WTF? do monks suck now?

so, is the monk just AWFUL, or am i doing something wrong? in the current season, we get that ability that does +750% damage for each ancient item. so, i’ve got a whole bunch that i keep moving back and forth between my WD and my monk.

the WD is able to hold her own on T10 (it’s not pretty, but it’s functional), where the monk is getting DESTROYED on T8. what is happening here?

They are little squishy with lon but this season u can use unity ring with follower to boost your survivability. But completely unaugmented i could do gr105 with lon monk.

hmm… what skills are you using? this is the first time i’ve played a monk in… a LONG time, so i’ve largely forgotten how they work. (i’m sure they’ve also been tweaked a bit over the years.)

lon wol build in season should easy get to grift 110-120, depending on your playtime and knowledge but you absolutely did not say why monk sucks in you eyes. i mean it could be that playstyle is not yours, i assumed its the lvl it can go. monk is definitely worse than some classes but even ns a 120 with 2.5k para is absolutely doable

From what I have seen Monk is doing great like the OP said if your knowledge of the monk is not that good then you are gonna have a bad time, I looked at your profile and I can see your running the Raiment set as that is a generator build that takes alot of practice to be really good with, and it also very glass cannon. Wave of Light (WOL) Legacy of NIghtmares (LON) is a very strong build but kinda squishy but that is where the unity ring comes into play.

Just get your gear with resistance in your secondary stat and armor, Life % and or All resist as primary if your dying alot (also rubys will help for armor if u put them in your chest and pants). As well for a final word look up guides for Monks to see what you need for stats to have optimized rolls so you do not die alot. Abilities nd passives also play a big roll in not dying and learning when to use certain abilities at certain times


There are several guides for Monk that you can look up on the web related to LoN, WoL, Inna, Sunwuko, Raiment builds). Icy-veins and YouTube have some good examples and rate some of the them by how well they can be used for solo/group pushing in Greater Rifts. Most have specific gear support requirements, Gems, Cubed items, Cool Down Reduction (CDR), and optimized gear stat rerolls to operate correctly.

Certain builds (e.g, Inna or LON WOL) depend on the Epiphany skill to deal damage where a combined total of CDR of 55+ makes it run a lot smoother. Defensive items, be it Shoulders or Set bonus damage reduction also play a part to help with survival.

It all comes down to choosing a build, implementing the build, and learning the play-style. If you are not sure how the skills work in combination, try to find a video explaining and showing how the build works (they are very helpful when you can actually see how to play it).

For more survive-ability, a lot of the guides address buffing toughness, armor and helm gems, and legendary gems. The higher the gem levels the better.

The most important thing is to have fun. If a build is too squishy or too hard to play, lower the difficulty to farm for other gear, and try a different build.


i completed my inna set… and i take it back. i’m basically just walking through TX and everything is just laying down for me. it’s almost too easy…

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Top LoN WoL monk is doing 127, hes also got 3700 paragon levels.

im at 1265 para and im about 20 seconds short of clearing 114.