Zombie Horde Build

Hay it’s me again. Just wanted to get feedback on my WD built
I think I got every thing donw thought I can deceid on wieather go with Carnevil and Dagger of Darts or Mask of Jeram and Anessazi Edge. Feel free to tell me you thoughts

Well looks like your using pets for your damage. If you want to go with dagger of darts doing your damage, you don’t need garg and you would have to spec for darts.

If you want to use your pets for damage alone, you would want jarems for sure as it’s a very good bonus to their damage. For weapon you could also use souls harvester and get lakumbas or what ever bracers for added toughness. Just put soul harvest languish on a skill spot.

Your fire bats will not do any damage unless you add other items to your build to boost it.

change my build a so I just help make enemies take more damages and let my pets do the rest.