Your Patch Expectations

This reminds me of the ethereal season.

I’d prefer they make all good for push, as it is dull when there is only one clear choice.

For DH

Strafe ability: Make it work seamlessly with Rapid Fire and FoK legendaries and stick a 200% damage multiplier on player cast spenders.

Cluster Arrow: 3 beams instead of 1.

Vengeance: More frequent, allow on every Vengeance activation, but no more frequent than 8 seconds per cast.

For Crusader

Hammers: 6 Hammers boomerangs around the Crusader 60 degrees apart, 400% damage to Blessed Hammer.

Fists of the Heavens: 1 FotH per second, 300% damage to Fists.

Falling Sword Angels: these seem a bit problematic at the moment. Just make them powerful, but not exploitable.