolled the character back when when Barbarian items were dropping too.
Occasionally, the odd Barbarian item drops even these last few days especially in 30+ tier NMDs.
Which, leads me to believe that the drop table is still to some extent, bugged.
After switching from Pulverize to Trampleslide I can finally play without having my mates carrying me.
Iā€™ve been farming Tier 20+ NMDs exclusively for at least 20 hours now.
Maybe 4 uniques dropped in all that time.
I cannot express how immeasurably demotivating it feels to get duplicates of the same old uniques.
Tempest Roar may not even exist for me at this point.

Yes, yes RNG is RNG.
But, as a Software Engineer Iā€™m painfully aware of the fact that computer generated numbers are never truly random.


Druid since early access, sitting on four TRs. Probably would have more by now but I wanted to play another class before Season started and I roll Druid again. Barbarian drops never affected anyoneā€™s chances at TR because thatā€™s not how drops work. Itā€™s item type followed by rarity, meaning if the game rolled a 2h mace or axe drop, it was going to be that regardless of rarity.

All classes have a small chance to get other class loot from white to legendary. It isnā€™t much, which makes the likelihood of seeing a unique for one astronomically high if not impossible. Considering they said during the first campfire chat that the Barbarian bug was that druids were getting items that were only supposed to drop for barbarians, this leads me to believe that most if not all of the class uniques are locked to dropping only for their respective classes.

That helm is cursed or my account is cursed?
Itā€™s been a week since I reached level 100, my glyphs almost maxed out and I got all Druid uniques (got duplicate at least 5) except that damned helm.
Everytime the Unique helm has dropped out and I was think it will be Tempest Roar but it always Bear helm, that make me increase Serotonin and Dopamine then it took out in a moment. :sob:


Another day, another Bear unique helmet, I have nearly 20 of them and 0 TR. Iā€™m running out of mood to farm for TR, may be waiting for patch note and see if something cool happening soon :slight_smile:


Been lv 100 for 3 weeks. No unique helms at all since lv 98. Driving me insane.

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Just got my 7th vasilys - still no roar :sob:.

The feeling of seeing a unique helm drop is so intense and equally matched with dissappintment when seeing that stupid half face super saijan rip off.


Druid about 90 now and I get more gloves and boots still neither Tempest roar or crone drops.

Iā€™ve gone from playing daily to maybe twice a week. Lost most motivation to play because itā€™s boring to be trapped with no option and terrible luck in a build I been all to now.

Feels terrible stale and unfun to have to be at this level of bad luck rng. I donā€™t even care at this point to hit 100.

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Guys, finally I GOT IT, I look at the unique helm on the ground and it looks a bit different, holy cow, was giving up and just changed to my own build for fun before session, drop from goblin in tier 24 dungeon. Achieved my goal, I got all unique of this druid class. But the rate is 20 bear helm and 1 wolf helm is just too ridiculous. :frowning:


I created a second druid (my main is at 95lvl) hoping to find the TR on this character.
Now Iā€™m at 78 and I found 3 Vasyli helm, 2 bear chest, 3 wolf chest, 2 temerity and 2 boots (I donā€™t recall the name but the one with frost trail)
It canā€™t be RNG I donā€™t believe it

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Same boat. Not being able to experience and try a build is super demotivating and sucking the little fun there was in the game for me. I am convinced the Devs do not play this game at all.

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I see one of my posts was added in here. For update. I did finally get my Tempest Roar. I had been level 100 for a few days and it was 2 days after they removed barb drops from the table. At this point my only reason to play s1 is to see how long it takes to get a TR this time around.

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UPDATE Hotfix 3 - With both the acknowledgement of this issue as well as mention of a potential solution in the pipeline for Season 2, while this issue may remain ongoing I will be pausing updates on this Topic for the foreseeable future.
Thank you all for your reports, without each and every one of you this Compendium would not have been possible!
Reference Clip:
clips.twitch .tv/MoralKitschyAlfalfaSSSsss-R1LlWTwOkiXgkqT8

Just finished watching the campfire chat. They mentioned target farming again and that they will be addressing it next chat, but I didnā€™t hear anything about TR specifically.

And that ā€œreferenceā€ clip isā€¦ something, I suppose.

Where did you find your acknowledgement?

Ahhh, Furious - back to gaslight & ignore evidence once again I see!
Glad to see you are feeling better!

Clearly you failed to watch the clip I linked (which is from the latest campfire chat), or if you did I truly was right about your attention span being smaller than a quark.

Regarding Uniques & specifically Tempest Roar;
Start at 13 seconds in on the clip & pay attention, you will only have to watch at most 10 seconds of the clip.
clips.twitch .tv/MoralKitschyAlfalfaSSSsss-R1LlWTwOkiXgkqT8

If thatā€™s still too much for you to accomplish & subsequently comprehend, please actually take that forum break you mentioned in one of your previous posts instead of continuing to publicly cope & seethe.

I wish you the best of luck in your own personal journey of Growth & Development!

Iā€™m going to be real here, and I swear Iā€™m not making this up:

When I went to this link earlier, it was not the clip of the campfire chat. I know that might sound like Iā€™m trying to misdirect or something, but it was a short clip about some art drawing a guy did or was doing and wasnā€™t D4 related at all. I thought for a moment you were flat out trolling with it, which is why I responded the way I did about the clip.

Anyway, it goes to the right clip now, so Iā€™m going to assume it was a typo on my part or something. Anywho, the clip that it goes to now literally says ā€œthey want their Tempest Roar, whatever it is they are looking for, theyā€™re looking for that thing.ā€ Then goes on to talk about adding more content to be able to target farm certain uniques, etc. That mention of Tempest Roar was so less-than that I missed it the first two times I watched it.

If anything, Iā€™d continue your crusade as it isnā€™t an actual acknowledgment of any of the reasons why you have started your thread. Not bugged drops, not bugged accounts, not bugged characters, or whatever other thing youā€™ve come up with about it.

Also- couldnā€™t keep it civil, could you? I asked a question and youā€™re still doing your thing.

Itā€™s an acknowledgement that there are players having issues getting specific items they are looking for, with a solution in the pipeline for season two.
That is honestly the best response I could have asked for - regardless of the underlying cause.

You didnā€™t just ask a question; You are attempting to dismiss & discredit the Developers own admission of players issues regarding this Topic, for no reason other than to be an obstinate contrarian.

Get a life and go Troll someone else.

Is that what I did? Huh.