You must be connected to

I imagine that since it is Tuesday and battlenet/WOW do their server maintenance on Tuesday that this is just a a Server maintenance thing and will be back up later, but I don’t know for sure

Level 31? I finished the whole act 2 with my hammerdin at 22 x.x

The Early Access Beta was for the weekend only. All of this is in the Beta News post. Play Diablo® II: Resurrected™ During the Early Access & Open Beta — Diablo II: Resurrected — Blizzard News

Friday Aug 13 at 10am Pacific time to Tuesday Aug 17th at 10am Pacific time.

It has ended.

Next chance to play is the Open Beta next weekend.

Start: Friday Aug 20th at 10am Pacific Time.
End: Monday Aug 23rd at 10am Pacific Time.


It is not working for me as well… tried restarting my comp a multiple times but nope… :frowning:

Friday. Why doesn’t anybody read anything?


Guys…I can’t connect. It’s almost as if the early beta ended on the day they said it would. Can anyone explain what’s happening?


This explains it all the beta ended lol. I got so carried away enjoying the beta I for gott it ended today lol. Well will we be able to pick up where we left off in the open beta? Just as I was getting the Black Marsh way point and ready to teleport to town I got the message lol. All is good in just 3 days we get to do it again hopefully with our character still intact. my 3rd character by the way :)!

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Yes. You get to keep the Early Access Beta chars for the Open Beta weekend. It is in the Beta information article.

Q: Will my progression from the Beta carry over to the next test?

A: If you participate in the Early Access weekend, your progression from that test will carry over to the Open Beta, which kicks off on August 20.

PLEASE NOTE: Your progression from the Early Access or Open Beta will not carry over to the LIVE release.


i finished act 2 with my level 24 barbarian but then i keep farm the tal rasha tombs + duriel with my friend and with random players 6-7 player , fast tomb runs :slight_smile: so i finished the early access beta with level 30 barbarian with a very very little xp need for level 31

WW Barb for the win :slight_smile: i also have a level 11 BO :slight_smile:

Lol. I just searched for an answer to this. EA Beta ended, eh? That went by pretty quickly! Good sign =)

Looks like a lotta Sorcs lol… Any updates?

shoot, my bad. just saw beta ended

I have same problem just that message on login screen an that’s all

Please read the thread. Or just go read the Beta Announcement. It has the start and end times. Open Access Beta is over.


same issue here ‘‘you must be connected to battlenetnet’’

I was going to suggest the same thing! Also, it would be nice if the game told you that the beta was over instead of just repeating its attempt to connect.

Awesome glad I can continue where my characters left off starting Friday at 1pm eastern time.

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Thank you for a respond on this issue. But it would have been nice with a DEV post saying server are going down and pre beta is over, since alot of us old D2 fan started working on solutions breaking the game apart looking for clues we might have missed.

Can’t wait untill this is released.

They did… It was in the Beta Announcement.

Start times and end times for Open Beta are there, on the Blizz website. With that article linked in the Launcher.

People kind of need to read the information given. They said it ended at 10am Pacific Time on Tues Aug 17 and it did.


We got to play a beta version of the game before everyone else. Now they’ve got a couple of days to work on the bugs before the next beta period (20-23). BETA testing = Unfinished and testing for bugs and fixes. Keep that in mind before you think about whining.