Yang's attack speed Marauder

Sorry about the question because I think the answer is already given in guides, videos, forums, leaderboards etc.
But if you already have a Yang’s for Marauder with 10% damage, dex and vitality then the best option is to roll vit to AS and not area damage or CDR. Because AS is worth more on weapon than other places.

All 3 stats are decent, but I value CDR over all else. For most setups, I’d say AD. Attack speed is probably the last stat i’d go for on this list.


And if you ain’t gonna listen to the no1 Marauder ^^^ who will you listen to??

DiEoxidE#1987 [TPA]
Demon Hunter
146 13:09:116

Demon Hunter
146 13:39:116

HC with 200 less para is the true rank 1

Keep telling yourself that, :deer:

Die is already 300-400 paragon ahead of 1862 if someone beats his 146 the counter will likely happen same day.

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How come my attack speed is still at 2.03 when i put all my paragon stats into attck speed?