Hi everybody, I just wanted to make sure that people here on the forum were aware of an event that is going on in connection with the start of Season 28.
Wudijo is running a competition called “Blood of the Willing”. It takes place for the first 9 days of the season, so starting later today, and running until the end of next weekend (Sunday March 5th).
This competition is Hardcore-only.
The contest has a bunch of different challenges to compete in. Mainly, this involves clearing as high a GR as possible with 3 different sets for a class (and if possible to do this for multiple classes). But, there are also a bunch of general challenges, like being the first to assemble a full set of Primal Blackthorne’s, or to get the highest, fastest clear using a Shi Mizu setup. And, there are also a handful of class-specific challenges, like clearing as high as possible using a Barb with no weapons equipped, or a Raiment Monk with 4 generators on the bar.
You get varying numbers of points for completing different challenges.
There are prizes (in the form of Battle.net currency codes) for the winners of the tournament, mostly sponsored by Blizzard, but also in part by Wudi himself.
A full overview of the event, including all of the rules and the different challenges, can be found in this spreadsheet:
And Wudi has a video talking about it, here:
Of course, if anybody is going to participate and needs advice on any Barb-related components of this event, come ask questions over on the Barb forum.