So i am attemping to get 3 conquest complete so i can complete the season guardian tier and 3 of the sets i’ve completed GR 55 with (Wrath of the Wastes Ninety savages and Mundunugu regalia) dont appear to be on the list on the switch
is this intentional or accidental?
Yes, intended.
The new sets aren’t added to the seasonal objectives (yet). Only the sets listed in the conquest objective are valid.
Also, there may be delay for updating the achievement/conquest screen. Read #2 in Things that are not bugs
Yes, intended. And you need 6 sets to master this conquest. All new sets from this and last season are not included.
The problem, which I haven’t figured out how to fix yet, is only part of the list of available armor sets is viewable on the PS4 (perhaps all consoles). On the PC, the full list is there, and Wrath of the Wastes is on it.
I completed the GR55 conquest with 6 different armor sets - whatever it’s called - without knowing it because I couldn’t see the necro sets. I remember thinking it odd there were no necro sets included in the challenge, but I was wrong, there are there, I just couldn’t see them on the PS4.
So, if anybody knows how to fix this, how to scroll down on these lists (it doesn’t work like item scrolling), it would be appreciated.
Screenshot in this thread.
there is a way to scroll down, its either the L or R stick to scroll down to see the rest of the sets needed…if its not those, try the shoulder buttons.
seriously to solve this problem or play it safe just avoid the new sets
AoV crusader
Hydra wizard
new barb
TR set for monk
the rest should be fine you need 6 sets eventually & guys it is GR55 no offense just that set power alone should be fine so if you are pro in your main class just do 4 sets the next 2 sets pick from the 4 choice sets you felt comfortable.
Ps4 should be R or R2 or L2 for the scroll down option
As others said, you have to scroll down (ZR) to see the rest of the sets, Wastes is definitely on there, the new sets are not.
You missed one. The new WD set doesn’t count either.