šŸ“– Compendium Regarding the Diablo 4 "Druid/Tempest Roar" Drop Issue

Same druid is lvl 82 now and just droped for me yesterday, weird thing is after the first I found another the same day. 2 tempest roars after all that time both from NM dungeons in my case so seems helltides suck again after the nerf

Where do people see the amount of time they have spent on a character or as these figures purely guesstimates?

blizzard knows itā€™s the only worthwhile druid unique and made the droprate super low. simple as that.

There is a website called ā€œD4Armoryā€ which will tell you exact stats on your characters.

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Thanks for the share, taking a look!

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Well, let me add on. Im level 100 for a week, did 20-30 NMD a day. Still didnā€™t get TR :rofl:


Youā€™ve got my post linked in this, so thanks for that. Iā€™ve got over 8 days played on my character at this point. Been lvl 100 for most of it. This helm is way too rare.

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Lvl 96 druid also a lvl 50 im trying to run a alt but no TR ive straight refused to buy any merch because my charcter isnt near being able to be what i want i got every toon to 60 plus love diablo hate the bugs has to be one too hot fix this ill end up buying merch for horse and every toon excited to do seasonal and dabble in hardcore but il never run a druid in either till this is resolved i know they drop cause my homeboy got his at 50 as i ran him thru NM dungeons but since itwas bugged i think it broke help blizzard

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I think I shouldnt read your post because it gave me serious depression.

Im farming crone daily.
Im almost 84.
No crone.

So for another 10 levels I may not drop it. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Just letting you guys know that I am level 100 for about 2 weeks now, farming nightmare dungeons and helltides for like 5-6 hours a day and still have no TR. My druidā€™s rare glyphes are all nearly 21, finishing the final few glyphes. I have gotten the vasilyā€™s prayer about 15+ times straight. Either itā€™s bugged or the chance of getting it is really low. Iā€™ll be really pissed if they are bugged.


Iā€™m on the same boat, please update us if you get TR on T3. Thanks.

UPDATE : Finally got it after posting it here if they were bugged. I wonder if someone is secretly fixing bug accounts. Found at the end of nightmare dungeon reward.

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did Crone drop for you?

Yes Iā€™ve got everything now, Crone is quite rare as well but I did get a few.
The helm was the rarest as some players keep getting the bear helm. I reckon I could have gotten 20+ bear helm before the storm helm.

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lvl 100, most of my glyphs are lvl 20+ and yup, no Tempest Roar , atleast 5 of other uniques including butchers cleaver, the frost gloves, temerity, snail trail boots, but no TRā€¦ it HAS to be buggedā€¦ its getting super annoyingā€¦ to say the least. I love Druid, and wanted to play it season 1, but if the best way to make a class work above B tier is with a super RARE unique, its not worth doing. I guess iā€™ll be trying necro or rogue for season 1ā€¦


Level 87 and have mostly only gotten Werebear related drops. Think Iā€™ve gotten in the neighborhood of 7, 4 of which being the helm all of them being trash rolls with exception to my first, despite them being higher level and ā€˜betterā€™ item power, the other 3 being the chest in which one was an upgrade from sacred to ancestral and the last being just like my helms.

Just recently got Gibbous and Crone to drop, still not a single TR helm.

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Guys who do not have TR, what is your build ?


I have updated this Topic with the latest relevant links & swapped to a numbered format to make the individual posts easier to reference!

If anyone has posted a user report on this issue that has not made it into this list yet & you would like it to be included, please post a link below!

Thank you for your time & consideration in this matter!

I played pulv until I found TR.

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I wonder if your loot table may be bugged because you rolled druid when the table included barb uniquesā€¦maybe certain uniques are now being excluded. Both me and my friend found TR early on and we recently rolled druid.

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