I don’t like to complain about stupid stuff.
Vast majority of refund reasons presented here are just voices of people who have some absurd expectations towards the game (personal loot? no ladder at start? non-ladder having access to ladder runewords?).
I would never refund the game based on any of these changes - ye, personal loot would be pretty bad, it’s a little bit of a shame that we won’t get ladder from the start, but all these things are superficial and won’t really make or break the game… unlike the lack of WSG.
It is pretty much the only thing that would make me refund if it’s not brought back by release - I do not want to refund, I enjoyed this game since its release, I admire and respect what Vicarious Visions did for the game and I couldn’t be happier. With that in mind, unless it’s officially sorted I will have to refund, because without WSG, the endgame important for me - pvp - will be changed way too much.
A small analysis (there may be many more things to add, mind you):
List of skills causing “swirlies”, which, if active, cause ANY damage, no matter how small, to make the victim go into recovery animation. Let me know if I forgot any:
- Smite
- Mind Blast
- Twister
- Shockwave
- Warcry
- Stun
- Honorable mention - Barb’s leap - it straight up causes enemies in a very, very large radius to go into recovery animation, without causing the “swirlies” effect.
With WSG, you can fight back. I understand that it takes more in-depth knowledge than what meets the eye, but so any other e-sports game, or even real life sports, involve “experts” knowing much more about the discipline/game than a casual person. That’s life. For those who enjoy Diablo 2’s pvp immensely, it is very important for WSG to work as it did in the original Diablo 2 - for the sake of balance and being able to use all 7 classes without having to ban any.
In a world without WSG, this delicate balance breaks and new rules would have to be made - likely banning most / all of the skills listed. Why is it bad? It would render some classes useless/very boring to play (e.g. trapsin without mind blast is just a camper running around, hoping that the traps hit anything, take away Barb’s ability to leap to stun the opponent and try to tele-jump the enemy within the short window of enemy’s recovery animation).
Please don’t make a new “team vs team” meta 2 leaping Barbs on any matchup that’s 3v3 or 4v4 by leaving WSG fixed - it is a crucial part of PVP to the point that it will no longer be Diablo 2 PVP without it. What is more, it would cause refunds from the PVP crowd.
Bring WSG back, please.