Having played many hours of the Old Zero Dog/Sacrife build with high attack speed, this build was fun, powerfull and different. I wish to see a new version of that again.
The build back then, was a close-combat-build. The new one is meant for a range-attack-build.
We already have some support legendary in Homunculus (spawn a zombie dog every 2 seconds) and Anessazi Edge (zombie dogs stunned enemies around them for 1,5 seconds) and Swap Land Waders (Sacrife deals xxx % damage to enemies affected with either Locust Swarm or Gasp of the Dead).
While Homumculus is selfexplaning and a need part to get the build running, Anesazi Edge is only meant for option.
This should be the weapon NEEDED to makes this build working as intented.
Maybe something like: You gain 10% damage and damages reduction for every Zombie dogs alive.
This way, we don’t need to use Lakumba’s bracer and Soul Harvester…and you need to think twice before Sacrife your zombie dogs.
Swamp land Waders is good the way they are, only concern is you NEED to use either Locust Swarm or Gasp of the Dead in this build.
Tall Man Finger is an option to this build and could be the reason you might want to go for a Single-damage build, instead of “Thrash-build”.
We still need a support legendary in this build and Visage of Giuya was the old NEEDED item to get Zero dog build working.
As of right now is absolute unusefull in anyway. So why not bring it back in a new way.
But I like to hear your idea to make Visage of Giuya powerfull for a Sacrife build with LoN rings.